Category Archives: Hotel Site Visit

The Edition Times Square Visit

In what way do you believe you need to prepare for a career in the luxury hotel market?

I’ve come to learn from the hotel visit and from my time studying hospitality that a huge part of working and building a career within the industry, is built through networking. I understand this is a skill that I need to better. Interpersonal skills are very important, I am a people person and I know how important it is to be one in hospitality, though developing my networking skills is what I need to be prepared for.

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The Edition Hotel Visit

What was the most significant information you learned while at The 1 Hotel?


    The most significant thing I learned from my visit to The Edition is that there is a place for me in the hotel business. I found a very profound interest in the Human Resources department. While going through the Employees side of the hotel, I started finding a sort of interest. Seeing the workspace of Jennifer, an HR worker,  made me feel more at ease with where I should have my beginning. Before, I chose Hospitality Management as my major, I had previously gotten my Associates degree in Accounting. This skill that I gained could be used in the HR department and would actually be needed.


What did you like/dislike about the site visit to The 1 Hotel?


    One thing I majorly disliked about The Edition hotel is the whole entrance. Yes , I know it’s a very calm and soothing entrance with a scent of mint but it’s not the vibe I want to get as I enter a hotel. I wanted to see nice sparkling chandeliers, and i also did not see why there is a big green ball on the wall. I also felt like the concierge and the check-in should be at the entrance. Overall, I liked everything about the hotel.


Times Square Edition Hotel Reflection

In what way do you believe you need to prepare for a career in the luxury hotel market?
I believe that I need a lot of preparation for a career in the luxury hotel market. I find networking to be an important aspect of life in general, but especially when trying to land a coveted job. It is important to put your best foot forward, and make a good impression. The industry professionals at The Edition Hotel in Times Square were knowledgeable in other sectors of the hotel that they are not in. This shows me that I would have to improve on my knowledge of hotels, such as the “back of the house”, all sectors of the hotel, and have a general idea of every position in a hotel.

What was the most significant information you learned while at The Edition Hotel?
By far the most significant information that I learned while at The Edition Hotel was through the conversation I had with the 3 employees of the hotel. I had a hard time not asking countless questions, due to it being my first time being presented with the opportunity to speak freely with someone who is in a position that I am interested in. I learned that they did not start with the position that they have now. In fact, it was their exploration in the hospitality field that led them to a position at a luxury hotel. It was fascinating to learn that they all came from vastly different college/work careers. The conversation relieved some pressure on me to figure out exactly what sector of the hotel industry I would like to work in; There is always a means of change. I look forward to more opportunities to meet with industry professionals, as it will allow me to gain different perspectives and broaden the scope of my future.

Time Square Edition Hotel Reflection

How did you feel about going to The 1 Hotel?
Visiting the Times Square Edition Hotel gave me a glimpse on how luxury boutique hotels operate, the service and amenities offered to guest, and what sets them apart from traditional lodging properties. When I first walked in to the lobby of Edition Hotel, I noticed that the hotel had a potent woodsy smell. At first I thought it was a guest that walked-in with perfume but it turns out that Edition Hotel produces their own fragrance so that their guests associate the aroma with the hotel. This was a noteworthy detail because it tells me they put in a lot of work to ensure guest experience the hotel even in their sense of smell. In terms of design, the color scheme was ivory and white with green statement pieces through the property. The front desk’s back wall was filled with what looked like vines giving the space and elegant and fresh look. As for price, the rooms range from $800-$2,000 offering an incredible view of the city lights and skyscrapers. The room showcased was much smaller than what I expected for the value of the price but I was told that it is the typical size for rooms in area. One detail that did catch my eye was the mini bar selection. Their selection of snacks was brought from local vendors and guests have the option place customized requests. The snack items are typically in accordance to their sustainable practice of reducing plastic amenities. For instance, instead of plastic bottles guest are provided with ‘Just Water’, a cardboard alternative to the water plastic bottle. Overall, the hotel focuses on providing high-quality personalized accommodations to guest to ensure an experience worth sharing. However, personally for me the value of the experience is not worth the cost.

What’s one aspect of the site visit made you want to or not want to work in the lodging industry?
When I think about the lodging Industry and what it takes for employees to successfully do their job, I realize that it is not an industry I see myself wanting to work for. Being a 5-star, 5- diamond Hotel means top-notch service. For the Edition Hotel, I noticed the employees are welcoming, dedicated, and will do whatever it takes to make guests feel special and cater to their needs. The lodging industry requires service, hospitality, and employees that will carry out the mission and brand of the of the hotel with their actions. I have not found my passion in the lodging industry.

The Edition Hotel

What did you like/dislike about the site visit to the Edition Hotel? 

What I liked about the Edition Hotel is that, it is very modern and very fancy. the restaurants in the hotel had different color schemes to it, which made you feel more relaxed. Also what I liked about the hotel is that the staff is remarkable and very had working and also very nice. The hotel also uses greenery and a smell to relax guests and create an ‘oasis’ for the hotel. What I didn’t like about the hotel is mainly how small the hotel rooms are for a very expensive price. And also I personally feel like they should have more family oriented activities or accommodations, which will attract many many more guests.

What was the most significant information you learned while at the Edition hotel?

What I learned is that this hotel has sound cancelling walls to prevent sounds from time square. Also what I learned during this tour is that this hotel has many many components in the back of the house which helps keep the hotel running drastically. I was surprised on the many departments back of the house has.

Hotel Site Visit

What one aspect of the site visit made you want to or not want to work in the lodging industry?

The one aspect that made me want to work in the lodging industry is the opportunity for promotion. I learned that workers first getting into lodging usually came into it with a narrow mindset of working in one particular area. However it has come to a realization that working in this industry is really like a dice game. Opportunities are presented for persons brave and willing enough to take them.  For this reason I believe that this industry is for me because I do not like being stagnant and I prefer to trail different paths that may eventually lead to the right one.

How did you feel about going to The 1 Hotel?

Overall this was a great learning experience for me personally. I enjoyed receiving some insights about how the industry works from the very knowledgeable and experienced staff. In addition, viewing the property was splendid I was extremely  pleased with the ambience which The Edition creates for its guest. Although it is quite a different feeling just visiting a hotel in contrast to staying there, I believe it added to the unique experience that I will take with me forever.

Edition Hotel Times Square

What was the most significant information you learned while at the Edition hotel?

One thing that I’ve learned during our visit, which was mentioned by one of the staff ( Jennifer from the HR Department) was for any new comers to keep an open mind when entering the hospitality industry. As explained by Jennifer, in lodging, the housekeeping department plays an important role. Often overshadowed, but getting your start there can be very rewarding and beneficial in the long run, you’ll gain the skills and knowledge that are essential and crucial to the hotel business.

Prior to us visiting the Edition Hotel, I didn’t think much about all the work that goes on behind the scenes in order to keep things floating smoothly—to a certain standard, to meet guests expectations at a luxury hotel. Yes I knew that an operational team is required, but I’ve never   go pass that and dig to the depth of what really goes on daily, so seeing it first hand at this hotel left me in shock. There are so many requirements that the property should meet to make their experiences both welcoming and comforting to guests.


What did you like/dislike about the site visit to the Edition Hotel? 

Upon entering the hotel reception lobby, there was a sense of calmness and relaxation. With the air filled with their signature black tea scent, to the warm color choice, and the elegant design, it was such a unique experience, leaving a powerful impression on me, and I like that a lot.

I won’t say that I dislike the rooms because the setting and everything looks very top notch, but knowing how much these rooms cost, only critique I have is that the room aren’t big enough. If I was a guest there, I would be disappointed by the size.


Mariame Traore’s Edition Hotel Reflection

How did you feel about going to Edition hotel?

Before going to the hotel I was very nervous I expected to meet stern employees. But they were the opposite very nice and willing to give us as much information so we can get out career started in the hospitality industry.They made me feel really capable of getting a job at a luxury hotel.

In what way do you believe you need to prepare for a career in the luxury hotel market?

To get a start in my career I will need to be willing to join more clubs in college relating to my major. Also I need to start applying for internships at hotels or even restaurants to get an idea of the hospitality felid. Start to build my resume to show possible employers that i am passionate about hospitality.

Destiny Kinloch

What did you like/dislike about the site visit to the Times Square Edition Hotel?

I liked how the hotel didn’t feel like a hotel. It made me feel very comfortable and calm away from the noise Times Square brings. Also the co-workers were like family instead of people that just work together. While they were telling us about the hotel, they seemed very passionate and it made me interested because that means they love their workplace. Everyone was happy and nice even if they weren’t the ones giving us the tour. Other members of the hotel wanted to make sure we knew certain information and that made me feel like everyone wanted to make sure we were satisfied and know every aspect of the hotel.

What was the most significant information you learned while at the Times Square Edition?

The most significant information I learned while at the Times Square Edition hotel was to not limit myself to one career path. There’s so many different roads to go down in this industry and a lot of opportunities for me to make connections until I find my passion. One of the representatives went to City Tech for education and has a career in human resources so that showed me that I can do anything even if I don’t focus on that while I’m in school.

Pemba Dolma

How did you feel about going to the Times Square EDITION Hotel?

It was a great experience being in the place and perceiving things from a professional perspective. We had an opportunity to take a quick look at all different departments as the front of the house and back of the house from the tour of the EDITION Times Square hotel. As we entered the hotel, the odor from the signature scent made me feel great. At first glance from the lobby, I couldn’t stop gazing on those beautiful and natural decorative staircases. All the staff members we encountered were very friendly and welcoming. Each suite is cozy, soundproof and attaches to a terrace which I thought was nice, relax, and cool. Indeed, the fine dining restaurant with the bar was the best part of the hotel that amazed me from a different angle. The interior design is incredible that catches people’s eyes quickly. I didn’t feel like I was actually in the restaurant. That place was just more than dining. The way they have decorated, designed and structured the ceiling, floor, and walls with lights and plants was very elegant and amazing. They have their own standard procedure to display all the furniture settings. Another piece of information that I gained was that they have created an eco-friendly environment by consuming a plant-based product. Also, they carry around 500 different wines to pair up with varieties of food which I think was a very important part when considering the food and beverage department in this industry.

What was the most significant information you learned while at the Times Square Edition?

The most significant information I learned during this hotel tour was the piece of information being shared by the professional staff. As they said,  knowing different skills, having good communication and connections within an organization are extremely important to work in the hotel industry. In addition, another important information I learned from this tour was having a general idea of the physical and organizational structures of this industry.