Committee Recommendations

The 2018 Middle-States Accreditation report endorses the following goals set by the College:

    • to double the number of students who complete their associate degrees or transfer to baccalaureate programs in three years
    • to achieve a six-year graduation rate of 50% for baccalaureate program students.

As an HSI, especially one in a system that heavily serves Hispanic students, and given the population trends, City Tech must identify and address the needs of Hispanic students to promote student retention and success.[1]

As an HSI institution, City Tech needs to:

1.     Understand the factors that contribute to or hinder academic success for Hispanic undergraduate students.

2.     Recognize the diversity within the population of Hispanic undergraduate students and take these differences into account to better support students.

3.     Acknowledge the importance of having a representative size of Hispanic faculty and administrators to serve as role models for Hispanic students.

4.     Identify how to leverage existing assets, including faculty and student resources, to benefit more Hispanic students.

5.     Provide mentoring and leadership training for Hispanic faculty to promote their career advancement.

6.     Become actively involved in the existing network of HSIs and promote membership in HSI-related programs to increase opportunities for faculty and students.

7.     Learn from successful institutions and from scholarship about effective practices for increasing the success of Hispanic students.

[1] Garcia, G. (2019). Becoming Hispanic-serving institutions: Opportunities for colleges and universities (Reforming higher education: innovation and the public good). Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press.