Hunters Point Wine and Spirits


Hunterā€™s Point Wines & Spirits.

This is my very first time visiting a wine store.The Wine retail store I went with Anny last Saturday isĀ Hunters Point Wine and Spirits. It is located in 47-07 Vernon Blvd, Long Island City, Queens. Before we went there, IĀ called one week ahead to make appointment with them.Ā They seems very welcome when I call and they said we can go visit them anytime we want.


neat & organized by country and regions.

As we first walked in, IĀ feltĀ that the store looks really neat andĀ beautiful. It is nicely renovated. There’s a “tunnel” that connect the front part of the store and the tasting room and the rest of the store. The staffsĀ came out fast and greeted us and I introduced myself with the manager Tony, and I told him that I have called before to come visit and do an interview. He remembered that because he is actually the one who picked up my call. So then he let us look around and take pictures first. He told us that the store has been there for 9 years. Their guests are mostly people who live around the neighbor plus some visitors to the neighbor.


a glass display in the “tunnel” that shows the history of wine making


wines of France w/ very detailed note below them.


wines of Italy w/ very detailed note below them.

IĀ have asked Tony that how they organized their wine, and he told us that it was by country and then regions. I have also realized that most of their wine have a little note below it, and it tells the details about that wine. I felt that it is very good for those people who don’t study wine like us. He also told us that they mostly get their wines from the distributor and when they got discount from the distributor, they will passed it on to their guests, so they can get it for a lower price. The wines selections that they have are France, Italy, Spain, US, New Zealand plus some South America wine. He told us that their guestĀ ask for more Italy wine, and in the summer time, Rose is more popular. The most expensive wine that have is cabernet sauvignon from 1997 and it costs $450.

Tony is a really helpful guys and and he is very professional.Ā I have realized that Tony is very professional about wine. He knew the grape varieties, the nose, the taste and what to pair with. It really help a lot for guest like me who visit a wine store for the first time. I would definitely want to go back some day if IĀ visit Long Island City and recommend it to my friends.

4 thoughts on “Hunters Point Wine and Spirits

  1. I really like how hospitable the manager is compared to the store i went. And looking at the pictures of how the store is, it makes customers feel homely and welcomed.

  2. A glass display in the tunnel that shows the history of how to make wine sounds very interesting. The staff was very attentive to you for this reason I would like to visit that store to learn more about wines.

  3. i don’t really visit wine shops but if i did, i would definitely visit this one. It doesn’t look like much from the outside but from the looks of it, its a pretty large store with a huge selection of wines. the art and the history is something id like to take a look at as well..

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