Withdrawing officially and unofficially
The last day to withdraw officially from your CityTech classes is Wednesday, December 14.
Some of you are in a position where you would like to withdraw from the class but for some reason you cannot (for example, you will lose financial aid if you are not a full-time student or you are taking another course for which MAT 2680 is a co-requisite). If you do not intend to continue trying to pass this course but cannot drop it (“quiet quitting”) it is still important for you to come to the final exam and hand something in with your name on on. Failure to do so may result in a WU grade (instead of an F). A WU grade counts as an F on your transcript but can also jeopardize your financial aid, so please do attend the final exam.
Final exam absense
If you are absent from the final exam and need to take a make-up exam, you must submit your documentation to the Student Accessibility Center and, if eligible for a make-up exam, make official arrangements with the Math Department in N711. Scheduling a make-up exam costs $25; the make-up is usually given in January.
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