6 thoughts on โ€œEX02โ€

  1. 1. 80% of sales come from 20% of clients.
    2. 80% of your complaints come from your customers.
    3. 80% of work is completed by 20% of your team.
    4. 80% of low effort is 20% high reward.
    5. 80% of results will come from just 20% of the action.

  2. โ€“ 80% of animal extinction is caused by 20 pollution
    โ€“ 80% of Diabetes is 20 hereditary
    โ€“ 80% of car accidents involves 20% multitasking and driving
    โ€“ 80% o college dropouts come from 20 of financial issues
    โ€“ 80% of stage 4 cancer patients come from 20% of individuals who neglect their health

    Kristopher Garay, Hing Sing Chan

  3. 1. 80% of sales is cause from 20% of consumers
    2. 80% of pollution is caused by 20% of factories
    3.80% of bike related deaths are caused because only 20% of bike commuters use helmets
    4. 80% of distractions come from 20% of phones
    5. 80% of computer problems are caused by 20% of bugs/glitches

    -Bryant W.
    -Lina Z.

  4. 80% of problems originate with 20% of projects
    80% of wealth is owned by 20% of people
    80% of students start college and 20% dropouts
    80% of customers only use 20% of software features
    80% of software problems are caused by 20% of bugs

    Sory Ouedraogo
    Deldrys Gomez

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