Test #1

September 20

Test #1 will be given in class on Tuesday, September 20. It covers material from Chapter 2.

Academic integrity

Any work you submit must be your own. You may not consult anyone else (including classmates, other students, tutoring services) or any websites or apps (including Google, automated problem solvers).

You may bring a one-page formula sheet; you will hand your formula sheet in with your test.

Test #1 Review

Due on the OpenLab Monday, September 12, 11:59pm

Choose one question from the textbook homework or from WeBWorK. Post your full solution on the OpenLab. Title your post “Test #1 Review” and add the section or WeBWorK set name and problem number. Add the category Test #1 Review before submitting your post. You may type out the solution using LaTeX or upload a photo of hand-written work.

Make sure nobody has submitted your problem already; try to make sure every section that will be on Test #1 is represented.

It is up to you as a class to ensure that all solutions are correct. If you have a question about someone else’s post, if you would like more detail, or if you think the solution contains an error, post a comment asking the question or correcting the error.

The idea here is that you as a class are creating a review sheet for everyone to study from for the first test. You will be given participation credit for this post.