Monthly Archives: February 2016

Madeline Martinez: Shawn Summary

The author is expressing how people view and feel about being an American. He doesn’t understand how the United States, which he said was founded on a “genocide”, should dictate policies to other countries. He freely admits that he enjoys the benefits and living in the United States, but doesn’t agree with their policies or considers himself an American. The one and only edition of the magazine was for him to state his views.

“An American” by Shawn Wallace Summary

Joseph Floyd

English Comp II D492

In “An American ” is about an author who publishes  his first magazine.  The author Shawn talks about the United States government and their views. He then goes on to explain how his magazine sold. Shawn explains his thought of other countries and how the United States is different. Then he ends his essay with an conclusion of why his magazine is called the final edition.


Salwa Syed: Shawn Summary

In “An ‘American’ Publishes a Magazine” Shawn writes about a magazine he published called Final Edition that went out of business after only one issue.  In this essay Shawn writes about Americans and how they reacted to the images  of American soldiers “tormenting desperate, naked, extremely thin people in chains” (49). Later on Shawn concludes his essay by sharing his opinion about United States and the world regulations.

Leslie Morris

In this Magazine the author Wallace Shawn views the American public as those with the most power in society. He goes on to express his disappointment in the way that the American public and government officials responded and handled an incident that occurred involving American soldiers who tortured and mocked extremely thin people. Shawn also gives his personal opinion and of what it feels like to be an American from through his eyes.

Jess Cifuentes: Shawn’s Summary

          “An ‘American’ Publishes a Magazine” is about the personal experience of author Wallace Shawn as an American putting together a magazine with other American authors that would only have one single first and final issue.  In this short essay Shawn discusses his complicated relationship with other Americans, including the government. He resents other people’s apathy, and how almost no one says anything when the U.S. military are the ones trampling and setting fires in other countries, yet thanks to that sense of righteousness the country has, is that he, as well as the rest of us, can live in our own bubble as a society.  This is why he asked his fellow writers and artists to contribute to this journal, so they can say what they need to say about the things we don’t like to discuss, and when all is said and done, everyone can go their separate ways . Making more issues would only create another institution of which Shawn doesn’t want to be a part of.

For our Feb. 24 Homework,Huilin Chen: Shawn Summary

            Americans in general were to give their reactions based on their life, news, online post, or magazines. This essay of “An ‘American’ Publishes a Magazines” contains how living in American isn’t as good or bad in ones’ opinion. Instead, it morally tells people how one would personally feel about living in America and trying to think about being Americans.

How to Create a Post

For folks who are experiencing difficulty creating a post, please check out this  OpenLab resource designed to walk users through the process of writing a post.

To create a post:

  1. Open OpenLab and navigate to our ENG1121 page.  Once you are on our Course Profile page, please click on “Visit Course Site” in order to gain access to our site’s resources and content.Screen Shot 2016-02-23 at 9.09.02 PM
  2. Select the “create” icon, located at the top perimeter of the OpenLab interface, which looks like a plus sign inside of a white circle.  Below the “create” icon is located to the left of the greeting, “Hi, Kara Hughes”:create icon
  3. Choose “Post”
  4. Title the post — for our Feb 24 homework, please label as follows — [your full name]:  Shawn summary
  5. Compose the body — for our Feb 24 homework, your post should contain a brief summary of “An ‘American’ Publishes a Magazine”
  6. Assign your post the appropriate category — for our Feb 24 homework, choose “HW due Feb 24″ from the “Category” box located in the right-most column of the screencategory

7. Use the blue “Publish” tab to finalize and publish your post before 4PM on Feb 24