

So, how are you going to save during holiday season?

  • Make a budget list.
    Set a limit on how much you can use, and plan ahead on what you’re going to buy, so you can act quick, start early.
  • Don’t use credit card, use CASH!!!
    You don’t want spend too much and break the credit card limit, right, so use cash, use the amount you set in the budget list. Credit card is a short term loan. Remember that!!
  • Sometimes, you just have to say “No”.
    Yeah, it is too expensive, even during sales, just say no. Don’t add stuff to your budget list.
  • If you can, buy it online.
    When you’re buying during holidays, the store sites often offer coupons, why not use it.
  • Plan ahead for next year.
    Use whatever experience you had in this holiday, and use it for the next one.


35 ways to save money and time during the holidays

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