Category Archives: Electronic Profile Submission

Elisabeth Yoo

My experience in school wasn’t enjoyable till I changing my major. The way I found out that I really wanted to major in hospitality management was while I was working in the bakery. Every moment I had to help the bakers or cake makers I took every opportunity to help them with simple tasks. I want to get a degree in hospitality management. I am hoping that I could finish school in the next 3-5 years. I learned that I should learn new tactics, take all the advantages that the school offers me. I’ve been working in a bakery for the past 4 years. While working there for the past years I’ve learned that even if there are rude customers that we should still be polite to them, because without them we wouldn’t have a business. I hope in the nearby future I would like to either open up a bakery or a restaurant. The person who inspired me was my brother, he told me that I should do what I want and to do something Ill enjoy doing for the rest of my life.

Alex Chao E-Profile

I have taken Culinary classes during my high school. My goal is to graduate college in the Hospitality Management Industry also I am interested in working with other people in the class. During my high school year I worked in multiple catering events. I like to work both Front of the house and Back of the house.

Felitta Hakim

When I was little, people would ask me, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” I lied most of my childhood just so they would stop asking me questions. When I started college, I didn’t know what to take for my major, until my friend suggested hospitality management. I honestly loving all of my classes and i can’t wait to work in the industry and be successful.

Felicia Adjoyi

As a future industry leader, I plan to manage a unique hotel brand that combines the basics of hospitality with the joys of entertainment.  I’ve always been in the business of customer service working at an underground music venue, interning at a Theater Arts company and working at Barnes and Noble, I am attracted to the business of supporting peoples passions.

Lecheng Shen

As I keep moving forward to this career field,  I want to see myself to be successful in the future and accomplish things that will make my parents proud. My goals is to work in a Luxury Hotel. I want to give my best to satisfy customers because i worked in T-Mobile and I enjoy helping customers. My definition of successful is becoming a manager in a well known Luxury Hotel, such as; The Ritz Carlton, Four Seasons Hotel, and Trump International Hotel. I am looking forward to this career field because it is something I enjoy doing and I believe I will like it even more as time pass.

electronic profile

when i started college, i asked myself what do i really want to do in the future, to be honest, i had no idea. my mom chose this major for me, and i did a little bit search, i felt i like it. because for this major it contains many different career, and the most attract part for me is travel. in the future i want to be a tour guide, so i can go around the world all the time and making money at the same time. when i gain a lot of experience and money, i will have my own company and have the most wonderful travel in the world.

My E-Profile (Sebastian Chiriboga)

I see my self as a successful  business owner of and event planing company providing joy and happiness to all my guests. My achievements at these point are to graduate with a degree in hospitality management and safe enough money to open my business. What influence me the most to follow the path in hospitality management was that, I started working in the event/design business. I always loved to give people ah happy smile at the end of the day and give them my best.

Melissa Mitchell

My father is a pastor so all my life I have had to create small talk, and this experience of interacting with people, and saying the same things multiple times have helped me discover my passion for customer service.  I hope to achieve my degree in hospitality management, and own my own bed and breakfast. I have had seven years in the customer service industry that have helped prepare me for my future career. I hope to continue to work in the industry as it is what I love doing, and I know this hospitality program will help me get to where I want to go.

Teisis Sanchez

As part of a team in different type of restaurant for more than a decade, I have gained knowledge in types of wine, and I can create my own signature cocktails. What makes my job fun and easier is that I have passion for what I do. I make sure that people are happy with their drinks or food. I strongly believe in team work, I think communication is the key between co-workers or customer. I like to go into the kitchen and see how the chef prepares food and ask questions so I can have full knowledge of the food we are serving. I believe in education and curiosity to achieve my goals. As consequence, I decided to switch from medicine to hotel hospitality. This allows me to gain that academic knowledge that can help me achieve my long term goal of opening a wine bar. In the mid-time my goals are to become a professional in Hotel Hospitality, explore the industry as much as I can, and to be open to try different types of jobs in a hotel or restaurant.