Professor Kate Poirier | D067 | Fall 2022

Project #1 Part 1

Keion Smith/ Cristofer Martinez

1 Comment

  1. Kate Poirier

    Keion and Cristofer: not bad! Next time please write the question down so that we can all see what values you’re plugging into what formula.

    When you’re finding your k value, it looks like you’re using that 12:15 corresponds to t=0, so 12:20 corresponds to t=5, not t+5 like you have on the line that begins with 90 =…

    In general, it’s good to show more steps, so we can all see how you arrived at the numbers you arrived at (since you posted this a few weeks ago, there’s a good chance you’ll have forgotten too!). At some point you’re taking a natural logarithm of 11/17 and it’s not clear to me where that came from.

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