Daily Archives: June 15, 2015

Jeni’s Ice Creams Shutters Shops Again Amid More Listeria Concerns – Eater

I guess the silver lining here is that it seems like this company is doing the right thing to prevent people from getting hurt.

CEO John Lowe broke the news today in a blog post to the Jeni’s website, which reads in part:

We have found Listeria in our production facility again. We discovered the Listeria through routine swabbing as part of our monitoring program. We stopped production earlier this week and have been investigating where and how it may have re-entered the facility. … Since resuming production in our kitchen on May 13, 2015, we have been testing every batch of ice cream we have made and holding it until we learned that the testing did not detect any Listeria. So it is with complete confidence that I can say all of the ice cream that has been served in our shops since reopening on May 22 has been safe and is 100% Listeria-free.

via Jeni’s Ice Creams Shutters Shops Again Amid More Listeria Concerns – Eater.


Every Cooking And Baking Substitution You Could Ever Need, In One Perfect Chart

I wish there was more of this in weights and precise measurements, but overall this is a nice tool for improvising when you’re out of pantry items.

There’s nothing worse than being in the middle of making biscuits only to realize that you’re fresh out of buttermilk. Or baking a cake, and finding out someone used up the eggs. Having to run out to the store when you’re in the middle of preparing something awesome to eat is the absolute worst. That ends right here, right now, with the mother of all substitution charts.

We’ve come across some great infographics before — like the one that explains how long foods can be frozen or the one the shares the secret for grilling picture-perfect steaks — but none have ever been so helpful as this chart below. (Did you know there’s a substitute for chocolate?)

Before you cook another meal, print this chart and post it to your fridge. It will save you more times you can count

via Every Cooking And Baking Substitution You Could Ever Need, In One Perfect Chart.

Here’s How Much Mouse Poop The FDA Allows In Your Food

You’ve probably eaten mouse poop — and the federal government is just fine with that. It’s also fine with mold, rat hairs and insect legs.

The Food and Drug Administration, you see, has detailed guidelines on how much filth can be found in many of the foods sold in America. The FDA enumerates these guidelines in a document known as the “Defect Levels Handbook.” The introduction to the handbook explains that “it is economically impractical to grow, harvest, or process raw products that are totally free of non-hazardous, naturally occurring, unavoidable defects” — and that these so-called “defects” present no real risk to human health.

The FDA also says that many food companies take measures to ensure that their food actually contains far lower levels of these defects than their regulations require. If a food exceeds these levels, the FDA can label it “adulterated” and ask that it be taken off store shelves.

via Here’s How Much Mouse Poop The FDA Allows In Your Food.