Texture Reflection

hector txtre.grphc

The third project of the semester, TEXTURE/FIGURE/GROUND , 50/50/b/w and Pattern is by far one of the most unique exercises. For this assignment, students were to use unpredictable patterns acquired by rubbing a black crayon on a piece of paper placed on on objects or surfaces. Understanding the type of pattern that would be accepted was a rather confusing step. This assignment was a way for me to get a better understanding on how seemingly random patterns can become one balanced piece.

Initially I thought this assignment to be simple in comparison to the first. How difficult could it be to find 12 rubbings? I asked myself. It wasn’t until I spent the following 2 weeks roaming around the school and my neighborhood rubbing crayons on random things that it hit me how demanding this assignment was. This helped me see things differently in a way. My mind now drifts into thinking different ways in which patterns can be modified.

Line Reflection

hector line72

The Line/Movement: PARALLEL LINES THAT SHOW MOVEMENT assignment marked the beginning of the course. For this assignment we were instructed to create the feeling of movement through the use of parallel lines.  An assignment that was rather eye opening for a part of the  class. The instructions behind this assignment were rather vague in comparison to the sort of fool proof instructions we were used to in the past. It helped for us to get a clear idea as to how interpret instructions from this point on.

Initially following these instructions was rather difficult for me. As I would come to find myself drawing some form of arrows, in an attempt to literally indicate movement by guiding the viewer’s eye. In order to further understand the assignment, looking at my peer’s interpretations was rather helpful. Soon after realizing how I should go about it, I came up with ideas such as this. Unfortunately, these ideas turned out to be too ambitious, as when the time to craft them came,  my inexperience with the tools required made for a sloppy piece of work.