FINAL PRESENTATION, Tuesday 12/21/2021

For the final presentation of the semester, revise your Concept Document based on the recommendations, and critique given in class.

You should prepare a Slide Presentation and a PDF of your presentation.

To POST: Use the category: FINAL PROJECT

1. Create your thread in Open Lab: Full Name – Name of your Project

2. INSERT an image that best reflects your proposal.

3. TYPE: Download Slide Presentation (Link it to the file in your Google Drive)

4. TYPE: Download PDF (Link it to the file in your Google Drive)


ASSIGNMENT for Tuesday 12/14/2020

Interactive Installation Concept Document
This project focuses on the creation of an Interactive Kiosk or Interactive Installation. Guidelines:
Document should have the following points (written in bold):

– Title: A good title for the project.
– Name: Write clearly your name.
– Introduction: Provide a background information that contextualizes the need for your project.
– Description: Describe the project as best as you can.  You can guide your description using the following cues:  What is the project about?  Who is it for?  How does it work?  Where is it installed ?
You may use images or montage photos that best exemplify your proposal.
– Functionality: How does it work?  Explain and / or visually show how the installation works.
– Materials and Equipment: List them and briefly explain. 
– Flow Chart or Interactive Flowchart:
Like a site-map, it should clearly show the many interactive aspects of your piece.

Document should also include the images of:
– Sketch of the design.
– Digital Blueprint or Digital Rendering.

NOTE: For presentation (examples), you have to create a Power Point or Slide Presentation + the PDF of your presentation.  Post links to both in the Discussion: INTERACTIVE INSTALLATION.


ASSIGNMENT for Tuesday, 12/07/2021

READ: Interactive Immersive Installation


ASSIGNMENT for Tuesday, 11/30/2021

READ and WATCH: Game Production (Lecture Section)

WRITE: Boardgame Concept Document
– Based on the comments and feedback, review your concept document.
– For the final version you MUST include all the points addressed in the lecture (see reference document in Lectures)
– The final version should include photos of your paper prototype.
– Your presentation will be through Google Slides.
– Make sure your proposal is visually attractive. That means include relevant images (treat this carefully not all images can tell your point of view).
– Save the Google Slides into a PDFs, upload them to your Google Drive, and Post it in Open Lab: BOARDGAME CONCEPT DOCUMENT & PROTOTYPE

PRODUCTION: Paper Prototype
– You can create your paper prototype in analog or digital format.
Draw, paint, write, using sticky notes, pieces, cards, etc. to best convey the idea of your board game.
You can use any digital tool that you know to produce the paper prototype.
Print it and add the elements to convey the idea of your board game.

Google Slide for Prototype:
– Take photos of your prototype  in its various sections to demonstrate how it works.
– Using Google Slides, create a presentation to include the photos you took of your prototype.
– Explain each part of the paper prototype in the slides (it’s like working with the navigation of an App or Website).


ASSIGNMENT for Tuesday, 11/23/2021

READ: Assigned material (Lecture)

CONCEPT DOCUMENT – Proposal for Boardgame
Your boardgame should have a theme. (Check Here Initial Ideas)
Follow the outlined points described in class (Notes)
Your presentation will be through Google Slides. Make sure your proposal is visually attractive. That meas include some images.
Save the Google Slide into a PDF, upload it to your Google Drive, and Post it in Open Lab.


ASSIGNMENT for Tuesday, 11/09/2021

READ: Assigned material (Lecture)

REVISE: Final App Proposal (Concept Doc + Paper Prototyping)
Note: You have until Friday, Nov. 5, Noon to submit your revised version (Midterm Evaluation)

ANALYSIS: Favorite Game
Select your favorite Analog or Digital Game, and write an analysis. Include these defining characteristics of a game:

– Goal (Objective of the game)
– Rules
– Constraints
– Elements (pieces)
– Story / Narrative
– Play Space
– Interaction
– Feedback System

Your analysis should be in submitted in the Category: Game Analysis
– Write your full name – Name of the game. Example: Hector Canonge – Chess
– In the message box WRITE the name of the game, and provide a brief description of the game.
– After the description paragraph, INSERT an picture of the game (72 dpi, 500 pixels wide, height may vary)
– After the image, WRITE: Download PDF and link it to the PDF file that you need to upload to your Google Drive.


ASSIGNMENT for Tuesday, 11/02/2021

READ: Assigned material (Lectures)

App Development
– Revision: Revise your App Concept Document. Follow guidelines:
* Your concept document should be in 1 PDF: Name, Title of the App, App Proposal, DateYour concept document should have:
– Introduction
– Description
– Features
– Benefits
– Target Users
– Digital Site Map
– Digital Wireframes

Paper Prototyping
– From the examples given in class, produce your own paper prototype for your App.
Note: use paper, color markers, sticky notes, cardboard.  Have your ruler, scissors, and other production tools ready.

– Take pictures of every screen as you show your prototype.
– Using Google Slides put the pictures in sequence. Save your Google Slide
– Download the slides as PDF file.

– Create a new folder in your Google Folder for the class.  Name it: Your Full Name-Name of the App-App. Example: Hector Canonge-MINDFUL-App.
– Save the Google Slide and the PDF file of your prototype.
– Submit your work through Open Lab in the Categories: APP PRODUCTION (Final Version)
– Create your posting with your Full Name – Name of the App-App. Example: Hector Canonge-MINDFUL-App
– In the message box: Write the name of the App. Below the name, write its description.
– Below the description information, INSERT 1 image from the prototype pictures that you took.
– Below the image, WRITE: Concept Document and link it to the PDF document file of your Google Drive.
– Below this text WRITE: Paper Prototype link it to the Google Slide file.
– Below the abofe WRITE: Paper Prototype PDF link it to the PDF file of your prototype.


ASSIGNMENT for Tuesday, 10/26/2021

App Development – App for Social Awarenes

– Think of a social problem that affects your immediate community (as mentioned in class, community can be any group of people not only related to where you live).|
– In your sketchbook, Write down those ideas and give some possible reasonable explanation.

Follow the below points and write your PROPOSAL. See example

1. IDENTIFY a social problem which can be resolved by your app. Write a DESCRIPTION.

2. Decide the FEATURES of your app.

3. The app should provide users with BENEFITS.

4. Identify TARGET USERS.

5. Determine the platforms (iOS and/or Android) Note: Make it up, but give a reasonable explanation.

– Sketch the USER FLOW (Site Map) and skech the WIREFRAMES for your App.

– Create the Digital Version of your Site Map and Wireframes.

– Your DOCUMENT PROPOSAL should include all the 5 points above + Sketches + Digital of the User Flow (Site Map) and Wireframes.

NOTE: You MUST have ready the document in order to move to the next phase: PROTOTYPING.

POST your Concept Document in the Category: APP FOR SOCIAL AWARENESS


ASSIGNMENT for Tuesday, 10/19/2021

1. Read and Review class materials posted in Open Lab.

2. Revise: Neighborhood Website and post it in the Categories: NEIGHBORHOOD WEBSITE (Revised)

3. Analysis: Select and App that you like and get very familiar with it.
– Write important points of the App in your sketch book.
– Draft the Site Map of your favorite APP.
– Generate the Digital version of the Site Map for your favorite APP.
– Write a Document using the following points:
The heading of the document should be at the TOP LEFT:
Your name
Name of the App – Analysis

These points should be clearly labeled and you should provide a clear description for each.
a) Description: Describe what the APP is about.
b) Functionality: As best as you can, describe the function(s) of the app, how it operates. You can illustrate by including Screenshots of the various steps that take to have the App reach its objective.
c) Target Market: As best as you can determine the AGE or AGE RANGE of users of the app.  Explain how you came up to that conclusion.
d) Include in the same document, your Site Map.

– Post your PDF (All the Above points MUST be in 1 PDF Document) in the Category: APP ANALYSIS

ASSIGNMENT for Tuesday, 10/12/2021

1. Read and Review class materials posted in Open Lab.

2. Website Development (Concept, Sitemap and Wireframes)
Come up with a concept for a website for your neighborhood.

1. Write down your ideas for a website for your neighborhood (5 links max)
2. Based on your ideas, sketch your Sitemap.
3. Sketch the Wireframes for at least 5 pages of your Website.

Using any software application.
1. Create a Digital version of your Sitemap.
2. Create your Digital Wireframe.
Save your file in PDF

–  Take a picture of your sketches (sitemap and wireframes) and upload them to your Google Drive.
– Upload your Digital Sitemap and Wireframes to your Google Drive.
– Create your posting and use the category: NEIGHBORHOOD WEBSITE


ASSIGNMENT for Tuesday, 10/05/2021

1. Read and Review class materials posted in Open Lab.

2. Revise the group proposals and post them in Open Lab > Category: SAFE COMMUTING GROUP (Final Revision)
One member of your group should post, and must include the names of the rest.

3. Website Analysis:
– Select an arts organization or company that operates in your neighborhood or close to it.
– Google for its Website.
– Once you find it, familiarize yourself with the company through its Website.
– Create the Site Map for the organization: Sketch it in your sketchbook first and then put it as best as you can in Digital Format.
– Post your work in the Category:  SITEMAP ANALYSIS
1. Create your thread and write your full name – name of the organization.
2. In the message box, write the name of the organization (ALL CAPS and in BOLD).
3. Write a description of the organization, and its URL (Website)
4. Below, next paragraph, write: Download Document (link it to the PDF Document in your Google Drive)


ASSIGNMENT for Tuesday, 09/28/2021

You’ve been assigned to a group to propose a project for Safer Commuting.
With your team mates, you have to develop a concept proposal for a project for SAFER COMMUTING.
Note: You will present in class following the 5 points we’ve been working on.


ASSIGNMENT for Tuesday, 09/21/2021

Revise your proposal document identifying the problem that you’d like to solve so your train commute can be safer in this times of COVID19. Use the processes we discussed in class. Each phase should be clearly labeled:

1) Emphatize.
2) Define.
3) Ideation.
4) Prototype (You can include a number of sketches that best reflect your idea)
5) Test (mentioned how it can be tested or by whom and when)

Guidelines for your paper (Write it in Google Docs )
Naming (Upper left corner of your paper): Your Name, Title of your proposal, Date.

Hector Canonge
No Stops
MTEC 1102 


POST in Open Lab in the Safe Commuting (Revisions) category.


ASSIGNMENT for Tuesday, 09/14/2021

For next week your Open Lab accounts should have an actual picture of you (NOT an AVATAR or Symbol) but an actual head shot (let’s get professional please ), a short biographical information (1 Paragraph) and a short statement about your goals or objectives for your career in the respective field of your interest (1 Para.

Based on the last lecture (PDF Download) and your readings of the Design Thinking Handbook, answer the following questions:

  1. How does Human Centered Design help us in the Production Process?
  2. In your own words, explain the 5 steps of Design Thinking.
  3. Give an example for a Human Centered Design project / product.
  4. Tim Brown talks about a train from England’s country side to New York.  Explain his vision.  Is that possible ?
  5. Post your answers directly in the Discussion Board > R&R: Design Thinking


Design Thinking – SAFER COMMUTING

* Using your sketchbook, write about the following:

– Think about your train commute in this times of COVID19.

– Identify the pros and cons of your train ride today.  Is it safe ?

– What are the things you’d like to implement for a safer train ride ? Design Thinking Process:

* Type a document (1 to 2 pages) identifying the problem that you’d like to solve so your train commute can be safer in this times of COVID19. Use the processes we discussed in class. Each phase should be clearly labeled.

1) Emphatize.

2) Define.

3) Ideation.

4) Prototype (You can include a sketch).

5) Test (mentioned how it can be tested or by whom and when)

Guidelines for your paper (Write it in Google Docs ):

Page Size: 8.5 x 11 inches (regular bond paper).  Type: Arial or Verdana no smaller than 10 pt or bigger than 11pt.

Naming (Upper left corner of your paper): Your Name, Title of your proposal, Date.

Hector Canonge
No Stops
MTEC 1102 


Note: DO NOT post anything.  Have your document in Google Doc format, and a photo of your sketchbook test. 
I will walk you through the process of posting your documents in Openlab using Google Drive.