Haydee Torres

  1. What was the most significant information you learned while at the Times Square Edition?
    The most significant information I learned while at the Times Square Edition hotel was that the staff who gave the tour, shared their advice and encouraged us to explore any/every aspect of the hospitality industry. To not limit ourselves into one path/position, explore as many as you can especially the one’s you won’t think you’ll have an interest in. It can help you understand the industry more from different angles and perspectives as well as find where exactly you belong.
  2. What did you like/dislike about the site visit to the Times Square Edition?
    What I liked about the site visit to the Times Square Edition was the simplicity of the hotel yet instilling a balance between luxury and casualty. It wasn’t too sophisticated but also not too lower end. It welcomed tranquility and peace. Once inside you felt catered to but also independent. It gave the atmosphere to just relax and unwind as well as the room to escape and have some fun. Lastly lets not forget the dinning room with all the greenery of all types of different plants, simply beautiful.

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