Hey everyone! Here’s your homework.
- BEFORE Thursday’s class, I would like you to post the question you want to investigate for UNIT TWO (The Curiosity Report) on the OpenLab. This should not be a yes or no question, but something you can spend a few weeks really investigating. It must be a question– not just a topic. So, if you’re interested in the issue of domestic violence, you might want to know: why do victims stay in abusive relationships? or: how does someone become an abuser? or: what resources are available for people who try to leave? You will also need a copy of this question in class. It can be written by hand or printed out.
If you’re stuck, take a look at the unit (UNITS tab, at the top of this webpage,) or do ten more minutes of internet research to see what you find!
2. Find at least one source (article, video, blog, Wikipedia post, standup routine, Ted Talk– the possibilities are endless!) on your topic. Try to find something useful to answering your question. Again, if you’re investigating why victims stay in abusive relationships, you might look for a statistical study or you might look for a blog by a person who was in an abusive relationship. I don’t know how to tell you word length here because we’re looking at so many genres, but don’t be skimpy. No 50 word articles or 30 second videos (unless it’s a SUPER powerful 30 seconds.)