Author Archives: cristina cielo

Candies and Bon bons Week 3

Today we had a great production day.Everything went smooth and easy the recipes seemed pretty simple.Yet the Sesame and pistachio Halvah showed us that even simple recipes require alot of care when being done. The products made today were a total hit because they even sold out among us.In general today was a great and successful day I thank everyone for being on time and listening to instructions.



Qualing and Daniella getting the sugar syrup ready for the Turkish delights image


Professor Hoffman demonstrating how we should wrap the Turkish delights to put them into the fridge to sit and firm upimage

Professor Hoffman teaching us how to score and cut the melt ways in order to get clean edges and not have much waste


Victoria cutting the Green tea melt aways that her team made in class


Emily cutting the peanut butter melt aways

image Antoinette cutting up the Turkish delights what a bright and beautiful orange color but very tricky to cut as well.

imageQiaoling utting up the mint Melt aways they were the firmest chocolates but also were a bit harder to cut since they were firmer because of the use of dark chocolate in the recipe image

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Lastly our beautiful Treats!