Webinar #3 Learn UX/UI Design With Thinkful

APR 20 MON / WEBINAR : Learn UX/UI Design With Thinkful



How I found/got in this webinar.

As a design student specializing in UX/UI, I google that term often. Big data took that bait and started throwing a bunch of advertisements related to UX/UI. The ad about this webinar just popped up on Facebook feed as a sponsored ad. Honestly, I never heard of their name before, but some of my friends were already following Thinkful company and their website and branding seemed to be very professional and legitimate so I decided to sign up for their webinar.

How it works

This webinar’s host didn’t necessarily show his face. He had his Google slide open and explained what UX/UI is, what the related job titles are, and what they do. And attendees were able to ask questions on the chat.

What was it about

Thinkful is a company that offers courses for people who are interested in becoming a Product Designer. This was a good chance to learn what a Product Designer does—from user research to iterative design, to rapid prototyping. Product design is a field that brings together art, business, and engineering. It is a career path that allows room for growth and expansion in a variety of areas, including design research, art direction, or even freelancing.

As you can see, he explained what UX/UI is, how the process works, and where to see the reference. We also had a Q&A time, which was really helpful and then, the host moved on to explaining how Thinkful courses work etc.

The webinar was so fun and useful, I’m totally sold. I might consider taking the course. But I will put my thinking cap on before doing so because it is quite expensive 🙂