
Course information

  • Dining Room Operations, HMGT 2305-Lecture
  • Class hours: 1.5
  • Class credit: 3

Instructor information

Department Mission Statement

The Hospitality Management Department of New York City College of Technology educates students for careers in the hospitality industry through foundational knowledge of hospitality operations and experiences that cultivate diverse perspectives, lifelong learning, collaboration, and community engagement.

Program Learning Outcomes

To graduate students who:

  1. identify and demonstrate skills relevant to the operational areas of hospitality management. (PLO #1)
  2. utilize the dynamics of collaboration in diverse settings. (PLO #2)
  3. demonstrate effective communication skills.
  4. (PLO #3) exhibit the analytical and social skills essential for success in the global workplace. (PLO #4)
  5. value and integrate lifelong learning, civic engagement, ethical reasoning, and social responsibility. (PLO #5)

Course Description

Procedural, customer and staff perspectives involved in the provision of quality service as practiced in a dining room laboratory. Student rotation through dining room service positions with emphasis on responsibilities of planning, producing and evaluating service. Practice of proper safety and sanitation methods. Critique of restaurant service.


HMGT 1105, HMGT 1202

Course Objectives

Upon completion of HMGT 2305, students will be able to:

  1. Define and explain proper menu terminology
  2. Identify and execute tabletop presentations
  3. Name and describe equipment necessary for all styles of service
  4. Discuss, practice and apply training techniques
  5. Discuss, practice and apply customer service techniques
  6. Analyze service standards
Student Learning Outcomes Method of Assessment
a. Synthesize menu terminology used in the laboratory and in written communication (HMGT: Knowledge, Gen Ed: Integration; PLO #3) Laboratory performance, weekly restaurant review reaction memo, service analysis, final practical
b. Demonstrate the ability to identify and execute tabletop presentations (HMGT: Skill) Laboratory performance, service analysis, final practical
c. Demonstrate the ability to name and describe equipment necessary for all styles of service (HMGT: Skill) Laboratory performance, service analysis, written assignments, final practical
d. Comprehend training standards and implement training techniques (HMGT: Skill; Gen Ed: Skill) Laboratory performance, written assignments, final practical
e. Comprehend customer service standards and implement customer service techniques (HMGT: Skill; Gen Ed: Skill) Laboratory performance, weekly restaurant review reaction memo, written assignments, final practical
f. Gather, interpret, evaluate and apply information about service standards executed and experienced (HMGT Skill; Gen Ed, Integration) Laboratory performance, weekly restaurant review reaction memo, service analysis, written assignments, final practical

Grading Procedure

Activity Percent of total grade
Class participation/discussion board 25%
Online reflection 25%
Weekly restaurant review reaction memo 15%
Service analysis 20%
Written assignments 10%
Final practical 15%
Total 100%

Note: All term assignments will be post it on Blackboard

Class Performance – 25 points

Participate online class and discussion board (Lab 15% and lecture 10%). You will be evaluated as follows:

  • Class participation
  • Appropriate use of dining room terms
  • Improvement of service skills throughout the semester
  • Full points on discussion board will be awarded if you attend class

Online Self-reflection Exercise – 15 points

  • Weekly posting on discussion board of personal performance
  • Full points on discussion board will be awarded if you attend class

Weekly Restaurant Review Reaction – 15 points

It is expected that you read the New York Times Food Section, restaurant review written by Pete Wells published every Tuesday night digitally or Wednesday on print. You are to submit a reaction paper in memo form to the following class meeting. Click this link to access New York


Grade will be evaluated as follows:

  • Timely submission of reaction
  • Participation in class discussion
  • Use of specific and relevant examples as to why you would/would not dine in the reviewed restaurant

Service Analysis – 20 points

You are to write a descriptive essay of your dining expectations of any restaurant known for impeccable service. You will be expected to proper use of restaurant review format

  • Effective analysis of the service quality
  • Use of descriptive language to communicate
  • Thorough research of the selected restaurant

Lecture Assignments – 10 points

Utilizing the text as a foundation, two (2) memos will be assigned covering service themes.

Your grade will be assessed as follows:

  • Proper use of memo format/organization
  • Proper use of business style of writing to convey your thoughts and ideas

Service Practical – 15 points

The final analysis will be a compilation of the strategies and techniques learned throughout the semester.

Your grade will be assessed as follows:

  • Reflection and execution of techniques learned
  • Proper use of examples as support for the techniques exercised

Grading System

A 93 – 100

A- 90 – 92.9

B+ 87 – 89.9

B 83 – 86.9

B- 80 — 82.9

C+ 77 – 77.9

C 70 – 76.9

D 60 – 69.9

F 59.9 and below

Recommend Text(s)

  1. Strianese, A. J. and Strianese, P. (2008). Dining room and banquet management, (4th ed). New York, NY
  2. Gisslen, W. (2015). Professional cooking. (8th ed). New York, NY
  3. Herbst, S. (2015). The Deluxe Food lover’s companion. (2th ed). New York, NY
  4. Meyer, D. (2006) Setting the table; The transforming power of hospitality in business. New York, NY

Suggested Texts and Readings

  2. National Restaurant Association. (n.d.). Home. Retrieved from
  3. OSHA. (n.d.). Teen worker safety in resturants: service. Retrieved from Department of Labor:


  1. Caildini, R. (2016) Pre-suasion: a revolutinary way to influence, New York, NY:Simon & Schuster Paperwork
  2. Kakuzo, O. (2013). The book of tea. New York: Empire Books
  3. Maxwell, J.C. (2013) How successful people lead, New York,NY: Center Street
  4. Pendergrast, M. (2010). Uncommon grounds: the history of coffee and how it transformed our world. New York, NY: Basic Books.
  5. Post, P., Post, A., Post, L., & Post Senning, D. (2011). Emily Post’s etiquette. New York: Harper Collins.
  6. Zraly, K. (2013). Windows on the world complete wine course. New York: Sperling Epicure.

Course requirements

Operations manual (OM): Create a folder in your computer with heading “DR Operations manual” in this folder save all of the following documents.

  1. calendar
  2. lab rotation and menus: DR, culinary, baking, pastry
  3. course syllabus followed by handouts
  4. training manual
  5. class notes/briefing “menu” worksheets, DR “jargon”
  6. memos/service analysis drafts/abstracts
  7. weekly current analyzed restaurant reviews

Student Accessibility

Qualified students with disabilities, under applicable federal, state, and city laws, seeking reasonable accommodations or academic adjustments must contact the Center for Student Accessibility for information on City Tech’s policies and procedures to obtain such services. Students with questions on eligibility or the need for temporary disability services should also contact the Center at The Center for Student Accessibility:

300 Jay Street, room L-237, 718 260 5143.

Professionalism and Participation

The Department of Hospitality Management follows industry standards in order to educate, develop and mentor future hospitality and tourism professionals. In order to successfully complete a course, students must consistently participate in class and meet deadlines

NYC College of Technology Statement on Academic Integrity

Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and at New York City College of Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion.

As stated in the Academic Integrity Policy Manual,

“academic dishonesty occurs when individuals plagiarize or cheat in the course of their academic work. Plagiarism is the presenting of someone else’s ideas without proper credit or attribution. Cheating is the unauthorized use or attempted use of material, information, notes, study aids, devices or communication during an academic exercise.”

The complete text of the College Academic Integrity Policy Manual may be found on the College website.

Use of Electronic Devices

Students are not permitted to take calls or text message during class. Students may not use their cell phones as calculators. In some instances, an instructor may allow the use of personal electronic devices for in class activities.

Writing Style Statement

The hospitality management department requires that all written work must be prepared using APA Style Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association as a reference guide. This includes editorial formats, abbreviations, use of statistics, graphs, citations and references. Visit the City Tech Library website for APA Style Guides.

Class Meeting Schedule

Go to the Course Materials page for more specific directions

Lecture Topic Assignment Due
  • Course Objectives and Expectations
  • Business Writing Techniques
NY Times Memo
  • Restaurant Safety Practices
  • Sanitation
  • Memo #1 scenario
NY Times Memo
  • Coffee Brewing Seminar

NY Times Memo

  • Wine Seminar
NY Times Memo
  • Suggestive Selling Techniques
  • Memo #2 scenario
NY Times Memo
  • Service Analysis research project

NY Times Memo

  • Banquet and Private Dining
NY Times Memo
  • Discussion about language
NY Times Memo
  • Dining Room Terms
NY Times Memo
  • Preparation for Final Scenario
Rough Draft of Service Analysis Due

NY Times Memo

  • Managing Reservations
NY Times Memo
  • Leadership in Dining Room Operations
Service Analysis Due

NY Times Memo

  • Review of Final scenario
NY Times Memo
  • Employee Retention and Recruitment
NY Times Memo
  • Course review
NY Times Memo
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