Blog Posts

Positive Design: An Introduction to Design for Subjective Well Being

Please read the article thoroughly for next Thursday’s article discussion. I encourage you to print this out, write your notes on the side and bring it to class so that each of us can reference the article during the discussion.

Choose only 1  of the two prompts to complete your blog post. Submit your responses by Tuesday evening, 11:59 PM.

1) Think about how the material you’ve learned so far (e.g. Positive Design) might relate to the  material learned in your own discipline? Be sure to describe the some aspect of the article such as the authors’ framework, assumptions, and/or the projects they introduced in the paper, etc. What in particular was the interesting knowledge gained in the article?


2)  Describe how this knowledge you’ve learned from the article led to the kinds of conversations or way of thinking that has occurred outside of the school. For example, has any of this new knowledge creep its way into your everyday conversations at work, with a friend/family, while in your thoughts on the subway, or another class. If this has not already happened, find a place or person, or space  to engage in this conversation with and report back on this blog.

Focus Groups_Anita Gibbs

Please read the article on focus groups for the Thursday, Sept. 17 class session. You are encouraged to print the article and note your responses to the  following two questions. Your responses should also be posted to the course Blog site by Tuesday evening, Sept. 15. We will discuss the article prior to the planned focus group exercise.

1. What are the benefits and potential limitations of focus groups according to the author?

2. What are some of the ethical issues that need to be considered in conducting focus groups?

3. Are there any ways that  focus groups could be used effectively for a project within your discipline? Thin about an application of this research strategy within your discipline or in the context of the semester research project you are thinking of doing.

Dear Class, 

Today, (9/22) I am writing to inform you that there will be no to need post a blog in response to an article for this Thursday’s session. Instead, we will spend most of our time finishing up focus group, and I will go over the articles in class with you all. See you Thursday, 9/24

-Pa Her


28 thoughts on “Blog Posts

  1. Michael Jason Chin


    Before even reading the assignment for the blog post, immediately after reading this article, I had a conversation with my girlfriend about what I had read. She and I write a lot of stories together. She makes comics and I do 3D animation.

    When writing stories, often, we get stuck near the beginning. Once we get flowing, we have very smooth sailing. When reading this article, I realized one of the largest issues we have. Thinking of WHY the characters are doing what they are doing is not the first thing on our minds. We focus too much on action, and not behind meaning.

    When I discussed with her what I read in the article, she lit up! She and I were able to crank out a few stories that night for our next projects. We knew to keep in mind altruism in the protagonist. We talked about who they were doing their actions for and why it meant so much to them. It gave the characters so much personality and meaning behind their actions.

    This also extended to the antagonists in our stories! We gave them reasons and meanings behind their actions too. Make them want to help their people in selfish ways. It really made it a more dynamic and intriguing stories. Questions of “Who is really right” came up. We’ve never had such nail biting endings in our stories before.

  2. Kaibin Wu

    In my discipline of learning, I usually will learn the best by listening to an instructor while he/she is giving a demonstration, so I get both the audio and visual of information. I’m not a good learner when it comes to reading only, because I will get confused easily and have a hard time dealing with it. The article mentions that “a one-size-fits-all design solution is likely doomed,” which is similar to my situation, because we should make more solutions so that we can take care of every individual to achieve the ultimate happiness, and that’s also the goal of positive design. One interesting knowledge that I gained from reading this article is that positive design has gone so far to pursue human flourishing that instead of making one individual happy, it is making more individuals happy and keeping the unhappiness as less as possible, and this scenario is just similar to the current society where scientists are making our world a better place to live.

  3. Jendayi

    Starting from the introduction of the “Positive Design” article, the first quote that was written has brought up many conversations since reading it. The article has had an effect in my way of thinking. After indulging in this article, I have spent most of my time asking others what will make them the happiest. I tried asking this question in different environments. I first asked my mother and her answer was bliss as it was the exact thing that I thought. She took a deep breath and smiled. Me wondering if she had nothing to say I found that her answer was already there. Being able to breathe is happiness on its own. She then followed by saying that she rather simple small things to achieve her happiness on a daily basis rather than one big event that is not even guaranteed to fill the general idea that others might have of what happiness is.
    I then asked the same questions to some of my team at work. Their response to the question was more realistic (granted most were playing around with their first response). The first thing that they agreed happiness is was having a job, lots of money, a car, always having a enough juice on their Iphones and making the popular page on Instagram. The second time around it was more profound: happiness was family, love, travel, and still money. The difference in the response made me realize that our environments and circumstances our make us have different views especially when you are younger and there is so much media out there.
    After everyone’s playful general response I feel as if for a quick minute or two my answer to what happiness was changed. I could not answer the question when I was asked.
    Ultimately I took one thing away from this article, you find happiness along the way. Your definition of happiness or the ways you try to find it is not always what brings you it.

  4. BTSupermanPunch

    While reading this article I could not believe how much sense it made to me. A lot of the subject matter had already been on my mind for quite some time. One quote in particular stands out quite a bit, “Money generates happiness because it provides you with the means to pursue meaningful goals and to help your loved ones to do the same.” Now I hadn’t noticed this at first but, once I entered college all I wanted was a “good” job that paid well. Over the years though, after seeing paths taken by other classmates and how they were going about their lives I saw that I didn’t want to merely exist and pay bills for 40 to 50 years. I wanted to dedicate myself to LIVING , DESIGNING, and making money to pay for EXPERIENCES. This would certainly fall under the Designing for Personal Significance area of the pyramid. There is a reason for what I’m doing , just like everyone has their own reason for being. I am personally a big fan of the transition from a materialistic to a post-materialistic value system as described in the article. Ultimately, as far as I’m concerned, the idea is to live a “happy” life, whatever that may mean to you.

  5. Jasmine Coley

    I found the “Framework for Positive Design” interesting because I have unknowing tried to apply those principles to work I have done for years. One of the first lessons that I learned about graphic design/advertising is that you play on people’s insecurities in order to get them to buy a product, whether it is making them feel inadequate about their physical features or the material items they own. That lesson is one of the main reasons that I decided to switch from advertising to animation. It is not to say that I want to be a “do good-er”, but I think that it is my personal obligation to address issues bothering myself and others by using my talents to do such.

  6. Jennifer Cam

    The Article of “Positive Design” made think of what made people really happy, so I started asking my friends what happiness was and what made them happy. Most of them would say that being able to be with their love ones was enough others would mention money and how winning the lottery or being able to buy everything they had dream off would satisfy them. One of my friends also said when I ask her what would make her happy. She said and I quote: ” I would be happy if I can finish all my work and be out of school” . My other friend agreed with her and we started laughing about the fact that we all wanted to be done with something to be able to relax and that was going to be our happiness of the day, you could say. In the end, the article really got to me and a lot of events and things said that made people happy in the article were true.

  7. O'Nysha Thomas

    I have always felt like the society in which we live is designed to push some people to the top, and keep others at the bottom. But in the mist of it all there is always a window of opportunity. That is where the Cinderella like success stories are derived from. In reference to the article, I don’t believe happiness should be based upon materialism. However, materialism is a symbol of survival. Design can evoke many emotions, I see it everyday between school, work, and even my weekend festival adventures. Personally, I don’t feel I have designed for personal happiness, but possibly to inflict happiness on to others. I design for an intended purpose, for a job. I create for personal happiness, freedom, and to tell a message. As I reflect back on my college experience thus far, I realize that designing and creating are two different things. I honestly don’t know where I fall on the Positive Design Framework, because I often design as a job. The relationship between happiness, materialism, design, and creativity is quite interesting. For me creativity is closer related to happiness, where design has a closer relation to materialism.

  8. karla

    Because of a personal experience with my 15 year-old daughter, I had a special attention on ” See better to learn better”. For so many reasons this initiative is very interesting. My daughter just got her new glasses and her first words after wearing them for first time was: ” The world is so amazing!!, look mami here says this and that!, she was so happy to see that good that broke my heart. Kids are really into learn more and socialize definitely better while they feel comfortable with their vision. It is a wonderful product which is going to lead them to perform great at school, they will feel in good conditions as the rest of the classmates to have terrific grades.

  9. Wayne Ferguson

    I found this article very intriguing to say the least, what exactly is happiness? is happiness relative? After reading this I asked my coworker what makes us (humans) happy? I then asked him what makes us happy here at work? We both agreed that helping patients to get the best medical care make us happy. we also both agreed that material things do not neccesarily bring happiness even though it may provide comfort. I found the following statement especially powerful and true “Money generates happiness because it provides you with the means to pursue meaningful goals and to help your loved ones to do the same” This I think is particular true for most of us because if we were financially well of then we could provide ways and means not for ourselves but for our family to live in some kind of comfort, comfort is not necessarily happiness but it creates and environment for happiness.

  10. Carlina Rosario

    Assignment # 2 : Focus Groups

    1. One of the benefits of focus groups is that participants have the ability to interact with each other that allows them to work through their reactions and feelings around the particular topic. It also allows them to feel as though by partaking in an exercise that allows them to feel as though they are an important part of a decision making process. While focus groups have a lot of benefits and provide participants with a feeling of accomplishments, the moderators has very little control of the outcome or results. As well as the moderator has to be very specific in their planning and execution in order to receive any usable data.
    2. I think one of the ethical issues that needs to be considered when conducting a focus groups is being very transparent with the participants and informing them that the data isn’t anonymous and will be shared through other groups. The only way to be ethic within focus groups is to be very upfront with the need and expectations of the groups without pressuring or guiding the participants in anyway and just allow the conversations to remain genuine.
    3. Being that my discipline is Career and Technical Education, specifically education i feel as though focus groups could be used effectively. I think that focus groups can be used amongst students to gauge what aspects of the programs worked well as well as what areas were not effective and could be changed. The focus groups could be used to brainstorm new ways to teach the specific content as well.

  11. germina leonce

    Focus groups benefit us as students because it gives you an easy why to find out what people are thinking. It shows how people think and how the can also influence each other. The limitations that they would have to face would be that not everyone is used to talking out loud. Some people might be really shy and afraid to talk. sometimes not every body’s idea fits the discussion. The ethical issues is trusting your team with sensitive material and confidentiality. There’s no ways too know if the participants is keeping everything they hear in the meeting confidential. Focus groups would go great with my major because, i day i would like to open my own business. And i’m going to have to do a lot of research before i get started. So a focus group is a great way to get great ideas and really get to hear and learn from peoples points of view.

  12. Jendayi

    While reading Gibbs, Focus Group
    the advantages and disadvatages for having a focus group are layed out. Some of the advantages of a focus group ranges from more readily available information, finding and understanding what is important to the group, having a forum that starts a change on the issue that is being discussed, and bridging a gap that may exist from different classes of people. Disadvantages of study groups are that they are “not natural”, it may be hard to get individual voices from the group, and that it might be hard to assemble a group because some are not as open or have a predisposition that makes them unlikely to join a focus group.

    What I found most interesting was that even though there were some disadvantages to having focus groups if there is the right moderator there may be a potiental for the group to have a positive outcome. Ethical issues are always apparent in any form of social research. This ranges from confidentiality to disclosing to the participants what the focus group is about .

    This type of research would be great in my discipline. It can help by creating a forum in which research can be done and what is needed to push the field further. In the field of Biomedical Informatics it is important to have focus groups to make sure no ethical boundaries are being broken that can effect and throw out any work or research that is being done. Focus groups are also important in my field because it helps to find what trends are promising and may help other informaticists with their current work.

  13. Eric89

    Upon reading Anitas Gibbs article on Focus group there are different variations of advantages and disadvantages. One advantage focus group’s can supplied better then questionnaire and one on one interview are their attitudes, feelings, beliefs, experiences and reactions to one another responses and thoughts, also by having these focus group the researchers can obtain a large amount of information in a short period of time. Another Advantage of having a focus group is that potential shy or non-confident are more likely to react and participate if another person has the same belief or idea. One disadvantage is that a lot of people don’t participate in going to these focus groups and that being the reason why focus group have 5 to 9 people, in which the participants still may not be a representative sample. Another disadvantage is that some focus groups are open to public in which some individuals might not be totally honest or not participate on certain subjects
    One ethical issue is that researcher must be totally honest with the participants, not pressure participants to speaking and encouraged them to keep confidential on what they are hearing in meetings. I am thinking of changing my research project in where I can use a focus group to obtain information with my own findings and real people I may know.

  14. John Bhatia

    Dr. Anita Gibbs article Focus Groups clearly structured what focus groups are and how they benefit the researcher. She described many benefits to using a focus group compared to using other methods of surveying. Some benefits are: the specific interaction between the researcher and the participant where in some cases the values the participant portrays during the process can impact how the researcher continues with their research. This opportunity is unique to focus groups. Another advantage to using focus groups are how concise they can be, participate groups are small, varying from 4 on the low end to 20 on the high end between 1 to 2 hours in duration.
    Along with this flexibility come some limitations. Some are how comfortable the participants feel during this process. Also as human many of our subconscious biases come into play. We will add biases based on our ethical background, languages, values, and beliefs. One of the larges disadvantages to a focus group is the inconstant data received from participant to participant. The researcher has little control over the outcomes, but this can also be a good outcome also; the data being the most pure.
    Focus groups are becoming very large in my discipline. User Experience and User Interface is 100% about the user. We develop for the user, making the interaction between the user and the product, one of the most effective technique we have is to let a user actually use the product. The feedback we then receive will proceed by another round of development.

  15. karla

    According to the author, Focus Groups has many advantages as the interaction among its participants, which is fundamental to find out what the people think about a certain topic or situation by interchanging different points of view about the same issue. Through this interaction, also the participants can reconsider or even think more deeply about something related to them in particular, as a personal experience. All these cases can be studied and analyzed by experts who can help to develop the behavior of the participants. Unfortunately,like pros we can find disadvantages as well, such the less or absence of credibility of individuals, who not always are talking about their own point of view , but in a too general way. Sometimes because we feel shameful speaking about our own experiences in public, we just talk about anything in a figurative way, or in an ideal way either. This could be an issue for the researcher.
    Ethical issues such confidentiality has to be handle with responsibility by the researchers because even though participants agree sharing some data or personal experiences, not all the time we might be comfortable exposing them to the group. It is crucial to protect and respect some sensitive data from the members of the group in order to meet the focus group goals.
    Focus Group could be an interesting strategy to develop what is the best moment for an architect to design a building. When an architect can be inspire to start a project?, when is the perfect moment to think about the creation of a certain type of building?.

  16. Michael Jason Chin

    [For 9/17/15]

    Since focus groups are an interactive social activity, it shows how people would respond in a public environment (which can be drastically different than a 1 on 1 responce).

    Social interactivity can also allow participants to work out their feelings around a topic together.

    By having an interaction, it can show how important their feelings and decisions are to others.

    Potential Limitations:

    The moderator has very little control over the situation and the outcome of the results. Their job is to make sure participants stay on track and not deviate to far from the topic at hand.

    Data from focus groups can be very obscure and comes down to interpretation. Moderators must be very specific when planning in order to make sure the results can be usable.


    Participants need to understand that what they say will not be private and will be shared. This can be concerning, especially when discussing sensitive matters. It’s important to not pressure participants to answer. Making someone uncomfortable in order to have them answer is unethical. Participants also need to know they mustn’t discuss what was said in the focus group and to keep the identity of participants anonymous.


    Yes. Very much so. My goal is to entertain and educate people through my animations. I want to help people to be happier with an inspiring, thrilling story. However, sometimes it can be very hard to figure out what moral I’d like to teach. This can be very troublesome since it’s the first aspect of creating a story. A study group would allow me to find people’s common issues. To be able to pin point what kind of stories I can tell to help inspire people to better themselves.

  17. KCArtFilm

    I would first like to say I enjoy reading this article. The benefit of a focus group or focus groups is that it is a group of individuals prearranged for a conversation. These groups of individuals well increase their knowledge, opinions and beliefs on a choose topic by the researcher/s. Conducting a focus group the researcher/s will be able to observe the behavior and spoke words of each individual’s. The researcher/s will see if the words match the person/s actions. The purpose of a focus group is to see what people think of during their everyday life and how that person/s or individual conduct his or herself a group like setting. Even though there are benefits of a focus group, like any other research there are potential limitations. Limitations such as the view of the individual may not be that individual own views. That individual views may be the views based on his or her culture beliefs. Another limitation would be the individual may have special needs, a shy individual, an individual that feels self-conscious about what he or she say in front of a group he/she doesn’t know. Potential limitation may also be an individual may not feel comfortable to express certain opinions in front of a group of strangers. The sharing of information can also be harmful and viewed as a potential limitation of a focus group.

    When conducting a focus group there are a few ethical issues that need to be put into consideration. The individuals or participants needs know what is going to be asked from them. The participant/s needs to know who their information will be shared with. How the information shared in the group will be handled; individual confidential needs to be stated upfront. Participants shouldn’t be focus to speak him/she should feel comfortable to speak freely. Those taking part of the research needs to know that the information in the group may be shared with others in the group. The researchers are also responsible for the information/data gather from the group is kept well.

    Another way this research method can be effective is if the researcher is well organized with the questions he/she wants to ask to the group. The researcher should be aware upfront the information/data gather may not be what he/she expects but is able to hear and handle each information received. It is important to have all materials needed for the group organized and the proper steps should be taken during the process of conducting this research project.

  18. O'Nysha Thomas

    1. According to the author, the benefits of focus groups is to gain insight over a topic based on other peoples experiences. When working with groups, sometimes, people’s influence affects others decisions, which can reflect negatively on the information gained from the focus group.

    2. Some of the ethical issues to be considered when conducting a focus group is the demographics of people to be included. To get diverse responses you would need a diverse group to focus on. However if the group is two diverse, they might not interact well with each other, which can influence the response as well.

    3. I believe a focus group can possibly be used effectively in my research project. However, after reading this article, I think a case study will be better suited. A focus group based on Art Marketing through Social Media might not generate a diverse response, and in a group setting, I know influence will be shared amongst each other, which can also reflect negatively on the experiment.

  19. Scarlett Mei

    1. The benefits of focus group research include gaining insights into people’s shared understandings of everyday life and the ways in which individuals are influenced by others in a group situation. The benefits to participants of focus group research should not be underestimated. The opportunity to be involved in decision making processes (Race et al 1994), to be valued as experts, and to be given the chance to work collaboratively with researchers (Goss & Leinbach 1996) can be empowering for many participants. This article has outlined the main features of focus group research, paying particular attention to the benefits of interaction and group dynamics which only this method can offer.

    2. Being honest and keeping participants informed about the expectations of the group and topic, and not pressurising participants to speak is good practice. A particular ethical issue to consider in the case of focus groups is the handling of sensitive material and confidentiality given that there will always be more than one participant in the group.

    3. Focus groups could be used effectively for a project within your discipline. I chose the tipic of the Factors that Affect Leadership Effectiveness in Hospitality Industry. My research question will be What are the factors affecting effective management in the hospitality industry in line with the changing trends in leadership? Focus groups would definitely help me focus to the people in hospitality industries.

    1. Scarlett Mei

      I did not see the new blog until I wanted to check it again before the class today. I did checked Openlab everyday. There are so many posts and the old blog post question was on the top so I thought there is no new post.

  20. Scarlett Mei

    I responded the first blog post to the Readings section. I would like to post it again here in order to show that I completed the assignment on time.

    ***********************Scarlett Mei
    September 1, 2015 at 11:19 am
    It seems that positive psychology created by Maslow has become a part of everyday life of Western society (1954). Most magazines encourage readers to enjoy life here and now, personal consultants and bestsellers` authors share with their recipes of happiness while dance instructors and restaurants owners offer to get involved into a process of happiness. I also noticed that something has changed from my parents` youth: people no longer associate happiness with mere possession of something. In my subjective meaning it concerns even products. What brand is the most popular and wanted in America today? Right, it`s Apple, the company that sells devices which are pretty much the same as the devices of other companies but have one significant difference. Apart from selling products Apple sells positive emotions and inspiration. Apple emphasizes the fact that design is a key concept in their products and that the owners of these products will be able to do a lot of things with them: listen to music, take photos of their close people, share with these photos (Lyubomirsky, 2007) . So people want more interactive, engaging emotions today: it seems that many people want to feel the sense of belonging and sharing. And those products which help them to do it become the most popular. As the example with a jazz lover who achieved the chance to share with his happiness by collaborating for creation of a “Jazz Shower” installation (Desmet & Pohlmeyer). The article persuaded me of this fact that I was noticing recently: people live in post-materialistic society in which things bare little positive meaning if they are not shared with others.****************************

  21. Kaibin Wu

    Focus Groups_Anita Gibbs (for 09/17/2015)
    In a focus group, participants are encouraged to express their point of views and expression on a specific topic, and they might have a different standings since participants could have power differences between them and they might have different experiences, so researchers can collect huge amount of information in a short period of time.
    A focus group allows researchers to find out why an issue is salient and what is salient about it, so the gap between what people say and do can be better understood.
    Focus group discussion can become a form of change afterwards, for example, in the research, patients were invited to give improvements on the services of their hospital, and the result is that change occurred at the management level base on the patients’ input.
    In a focus group, participants are encouraged to ask questions and discuss with other participants, so a participant’s point of view could be affected by others.
    Focus group could be intimidating for participants who are shy or inarticulate, making the focus group less effective and may not explore solutions to a particular problem.
    In a focus group, participants are encouraged to talk to each other, so the moderator has less control over the discussion the participants are having, which lead to off-topic scenario, and the point of the research cannot be entirely predetermined.
    Participants could speak in a specific context known within a specific culture only, so researchers are having a difficult time trying to identify the message.

    The purpose and uses of participants’ contribution has to be clear, and honestly keeping the participants informed about the expectations of the group and topic, and not pressuring participants to speak. Also when conducting focus groups, it is important to handle sensitive material and confidentiality because there will always be more than one participant in the group. Moderator has to clarify what kind of information will be shared with the others in the group. Participants need to be encouraged to keep confidential about the discussion during the meeting and researchers have the responsibility to anonymize data from the group.

    I’m majoring in software development, so I will be constantly in contact with users to collect their opinions about my software. Having a focus group can help me gather information from participants so that I can see what needs to be improved on my software and eventually bring them an improved version of my software.

  22. Martin Figueroa

    1. According to the author the benefits of focus groups are that focus groups elicit information in a way which allows researchers to find out why an issue is salient, as well as what is salient about it (Morgan 1988) and interaction is the crucial feature of focus groups because the interaction between participants highlights their view of the world, the language they use about an issue and their values and beliefs about a situation. Interaction also enables participants to ask questions of each other, as well as to re-evaluate and reconsider their own understandings of their specific experiences. While the limitations are the researcher, or moderator, for example, has less control over the data produced (Morgan 1988) than in either quantitative studies or one-to-one interviewing. The moderator has to allow participants to talk to each other, ask questions and express doubts and opinions, while having very little control over the interaction other than generally keeping participants focused on the topic. By its nature focus group research is open ended and cannot be entirely predetermined.
    2. Some ethical issues that need to be addressed with focus groups are when selecting and involving participants, researchers must ensure that full information about the purpose and uses of participants’ contributions is given. Being honest and keeping participants informed about the expectations of the group and topic, and not pressuring participants to speak is good practice. A particular ethical issue to consider in the case of focus groups is the handling of sensitive material and confidentiality given that there will always be more than one participant in the group.
    3. For the context of my focus a focus group could be helpful as mine is in the context of movies and there are always differing opinions there. My goal is for people to see beyond what is put in front of them and to see the true subliminal messaging in movies of the current millennia. However people always take things from different perspectives so getting these differing perspectives together could be an ideal place for me to start.

  23. christian

    assignment 2: Focus groups

    1a. benefits of a focus group
    – A focus group shows how people respond to different situations and ideas in a public environment.
    – it shows that the people have a voice; makes the participants feel more important

    1b. Limitations of a focus group
    – the moderator has no control of the ending results
    – the moderator has to let the participants talk to each other
    – focus group research is open ended and cannot be entirely predetermined.

    2. Ethical issues
    – letting the participants what they are volunteering for
    – not pressuring participants to speak
    – handling sensitive material and confidentiality of what is heard during meetings.

  24. Jennifer Cam

    The benefits of focus groups are that you can research respondents’ attitudes, feelings, beliefs, experiences and reactions in a way in which would not be feasible using other methods. It can also help generate hypotheses and develop questions or concepts for questionnaires and interview guides, and the limitations are that you cannot get more information or responses from other than from the group.

    Some of the ethical issues that need to be considered in conducting a focus group are that you need to be honest with the participants and let them know everything that will be going on, everything that they hear or happens there will be confidential and they cannot talk about outside of the focus group. The would be explained of everything and that it would be recorded and what not.

    A focus group could be used effectively in my discipline by using it the analyze a product or like or dislikes that people have about a certain product. You can make a survey out of it and get opinions and more knowledge for you to know for the time of targeting them.

  25. KCArtFilm

    How can the moral duty to provide care balancing effectiveness and risk be respected where ideal medications, facilities, and trained staff are limited?

  26. Scarlett Mei

    Week 5 Assignment
    Assignment 1: 4 questions and assign a scale to those questions.
    1. How many times have you visited a facility in the Hospitality Industry for the last one month?
    Frequently Often Severally Occasionally Never
    2. In the last facility that you visited, how was the customer service?
    Excellent Good Bad Poor Very Poor
    3. What is the likelihood of you visiting the same facility again?
    Very Likely Likely Not Likely Very Unlikely Never
    4. Would you agree that general customer service in the Hospitality Industry is wanting?
    Strongly Agree Agree Neither Strongly Disagree Disagree

    Assignment 2: One paragraph summary of research topic proposal and research method you are considering.
    As the world changes, all industries are changing. This means that all these industries, including the hospitality industries, require managers who are keen to the changes and who can move the industry at par with others. Effective leadership is lacking in hospitality management to achieve this. Effective leadership is lacking in hospitality management to achieve this. My research topic is “Factors that Affect Leadership Effectiveness in Hospitality Industry” and my research question will be “What are the factors affecting effective management in the hospitality industry in line with the changing trends in leadership?” The research method I am going to use will be survey.

  27. KCArtFilm

    What is the correlation between HIV and Heart Disease within an Urban Community?

    The research methodology I would use is correlation and dependence research method. I would use this method because there are two parts to this question. This research topic is about finding relationship between two variables or even two set of data. Correlation is defined as independent variables sharing the same quantities. Statistics have shown that there is a strong correlation between HIV and Heart Disease; I pan on finding that correlation within an Urban Community. The way I plan on going about doing this is finding information about Urban Community HIV statistics compared to other communities. I would like to know why is HIV and Heart Disease higher in Urban Communities than other communities if that is true.


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