About Me

My name is Hakeem Browne. I am 22 years old and currently reside in Brooklyn NY. Before I transferred to City Tech, I attended Borough of Manhattan Community College also known as BMCC. There I took on Liberal Arts as a major, because I was still questioning what I wanted to do in life. With Liberal Arts I got to take many different classes and explore my options. Although I took different classes my dream jobs remained the same. At a young age I discovered that I had many different talents. I was amazing at art, great at acting and singing, I hoped to make a career out of those. At BMCC I took singing, acting, and art classes, but I knew once I transferred to a four-year school, I would have to decide on one major.

 Even though I love to sing, and act, my passion for art has always been strong and I always put that first. So, I decided to transfer to City Tech and study in Communication Design, that way I can become more advanced in the art field. I’m really great at art but I want to become really great at digital art so hopefully this major can help me with that. With my skills I hope to become a Cartoon Artist/Animator in the future making my own comics, or maybe even my own television show. I still haven’t giving up on my dreams of singing and acting. I plan to work part time while I’m in school that way I can save up money and take singing/acting classes on the side.