
Nutrition for Food Service Professionals

HMGT 4992

Spring 2019


Prof. Sara Kay

Class Number

HMGT 4992- E595







N 206


N 200

Class Hours

6:00- 8:30pm

Office Hours

By appointment



Course Site…/CityTechSylabus.pdf


Catalogue Description

Relationship of food to health from the perspective of the culinary professional. Discussion of the basic elements of nutrition as it relates to menu development, role of restaurateurs, and diverse cultural perspectives on American gastronomy.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of HMGT 4992, students will be able to

1. Identify nutrients required for human health, their principal food sources, and their main
functions in the body.

2. Evaluate the accuracy and reliability of nutrition and health information, particularly new information.

3. Adapt recipes and menus to accommodate common health conditions and dietary restrictions.

4. Identify social, political, and economic factors that influence nutritional choices.

Student Learning Outcomes

Method of Assessment

Identify nutrients required for human health, their principal food sources, and their main
functions in the body.

Diet Tracker Project, Participation, Midterm Exam

Evaluate the accuracy and reliability of nutrition and health information, particularly new information.

Fad Diet Project, Participation, Midterm Exam

Adapt recipes and menus to accommodate common health conditions and dietary restrictions.

Final Project, Participation

Identify social, political, and economic factors that influence nutritional choices.

Diet Tracker Project, Participation, Fad Diet Project, Menu Development Project


Grade Percentage

Diet Tracker Paper


Fad Diet Paper


Fad Diet Presentation


Midterm Exam


Final Project Part 1


Final Project Part 2







HMGT 2303; Culinary Arts II

Required Text

Willett, W. (2017). Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating. Free Press.

Suggested Texts and Readings

McGee, H. (2004). On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen. Scribner.

Nestle, M. (2013). Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health. University of California Press.

Periodical Sources:

Journal of the American Dietetic Association

Journal of the American Medical Association

Journal of the Society for Nutrition Education

Journal of Nutrition

New England Journal of Medicine

Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Journal of Gastronomy

Nutrition Action Health Newsletter

Utilize all the resources at the library. Book an appointment with a librarian for all projects requiring research, use existing databases to search through (


Please refer to our course site on OpenLab early and often for up to date schedules, readings and article posts. We will be referring to all content on OpenLab in class.

Graded Work

Class Participation

Much of the learning will come from in class discussion and activity. Weekly attendance is expected. Class participation points can be earned by coming to class prepared and participating. Participation credit can also be earned for each article posted on OpenLab. Articles should be on a relevant topic we’ve discussed so far, or on a topic related to food service making a connection to nutrition. To receive credit, include at least 3 sentences in your post on how this article relates to class content.

Diet Tracker Project

This project requires you to record and analyze your diet for three days using a diet analysis program (see below) that provides a printable nutrient intake summary. You must also track your activity levels.

Use to record everything you eat and drink for three days (must include at least one weekend day). This includes alcohol, coffee, tea, and sports drinks, as well as cooking techniques. We’ll go over an example in class.

Fad Diet Paper and Presentation

Students will work in groups of two to select a nutrition trend or fad diet to present on to the class from a list provided (additional ideas can be submitted to me for prior approval). Ten minute presentations must prove or disprove the trend’s efficacy, scientific validity, and safety by using scientific sources and nutritionally sound information.

Each student must also submit a two page individual paper detailing the trend or diet, and scientific sources highlighting the the validity of (or disproving) the trend. This paper must also include one paragraph on how your group worked as a team and what you contributed to your group presentation. 

Final Project

Part 1

Students will work individually to generate an abbreviated restaurant menu including two appetizers, three entrees, and two desserts. This menu must be delicious as well as nutritiously sound, according to nutritional standards. Every recipe must include a calorie and nutrient breakdown of each dish, as well as an itemized ingredient list that stays within the provided budget.

Part 2

I will provide a list of modifications requested by diners. You must revise your existing set of dishes to suit each diner’s specific needs based on what you already have in your kitchen. Our final class will include a presentation of this work and an opportunity to bring in one of your modified dishes. The goal is to make these adapted menus delicious!

Department Procedures and Expectations

Special Needs

Any student who feels they may need an accommodation due to a disability should contact the City Tech disability services as soon as possible to explore the possible range of accommodations at Atrium 237, Phone: 718-260-5143. I encourage all students having difficulty, whether or not due to a disability, to consult privately with me or a staff member in counseling (718-260-5030) at any time.

HM Department Mission

The Hospitality Management Department of New York City College of Technology educates students for careers in the hospitality industry through foundational knowledge of hospitality operations and experiences that cultivate diverse perspectives, lifelong learning, collaboration, and community engagement.

NYC College of Technology Statement on Academic Integrity

Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and at New York City College of Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion. The complete text of the College Academic Integrity Policy Manual may be found on the College website.

Statement of Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism

As stated in the Academic Integrity Policy Manual, “academic dishonesty occurs when individuals plagiarize or cheat in the course of their academic work. Plagiarism is the presenting of someone else’s ideas without proper credit or attribution. Cheating is the unauthorized use or attempted use of material, information, notes, study aids, devices or communication during an academic exercise.”

Statement of Classroom Behavior

Each student has the right to study and learn in a comfortable, safe, supportive environment that promotes self-esteem – free of fear, humiliation, intimidation, offensive or suggestive language.

Professionalism and Participation

The Department of Hospitality Management follows industry standards in order to educate, develop and mentor future hospitality and tourism professionals. In order to successfully complete a course, students must consistently participate in class and meet deadlines.

Use of Electronic Devices

As stated in the Student Handbook, the use of cellular phones and audio equipment in all academic and study areas of the college is prohibited. Students are not permitted to take calls or text message during class. Students may not use their cell phones as calculators. In some instances, an instructor may allow the use of personal electronic devices for in class activities.

Writing Style Statement

The hospitality management department has developed a standardized format for all written assignments. Written work must be prepared using APA Style Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association as a reference guide. All editorial formats, abbreviations, use of statistics, graphs, citations and references must conform to APA style. Footnotes are not permissible. Visit the City Tech Library website for APA Style Guides.

Oral Presentation Style Statement
The Hospitality Management Department has developed a standardized format for all oral presentations. Refer to the Oral Presentation Rubric

