Internship – Entry 4

For the first couple of weeks and especially on the first day, I had come to realize my biggest weaknesses when it came to design and that I had to overcome them and quick. On the very first day of work, they had already tasked me with working on a flyer for an event that involved a group of comedians coming to make some presentations. I had spent almost the entirety of the day working on the flyer, and when I had submitted the final another person from the office came in to sit with me and guided me through some changes that not only completely changed the final result without altering the layout I had created, but extremely enhanced it. And all it was, was add color, an image, and a pattern for the white space. At this point I realized a couple of things. The most important being that i had to be much, much quicker with my work. Another, being that I had to begin to learn how to use color, as up until this moment all my work (including this flyer) was primarily in black and white, or in very very basic colors.

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