HW for Week 6 (writing prompts on media, readings on internet addiction…)

REMEMBER: Next week we meet at the library, so don’t go to our usual classroom; meet in front of the library on the fourth floor.
1. Pick a song whose lyrics speak to you in some way—this can be the same as the one you may have already written about or a different one.  Listen to the song.  As you do, make a list of all the different broader “social” or psychic issues that the lyrics and/or sounds evoke (e.g., incarceration, education in America, drug addiction, love, cheating, etc.). Post your list here.
2. What Was Seen & What Was Said.  Find a video you like (could be one you already wrote about–or not) and watch it at least twice.  The first time you watch, make a list of all the visuals you notice.  The second time you watch, transcribe all of the words exactly as they are spoken for 1-2 important or interesting minutes (see Serpell’s “What Was Said” for a sense of what this might look like).  When done, re-watch/re-listen and double-check your work.  Post both parts here.
3. Read through texts #7-9a in the Readings folder, all about different ways of thinking about what internet addiction *might* be.
See you at the library.

20 thoughts on “HW for Week 6 (writing prompts on media, readings on internet addiction…)”

  1. 1. Jhene Aiko & Big Sean- Talk Show (Song)
    What’s the difference between real love and fake love
    The same difference between real titties and fake ones
    You can feel the difference
    And even though it changes overtime
    It stays consistent, I ain’t gonna lie though, it takes persistence.

    I’m never focused on my exes more than our execution
    No time to be stressed and confusing

    You changed the theory up
    You the type to have the hardest nigga tearing up
    And all your friends around you try to get their appearance up
    When you ain’t even wearing much
    But real enough to remind me to hit my parents up
    You need guidance
    You got these people inside our business
    Like U and I is
    You probably didn’t even catch that did you
    You’re too undivided
    You’re too undecisive
    You’re too one sided

    2. Jhene Aiko & Big Sean- Talk Show (Music Video)
    My first time watching the video I noticed how they started off very sweet towards each other to put up a show for the public then a few seconds in after certain words were said the flip was switched really fast and they went straight to arguing with each other in front of the public. what triggered the argument was when Big Stated “You changed the theory up, You the type to have the hardest nigga tearing up, And all your friends around you try to get their appearance up, When you ain’t even wearing much. But real enough to remind me to hit my parents up.” The statement was sweet and it gave the crowd and “awww” moment but Jhene did not like act that Big Sean was trying to put up. Though he was saying that and it was sweet that was not the truth behind their relationship. As he spoke Jhene rolled her eyes letting the audience know his words were pure bullshit and that she was not buying it. But, she couldn’t just roll her eyes without saying something. After the crowd applauded Sean for expressing his “love” for her she quickly snapped back. “Yeah he’s sweet, I mean you know when he wants to be not all the time. Let’s not front in front of all these people nigga. Don’t act like just a couple weeks ago you wasn’t fucking with them bitches. Out here, disrespecting me.” She wanted to keep it real with the crowd and let them know everything isn’t as sweet as they think it is, even if she had to expose her personal relationship business to do so. Sean was not as perfect as he tried to make it seem and she wanted to let the people know that.

    1. Tessaya,
      Thanks for this. A couple quick thoughts:
      –In #2 can you bring us closer to what we see when the video starts. In other words, who is the “they” that you refer to? What do they appear to be doing as they are being “sweet” to each other?

      –For #1, what philosophical and/or social issues stand out to you in this song? I notice several but am wondering what you’re interested in.

      All best,

  2. Song : “I Gotta Find Peace of Mind (Unplugged)” – Lauryn Hill
    – Self acceptance
    – Insecurities
    -Growth and maturity
    – Self Love
    – Partnership / Equality
    – Strength

    Video I chose was “Cranes in the Sky” – Solange Knowles.
    I chose this video because I really like the song, I don’t listen to the song often so I thought it would be better to try and transcribe all the words.
    Visuals –
    -Beautiful African American women
    -Marble walls
    -Purple dresses chained as one
    -Abstract buildings
    -slow hand movements
    -Empty building
    -cliffs (earthy setting)
    -dipped in gold glitter
    -gold fringe on rocks
    – I tried to drink it away
    – I tried to dance it away
    – I tried to change it with my hair
    – Ran my credit card bill up
    – I tried to keep myself busy
    – Ran around in circles I think I made myself dizzy
    – Cranes in the sky
    – I tried to run it away
    – I traveled 70 states
    – Thought moving around would make me feel better
    – I could recover
    – Drive it away
    – Or cry it away

    1. Brittny,
      Great post. I love all three of your lists–especially the visuals.
      The next step for part 1 is to look at 1-3 of these issues and to think of any questions you have about each issue–and how the song gets you to ask that question.

  3. This song is from a Indian Bollywood movie named ‘’Junooniyat’’. This movie is about a love story between a couple who had an argument and the girls family moved to somewhere else. She did not tell the boy that she is moving out. Then the boy tried to look for her for months and then he found someone that looked like her but it was not her. He started hallucinating and that is when the song comes to play. Now I have been feeling butterflies in my stomach for a couple of days and every time I listen to this song it increases the level of Oxytocin in my body by two hundred percent.

    VISUAL: The pakistani batsman’’Younis Khan” wearing a helmet, pads and hit the cricket ball with his bat right on the pubic area of the fielder who is also wearing a helmet.The bats fell on the ground from intense amounts of pain. Then the batsman then apologized. Then another clip of a English player ‘’Ben Stokes’’ tried to hit the cricket ball but missed it and the ball hit right on his pubic area, then he fell on the ground. Then another clip of the England captain who also misses to catch the ball and the ball hits his pubic zone. His teammates are laughing because of it. One female audience tries to sit on a chair in the stadium but falls off the chair.Then some more clips on cricket batsman missing the ball and it hits their pubic area. Then the umpire tries to jump up to save his penis but unfortunately it hits it right on his penis and then he also falls on the ground from intense pain. The legendary cricket Brian Lara also misses the ball and falls on to the ground. Then the doctor came and checked if the batsman’s private parts are all fine or not with naked hand.

    DIALOG: ‘’Three Two One Right in the balls! The Pakistani Batsman says sorry not sorry as Cartwright tries not to vomit everywhere. He checks if he still has a dick. You can really understand why this position is called silly point. You’d have to be fucken insane to be passionate about fieldings here. Here comes a fast bowl, oh he’s hit that into his own baby maker! Surely that was not the master plan. This has gotta be a certain catch, no he’s not gonna make it it’s heading for the dick! Got it! Ohh Hoo HOo that was a cunt of a trick shot. Gee whiz, his teammates are happy it had nothing to do with their bishops. This sheila is like ‘’OMG’’ that was so funny’’. And then she makes a cock of herself trying to sit down. The Dick Gods are dishing out instant karma. Ohhh fuck that, fuck it. No, no, no, no, no fuuuuck off. Ahhh. Freeze time and space, freeze it,freeze it, NOOO! Who the fuck even invented cricket? I can see why it hasn’t caught on it in the U.S.’’
    ‘’Oh it looks like the umpire just took a bullet. Lets see what happened exactly. He tries to jump over it but he fails miserably. His brain had a choice of going up, down, left or right. Unfortunately, it chose to go up.’’

    1. Good work, Islam–this film sounds interesting and the music video you’ve chosen sounds funny. Your descriptions of the visuals are getting me to imagine it fairly well–which is great.
      Next step: can you come up with some philosophical/social issues and/or questions that the song makes you think of?

    2. Good work, Islam–this film sounds interesting and the music video you’ve chosen sounds funny. Your descriptions of the visuals are getting me to imagine it fairly well–which is great.
      Next step: can you come up with some philosophical/social issues and/or questions that the song makes you think of?

  4. Al Greene- lets stay together
    I choose this song because growing up it meant a lot to my parents and it being back good memories and just by listening to this song I can feel his different emotions of
    -reflections of each other

    Loyd-True (video)
    While watching this video by Loyd there were plenty of visuals that I caught and some lyrics that I was able to transcribe

    *Visuals that I noticed
    -few building
    -his niece
    -American flag
    -wheat fields

    *whats Transcribed
    -here’s my story
    -I lost it all
    -had to find a new approach to an old dream
    -please accept me for who I am
    -just had to breathe
    -cause I can only be real
    -my pride don’t cause me to hide my true feelings
    -I just had to learn
    -apologies if I ever let you down
    -from the struggle
    -from the pain
    -from the realness
    -I just want you to see

    1. Alia,
      Fine, fine lists you have here–the imagery and the words to this video are alive in my mind. The next step is to identify questions that either of these songs evokes in you with regard to the social/philosophical issues that you’ve mentioned. For example, I can identify a question in your final list (on the track by Lloyd): why might a person’s pride cause them to hide their true feelings?
      Just a start…

  5. 1. Drake – Forever ft. Kanye West, Lil Wayne, and Eminem (Song)

    – Hunger for Success
    – Drive
    – Fame
    – Envy/jealousy
    – Deception
    – Competition
    – Hardships
    – Depression
    – Regret
    – Exposure
    – Self-determination
    – Redemption

    2. John Legend, Common – Glory (Song/Video)
    I chose this song because when I first heard the song alongside viewing the video, it felt very touching and inspirational to me regarding the different topic of the Civil Rights Movement in the fight to gain equality. The video was inspired by the movie at that time, Selma, which highlighted the 50th anniversary of the march from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama, in order to protest against discrimination against African Americans in areas such as voting and many more.

    Visuals That I Noticed:
    – piano isolated in a room
    – crowd gathering (full of African Americans as well as other sympathizers)
    – a march
    – spotlights in the background
    – bridge
    – mortuary
    – police vs. Civil Rights activists and protesters standoff
    – a glass-stained church
    – a prison cell
    – police brutality
    – romantic encounter between Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (depicted) and Coretta Scott
    King (depicted)
    – Confederate flag
    – protestors locked arm-in-arm while singing

    Lyrics Transcribed:
    One day when the glory comes
    It’ll be ours, it’ll be ours
    Oh, one day when the war is won
    We will be sure, we will be sure
    Oh Glory, Glory,
    Oh glory
    Hands to the heavens
    No man no weapon
    Formed against
    Yes glory is destined
    Everyday women and men become legends
    Sins that go against our skin become blessings
    The movement is a rhythm to us
    Freedom is like religion to us
    Justice is juxtaposition in us
    Justice for all just ain’t specific enough
    One son died, his spirit is revisiting us
    True in living, living in us
    Resistance is us
    That’s why Rosa sat on the bus
    That’s why we walk through Ferguson with our hands up
    When we go down we woman and man up
    They say stay down and we stand up
    Shots we on the ground, the camera panned up
    King pointed to the mountaintop and we ran up

  6. 1. Drake – Forever ft. Kanye West, Lil Wayne, and Eminem (Song)

    – Hunger for Success
    – Drive
    – Fame
    – Envy/jealousy
    – Deception
    – Competition
    – Hardships
    – Depression
    – Regret
    – Exposure
    – Self-determination
    – Redemption

    2. John Legend, Common – Glory (Song/Video)
    I chose this song because when I first heard the song alongside viewing the video, it felt very touching and inspirational to me regarding the different topic of the Civil Rights Movement in the fight to gain equality. The video was inspired by the movie at that time, Selma, which highlighted the 50th anniversary of the march from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama, in order to protest against discrimination against African Americans in areas such as voting and many more.

    Visuals That I Noticed:
    – piano isolated in a room
    – crowd gathering (full of African Americans as well as other sympathizers)
    – a march
    – spotlights in the background
    – bridge
    – mortuary
    – police vs. Civil Rights activists and protesters standoff
    – a glass-stained church
    – a prison cell
    – police brutality
    – romantic encounter between Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (depicted) and Coretta Scott
    King (depicted)
    – Confederate flag
    – protestors locked arm-in-arm while singing

    Lyrics Transcribed:
    One day when the glory comes
    It’ll be ours, it’ll be ours
    Oh, one day when the war is won
    We will be sure, we will be sure
    Oh Glory, Glory,
    Oh glory
    Hands to the heavens
    No man no weapon
    Formed against
    Yes glory is destined
    Everyday women and men become legends
    Sins that go against our skin become blessings
    The movement is a rhythm to us
    Freedom is like religion to us
    Justice is juxtaposition in us
    Justice for all just ain’t specific enough
    One son died, his spirit is revisiting us
    True in living, living in us
    Resistance is us
    That’s why Rosa sat on the bus
    That’s why we walk through Ferguson with our hands up
    When we go down we woman and man up
    They say stay down and we stand up
    Shots we on the ground, the camera panned up
    King pointed to the mountaintop and we ran up

    1. Jayvon,
      Powerful material throughout all of your lists, especially in the visuals list for John Legend’s “Common” video. You begin to see how there is overlap between these lists—”police brutality” is in your “visuals” list but is also (perhaps more so) a social issue.
      My suggestion is to see whether you can come up with any compelling questions about the social issues raised in either of these media–questions that you don’t necessarily know the answers to yet, but which you could possibly do a bit of research on.

  7. Song: “ How Can You Leave Us” by NF
    -Left behind
    -Drug Addict

    Video visual: “love sorrow your lie in april” site: https://youtu.be/g7mgBOQEfgg
    Piano performance
    Boy playing on piano
    Girl playing violin
    Snowflakes starts to cover the stage
    Changes to winter
    Boy is carrying girl down stairs
    Piano is on the calm ocean waters
    Sky is blue with puffy clouds
    Girl appears
    Snow blast out of the girls chest
    Goes back to the boy playing piano by himself
    Boy cries
    Video transcribed:
    -Falling in love
    -Losing the one you love
    -A life changer
    -Dying under the knife
    -Playing music with the one love
    -The person that saves your life getting ripped from your new life.
    The song represents the sadness that comes with falling in love. Falling in love or being love is not like how it seems. People see love as sunshine and rainbows but love also contains cloudy days and days of depressing rainfall. The song “Love Sorrow” expresses those feelings. In the video it shows a girl and a boy in love but the girl has fallen ill. The video shows a flashback of the boy and girl in a hospital as the boy carried the girl on his back coming from the roof taking her back to her room. Also Remembering the last thing she told him. As he accepts the girl he loves passing away, he screams from his heart telling her not to go. To not leave him by himself and hope to play more music together.
    I can understand the feeling the boy is throwing out because I can say I went through the same thing in a different but different situation.

    1. Steven,
      Compelling lists that you’ve gathered. I’m struck by this “snow blast out of the girls chest” in the video for “Love Sorrow”; it can be hard to find words for the fictitious, dream-like imagery of films, but you’ve begun to do that.
      I see some questions beginning to emerge in your final list:
      –how is it that love often entails a sense of sorrow?
      –what is the relationship between love and loss? is love measurable in relation to (possible) loss?

      See if you can add to this list with your own questions inspired by either piece of media.

  8. 1) “Motions” Aaron Cole

    Psychic & Social Issues:

    2) “Motions” Aaron Cole (Official Music Video)

    -4 guys in a car, driving down a street, arguing about females
    -Same 4 guys walking up to and into a house party in slow motion (the slow mo is a must)
    -Protagonist raps with his girl(Tameeka) under his arm
    -Antagonist later strolls in and scans the setting
    -Crowd in the house dancing, taking turns in the center of the crowd
    -Antagonist is behind the crowd, shakes his head, and leaves to another area of the house
    -Back to Protagonist rapping with his Tameeka under his arm
    -Antagonist is shown in a bedroom, where he sees jewelry on a chest of drawers. He stuffs them in his pockets.
    -More dancing
    -Antagonist begins making his way back to the crowd in the living room
    -Protagonist pulls Tameeka on a side and starts talking to her
    -Antagonist pulls up to them wearing a tight jersey that shows off his muscles, and “accidentally” spills a drink on the Protagonist.
    -Protagonist walks away to dry himself, and Tameeka follows, only to be cut off by the
    -Antagonist. The two begin talking and the Antagonist begins to whisper in her ear.
    -At that moment the Protagonist turns and sees how his “friend” and “girl” has betrayed him. He walks out of the party, in slow motion. (Again, very necessary)

    (between the two individuals in the foreground)
    Antagonist – “So what’s going on tonight? That’s the question!”
    Protagonist – “We pulling up to this party, I need everybody on their best behaviour. This my people’s spot, aight? I don’t need yall wallin out.”
    A – “It’s gon’ be girls bruh?”
    P – “Of course yall, but you know, mine is off limits.”
    A – “Yours? Which one?”
    P – “I got my 1”
    A – “One? You got Tameeka, Shanell, Monique”
    P – “I forgot about Monique”
    A – “You got Cardi! Everybody know about you and Cardi, bruh”
    P – “No bro. Tameeka! Tameeka, she changed me bro!”
    A – “She changed you? She didn’t change that durag though. She need to change that durag.”

    I know I know what’s up
    Real talk real talk you ain’t fooling me
    You been moving so sus
    I don’t even trust anything you doing B
    You don’t love me you just going through the motions
    You don’t love me you just going through the motions
    You don’t love me you just going through the motions
    You don’t love me you just going through the motions

    God been blessing me lately
    I only see 10s when they rate me
    Grown women been calling me baby
    Just cause she go to church don’t mean she won’t play me

    Had to tell her that we better as friends
    She was tryna’ marry the kid
    I don’t ever put trust in a man
    I only put my trust in His hands

    No features unless you the homie or got a bag
    So don’t ask I’m grabbing faith like I’m Pac I’m the man
    Really tryna’ make God glad
    Cause that’s the only reason that i rap

    Oh oh I gotta go
    Homie I’m in a zone
    Leaning on God too easy
    You throw that word love around too freely

    Yeah, I got love for you
    But honestly I don’t really rub with you
    Saying that you my brother too, but
    You ain’t never doing what a brother do

    2.5) Questions drawn from the song:
    -How many times has Aaron found himself in a situation where the people around him didn’t really love him, but instead were “just going through the motions”?
    -Has he ever experienced genuine love? If so, how long ago?
    -How prevalent is this issue of artificiality?
    -It is easy to identify when you are on the receiving end of the situation, but how can you identigy when you yourself are being “fake”?

  9. Johny cash- Hurt

    I hurt myself today
    To see if I still feel
    I focus on the pain
    The only thing that’s real
    The needle tears a hole
    The old familiar sting
    Try to kill it all away
    But I remember everything
    What have I become
    My sweetest friend?
    Everyone I know
    Goes away in the end
    And you could have it all
    My empire of dirt
    I will let you down
    I will make you hurt
    I wear this crown of thorns
    Upon my liar’s chair
    Full of broken thoughts
    I cannot repair
    Beneath the stains of time
    The feelings disappear
    You are someone else
    I am still right here
    What have I become
    My sweetest friend?
    Everyone I know
    Goes away in the end
    And you could have it all
    My empire of dirt
    I will let you down
    I will make you hurt
    If I could start again
    A million miles away
    I will keep myself
    I would find a way

    – depression

    – flashback
    – black and white videos
    -playing a piano
    -a framed picture of an older lady
    – Broken record plaques

    the song is being sung a low tone. the start of the song describes Johny hurt himself on purpose . the song and the gloomy tone make the listener reflect on life. in the video it show flashback of Johny in his younger years. when Johny sung “what have I become” it shows that he is dissatisfied with some aspect of his life. the metaphor “my empire of dirt” in the song lyrics also justify his dissatisfaction with his life.in the video there was several broken record plaques this was also probably placed to depict his discontent with his career. This song send a very powerful message that we all should through life wisely . one lyrics in the song I feel is very unrated is”Everyone I know Goes away in the end” this is unrated is because alot of song talk about death but not a lot acknowledges it like Johny cash did.

  10. The song I chose is Kevin’s Heart by J Cole

    My take from the music video:
    I really like this song lyrics a lot because Jcole always talks about real life situations and makes me feel like it’s me in the song he’s talking about.

    Psychic & social issues brought up:

    -While Kevin was out shopping for groceries, the public around him gave him a dirty look
    -Radio stations talking about Kevin’s affairs and then he turns it off and drives off.
    -Girl in the road flirting with Kevin while driving and an old lady shakes her head at Kevin
    -Random woman sexually harassing Kevin while he as shopping for a baby stroller in a store while forcing him to take a picture with her.

    Final thoughts:
    Why did Jcole decide to make a song dedicated to Kevin hearts personal life?
    How many people listening to this song could identify themselves with the lyrics?

    She my number one, I don’t need nothing on the side
    Said that I was done for good and don’t want no more lies
    But my phone be blowing up, temptations on my line
    I stare at the screen a while before I press decline
    But she plants a seed and it still lingers in my mind
    Told myself I’m strong enough to shake it and I’m trying
    But I’m only human, I know loving you’s a crime
    If I take this cookie now one day I’ll do the time

    Slip me a xanny at once (somebody)
    I got the earth in a blunt (smoke)
    I get the skirt when I want (skrrt!)
    I get to skrrt when I want (skrrt!)
    Due to the money aroma (somebody)
    My girl she got a diploma (smoke)
    She got wife written all over
    She got wife written all over

    [Verse 1]
    All a nigga know is how to fuck a good thing up
    Run from the pain, sip lean, smoke tree up
    When I’m in your town press pound hit me up
    When I’m in your town press pound hit me up
    Only if you down and you slurp good D up
    If the work good I’ll be back for the re-up
    Hate when I creep and the phone wake me up
    Fake like I’m sleep knowing damn well I be up
    Monkey on my back and I walk a hundred miles
    Guilt make a nigga feel fake when he smile
    Love get confused in the mind of a child
    ‘Cause love wouldn’t lie like I lie and it’s wild
    Wanna have my cake and another cake too
    Even if the baker don’t bake like you
    Even when the flavor don’t taste like you
    So I’m back mobbing with the late night crew
    All in your mind with fears that would come true
    The back of my mind, the back of my mind was you
    Wishing that I could blind myself from view
    And only have eyes, and only have eyes for you

    Slip me a xanny at once (somebody)
    I got the earth in a blunt (smoke)
    I get the skirt when I want (skrrt!)
    I get the skirt when I want (skrrt!)
    Due to the money aroma (somebody)
    My girl she got a diploma (smoke)
    She got wife written all over
    She got wife written all over

    I’m a fake nigga and it’s never been clearer
    Can’t see myself when I look in the mirror
    Can’t see myself when I look in the mirror
    Can’t see myself when I look in the mirror
    I’m a fake nigga and it’s never been clearer
    Can’t see myself when I look in the mirror
    Can’t see myself when I look in the mirror
    Can’t see myself when I look in the mirror

    She my number one I don’t need nothing on the side
    Said that I was done for good and don’t want no more lies
    But my phone be blowing up, temptations on my line
    I stare at the screen a while before I press decline
    But she plants a seed and it still lingers in my mind
    Told myself I’m strong enough to shake it and I’m trying
    But I’m only human, I know loving you’s a crime
    If I take this cookie now one day I’ll do the time

    [Verse 2]
    I love her, I don’t want to lose her
    I’m selfish, I know that I use her
    My ego get stroked and I bruise her
    My ego get stroked and I bruise her
    My actions I know they confusin’
    At home I look happy as usual
    On the road I’m a mack, I’m a chooser
    I’m a addict, I’m maskin’ that
    Kevin’s Heart

    They tell me “What’s done in the dark
    Will find a way to shine”
    I done did so much that when you see you might go blind
    What’s done in the dark will always find a way to shine
    I done did so much that when you see you might go blind

  11. 1. Marina & The Diamonds – Teen Idle
    – Youth + Vanity
    – Idolization
    – Adolescence Rebellion
    – Disillusion / Warped Reality
    – Teen Sadness / Depression

    2. Wolftyla – Candy
    The first time I watched it I noticed the following:
    90s vibe (dancing and playful attitude). Youthful with the use of children actors. Pastel, light colors for costume, light and room design. Candy props – relating to the song title. While it’s a love song, it’s more group, friends focused with the dances and other scenes. Ends in a cute way, zooming out of set to expose the cameras and people behind the scene.

    Second time:
    I give you a rush,
    every time we touch.
    You can’t get enough,
    cause my love is just like

    Candy, you know my love sweet just like candy.
    Candy, you know my love sweet just like candy.
    Candy, you know my love sweet just like candy.
    Candy, you know my love sweet just like candy.

    So addicted,
    To the way I’m making you feel, I make you listen.
    Your friends say that you acting different,
    and I don’t blame them
    I got you trippin’ on a high, just a little.
    Thought I told you,
    I told you that my love sweet just like candy.

    The second time I was able to understand the lyrics much better and it’s relation to candy. Love is like candy because of the rush and addiction factor. It catches your attention, leaves you with a high that’s incomparable. Overall, still a playful, love song.

  12. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqAJLh9wuZ0)
    Double Standards
    Sexual Assault
    Gender Inequality
    In the video, it starts out with a city skyline and the back of a man. Then, he walks out of his office into a bigger one. While doing that he interacts with everyone at their desks and receives praise for it. Like, astronomical praise. Then, we see him on the train, man-spreading, taking up all the space on the seats and smoking making everyone visibly uncomfortable. He even puts out the ashes of his cigar in a woman’s purse. After that, he pees in public on the train station. It cuts to the man on a boat with lots of models on it. He walks past them on a phone call where he is visually angry. That scene is in accordance to the lyrics, “And they would toast to me, oh, let the players play I’d be just like Leo in Saint-Tropez”
    Internet addiction might be a need/urge to check social media constantly.

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