Internship – Entry 9

But the best thing I’ve come to take away from my first experience in a work environment. Is that having nothing to do is absolutely painful. I used to tease my friend for complaining about those days at work when she’d have nothing to do, especially with how well she gets paid. But now that I’ve come to experience it myself, I finally understand her. When I have something to do not only am I having fun, but the time just vanishes. But when I have nothing to do, my days feel like they go from 6 hours of work, to 12 hours of sitting around. Neither Jamal nor Davinine have ever placed a complaint with how I spend my off time, as I often tend to ask if there is anything I can work on, and when they say no they just tell me I can relax or chill around until something comes up. There have been times where I’ve actually gotten to help with things completely unrelated to graphic design. Such as carrying around some stuff, taking care of calls when they have a meeting going on. I even attended a workshop once under Davinine’s request, in which I spent the majority of the day alongside some other work-study students.

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