Edition Hotel Times Square

What was the most significant information you learned while at the Edition hotel?

One thing that I’ve learned during our visit, which was mentioned by one of the staff ( Jennifer from the HR Department) was for any new comers to keep an open mind when entering the hospitality industry. As explained by Jennifer, in lodging, the housekeeping department plays an important role. Often overshadowed, but getting your start there can be very rewarding and beneficial in the long run, you’ll gain the skills and knowledge that are essential and crucial to the hotel business.

Prior to us visiting the Edition Hotel, I didn’t think much about all the work that goes on behind the scenes in order to keep things floating smoothly—to a certain standard, to meet guests expectations at a luxury hotel. Yes I knew that an operational team is required, but I’ve never   go pass that and dig to the depth of what really goes on daily, so seeing it first hand at this hotel left me in shock. There are so many requirements that the property should meet to make their experiences both welcoming and comforting to guests.


What did you like/dislike about the site visit to the Edition Hotel? 

Upon entering the hotel reception lobby, there was a sense of calmness and relaxation. With the air filled with their signature black tea scent, to the warm color choice, and the elegant design, it was such a unique experience, leaving a powerful impression on me, and I like that a lot.

I won’t say that I dislike the rooms because the setting and everything looks very top notch, but knowing how much these rooms cost, only critique I have is that the room aren’t big enough. If I was a guest there, I would be disappointed by the size.


1 thought on “Edition Hotel Times Square

  1. Melaya Vaz-Paddyfoote

    Edition Time Square a very memorable tour of a wonderful boutique hotel. The most memorable information I learned was a culinary partnership Edition had and a famous executive chef who can create diverse meals perfect for vegetarians and meat eaters. Edition being a 5-star hotel I expected big lavish and fancy rooms but when I saw a room it was really small. Needless to say I was surprised of the size but the room was beautiful yet a nice simple modern look with a view of the complex bright Time Square really complemented the room. The working standard at the edition greatly benefited the employees as it was a supportive environment where everyone had a chance to work up and help one another. The back of the house was strictly back of the house with employee elevators to traverse the building so customers can have their private experience.


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