Reflection of My Writing

Aisse Tounkara

Oh Boy. I have come a long way this semester. I can honestly say my writing has improved tremendously. I learned new things about myself and I stepped out of my comfort zone. I learned about a new genre of writing, and wrote a new genre of writing. Something I have never done in high school. I learned the different genres that include declarations, speeches, short stories, TED TALKS, and etc. With this new genre I struggled a lot, but I managed to push through it and received feedback that helped me with my unit 3, and feedback from my Professor on what I am doing well. I learned how to write a research paper with concluding research, and a whole process behind that research. I learned that revision’s are very important because they help you become a better writer. My favorite writing was unit one when we wrote about our view on education. It really allowed me to express myself in my writing. I learned the difference between high school writing and college writing. The things I learned will  be beneficial to me in the future. As writers there is always improvement. One major thing that I also learned were commas, semi-colons, apostrophes, and other writing grammar.

Unit 3

Christopher Chan                                                                                                 Prof. Hall

Video Summary                                                                                                  12-11-19


In my 10 minute video I included many clips from other separate YouTube videos. I did this because I wanted to prove my point and convince the audience without them being bored or tired of hearing one particular voice. I started the video off with a couple slides with questions such as presenting the audience with my topic question and points I look forward to make throughout the video. I also uploaded and included parts of a lethal injection sentence taking place to add a sense of context and reality into the video. Lethal injection is the most common procedure for carrying out the Death Penalty and including it will inform the audience of how it is carried out. I trimmed out the last parts for obvious reasons such as for those with the faint of heart, etc.

The following video I used was a Q&A from Prof. Carol Steiker at Harvard Law, the interview discussed topics and points on the death penalty. I also happen to use this video because it was connected to one of my sources, which also happens to an interview with Prof. Steiker only a written one. The original video is merely 1 hour long but I only included some key points in there that contributed to what I used originally, which was the question “Will the Supreme Court Abolish the Death Penalty?” Adding on to this, I included other clips that backed it up which were not found originally in the written interview. Next I added a clip from a UN press conference that asked for the abolishment of the Death Penalty. I wanted to add this clip because it contributed to my question and point of argument, that the Death Penalty affects our relations with foreign nations. For the next video clip I used, I wanted to support my argument that the Death Penalty doesn’t deter crime. For that, I really wanted to make my standing point here and start convincing the audience. Being said, I wanted something that was strong and made the point. The video from Business Insider was a perfect match because while it showed statistics and professional opinions it also showed a short clip perfectly explaining one of the human thoughts behind committing a crime. The clip sort of summarizes why such a cruel sentence would not meet the bar for deterring crime, in addition other methods would be better.

I used a video from Jubilee for my next one because of many reasons. One it was my original source and argument for the paper. I skipped the other parts and skipped to the best one, “Innocent lives on death row.” I admire this part because if you notice, all 6 individuals agree to the idea that the justice system is not perfect and there are indeed innocent lives at stake. Even though the 3 individuals are Pro- Death Penalty, they still agreed and stepped forward, making it ironic that they still support it. It’s almost like they know it’s wrong but are scared to admit it. My final clip is an excerpt from a video showing a former Prosecutor apologizing to the man he put on death row. At the time, he was dedicated to put the man to jail for a crime he didn’t take part in. Until recently, evidence came to light proving his innocence. I included this clip because it supported my previous video and claim that there are indeed innocent people on death row and matter of fact, here is an example. I also included it for emotional purposes, to touch and convince the audience in a softer way rather than throwing facts into their faces. I understand the background music was kind of tiring and boring but I felt it was the appropriate tone for the topic I’m proposing.



Finished Final Draft

Shania Romain

Professor Hall 


November 14th  2019


What can I find out about Rodney Reed’s Case ? What Can it tell us about Wrongful Convictions ?


In America you will definitely find many cases of the wrongfully convicted. Many of the times Prosecutors believe that they have reached the final verdict in hearing that case and nothing else matters.To be  wrongfully convicted is not okay and shows the failure in our legal system. This is especially difficult if you are not guilty and someone speaks up for the crime you served time for. Following the Rodney Reed’s case you see hand for hand how the system fails us every day .


The Innocence Project is a non profit organization founded in 1992 by Peter Neufeild and Barry Scneck at Cardozo School of Law, in New York City . Their main focus is to help put a stop to the wrongfully convicted .They try to help exonerate epeople . They have men Caucasian and  African American especially like Rodney Reed himself who may be up there on death row waiting just to be heard . They have very few women . This source helps people from all over and tries to change the legal system . “ The Innocence Project mission is to free the staggering number of innocent people who remain incarcerated and to bring reform to they system responsible for their unjust imprisonment “ This is the Innocence Project’s mission . We need more projects like this because wrongful conviction cases are reaching an all time high and thank God for non profits like these who go out of their way to help people like Rodney Reed who is in a predicament in a State that will give the death penalty without blinking an eye . Rodney Red is also African American so the system may be more harsh on him . the Innocence Projects gets that and this is why they are non profit . They pick their cases from the most severe they won’t just pick anybody .


The Innocence Project is built for the incarcerated like Rodney Reed whm the judge turns their back on . The Innocence Project raises a voice for them because the system failed these people and the Innocence Project holds the system accountable. This is a great investment to society because not only do they exonerate but they also help the exoneree for their “Support “ part of the program it states ‘ Our Social Work department supports exonerees as they rebuild their lives post – release . This project has been a boon or blessing to those they “ release  from wrongful convictions like Rodney Reed. Rodney Reeds’ cases front and center on the Innocent Project’s page where it states “ Urgent stop the November 20 execution of Rodney Reed .”. There are 53072 signatures . It gives information that states “ we have less than 7 days to save Rodney Reed’s life .If 16 Texas senators are urging the Governor to stop the execution of this man then some thing is wrong and sadly you find things like this common in the great nation of America .


Urgent: Stop the November 20 execution of Rodney Reed 


There is an interview with the infamous Dr . Phil who is a television personality and host of the Dr. Phil show for 25 years . He has a doctorate in clinical psychology and has many books like ‘Life strategies . Dr . Phil is known for dealing with real life issues in his own way by welcoming helping or exposing people . In this case he exposed the Rodney Reed case which was close to being a dead end . In the interview with Rodney Reed and Dr. Phil you get more of an understdning of what  Rodney Reed is going through and the case at hand top to bottom.On October 11th 2019 Dr Phil aired a two part segment where he gets to the root of the case of Rodney Reed who has been on death row 21 and a half years for murder and rape . We learned despite many piles of evidence that support his innocence Rodney Reed is still on death row . In this interview it gets deeper into Rodney Reed’s case where he answered the questions with honesty and he states ‘ they have the truth they know the truth ‘’ Rodney Reed left no tables turned in answering the questions . He  answered with honesty which left Dr Phil to conclude his innocence . We learn that Rodney Reed has an alibi witness that can greatly show that he wasnt there the time of murder. At 4:55 am Rodney Reed was at his parents house talking with other people the alibi went home and returned to Rodney Reed’s place . The women 19 year old Stacey Stites was already dead and dumped by 4 am and found by the road . One full year after Stacey Stites was found dead they arrest Rodney Reed for Rape and murder .“ I didn’t do this crime and here they are trying to take my life”says Rodney Reed .


Dr Phil doesn’t just interview anyone,however he handpicked this interview because he wanted to help exonerate the innocent Rodney Reed. However Dr Phil , from interviewing Rodney Reed  like the rest of the world believes that he is innocent and he was failed by the legal system. According to the speaker, retired NYPD detective SRGT Kevin Ganin who spoke on Dr. Phil’s show who has been solving this case since it started 1996 states “The only evidence linking Rodney Reed to Stacey’s murder are three sperm cells found inside of her “  Stacey Stites did however have an affair with Rodney Reed although engaged to a police officer Jimmy Fennel. He believes that Rodney reed was wrongfully convicted. We also learn from this speaker that at “2;45 in the morning Stacey took her boyfriend’s truck headed to work in a grocery mart . They believe Rodney Reed came on foot where he strangled her and raped her in a wooded area  using a leather belt , He also states that Prosecutors are saying Rodney took the truck to a high school and abandoned it . The only piece of evidence used to prosecute Rodney Reed is the three sperm cells in her body and they want to give him the death penalty . This is not okay because , more dna should have been found.Rodney Reed’s DNA should have been on the leather belt or while strangling her bruises and cuts in her neck  or something else .In this interview we learn that medical experts are saying according to Dr. Phil “ It is medically impossible for Rodeny Reed to have been the killer “. 


The Free Rodney Reed website is designated specially for Rodney Reed.This website can tell you everything you need to know about Rodney Reed . As of Right now , this man has 6 days before he gets a decision on whether he will be executed . Rodney Reed is being treated unfairly by the legal system and as a black man this is very common  Unfortunately , he had to serve 21 long and hard years not knowing when he was going to die or not at any time . An innocent man may be executed for something he didn’t even do . According to the website , “ Mountains of evidence exonerates Rodney Reed . All of that evidence was kept from the white jury that convicted him . Instead the evidnece implicates the victim’s fiance Jimmy Fennell who has a history of violence against women including being convicted for kidnapping and sexual assault soon after Rodney was wrongly sent to prison . A black man always gets the harsher treatment . A black man always get the lethal injection before a white man does . THIS IS NOT OKAY .This man is innocent . These people have to look at the facts .This is the 21st century and racism is STILL at an all time high .Before they listen to a blackman’s plea they are so quick to shove him in a prison cell when the facts are right under their noses. This is almost like we still live back in the days when different races couldnt be together and it’s not okay. This man has been through enough he needs to be exonerated.


Rodney Reed’s is a resident of Texas state where the death penalty reigns . Their laws are more strict than ever . It may be very hard to come out of a death penalty case. However on the FreeRodney Reed website it states ‘Governor Greg Abott has stopped an execution before. He can again “. Governor Greg Abott staff number is also located on the site for people to call and voice their concerns  regarding the case You can call and advocate on behalf of Rodney Reed,who is very much innocent . the website instructs you to tell them you called and tell them to delay Rodney Reed’s execution.


Rodney Reed has been on death row for 21 years and he almost got the lethal injection . According to the Sixth Amendment “ In all criminal prosecutions ,the accused shall enjoy  the right to a speedy and public trial ,by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime have been committed “ ( In Rodneys Reed’s case this grants him a new trial , for his case to be this long is unfair . He was awaiting to hear if he would die or not . Rodney Reed has maintained his innocence for 21 years and before bringing an uproar to the cruel and unfair justice system he might have died and there is no evidence to prosecute him despite mountains of evidence concluding that he is not guilty .Fennel , who was law enforcement and  Stites fiance admitted to the murder of Stacey Stites and it is clear and evidnet that Rodney Reed did not infact do it .Stites contradicted his original testimony and managed to manipulate the timeline of Stites murder .


The court ignored new forensic evidence because they knew the Jury would retaliate in a different result which is wrong on so many levels. According to the Sixth Amendment , courts would have to start the trial over and that means going from the beginning where Rodney Reed’s case would have been dismissed had they did it the right way . The witness would not have been able to stand because of new evidence but instead the court ignored it . Rodney Reed deserves a new trial because the state was about to execute the accused . 


Overall I learned more about wrongful convictions and how America has a really messed up legal system. A man who just for having an affair may be executed for something he has not done . He already has enough time wasted and now his entire existence might be gone as well . The justice system is entirely corrupted and I see why I want to work with the law even more so that I can have an impact on things like this. 



Essay draft

The 13th Amendment was drafted in 1865 marking the end of 400 years of oppression towards African Americans. The 13th Amendment was split into two sections, Section 1, the more important section states “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” Slavery is regarded as ine of the most heinous periods in United States history. It was centered around the dehumanization of Africans, Africans were taken from their homes by the Europeans as well as being captured and sold by their fellow countrymen for economic gain. They were then forced to do intense labor and were treated like property. This perpetuates the idea that they were not human, which lead to White Americans to have a sense of superiority towards them. They used this sense of superiority to justify their treatment of the slaves. Many events were crucial to the drafting of the 13th, the Civil War being the most infamous. The Civil War was one of the bloodiest wars ever fought on American soil, 620,000 Americans died in the Civil War. To put that figure into perspective roughly 1,264,000 American soldiers have died in the nation’s wars, this means that the Civil War makes up nearly 50% of all American casualties ever. The war was between the North and the South, the North consisted of highly industrialized cities, that believed that slavery was outdated and inhumane. The South was more rural but more densely populated, and fought to maintain slavery. Their clash resulted in the North winning and the subsequent abolishment of slavery in the united states of America as a nation. This was monumental, a 400 year tradition was now broken and now African Americans were free from their physical shackles.

The 13th Amendment talks about a lot, the main purpose of the amendment is to prevent citizens from being forced to work against their will. What does that mean exactly? This means that another person or entity can’t compel you to work against your free will. A lot of people agree with the 13th amendment and glorify it for its implications, but fail to see the darker aspect of the amendment. Slavery isn’t 100% abolished, if you have committed a crime then for the time that you’re serving in your sentence you’re a slave to the state. I find this part of the amendment as one of the aspects I disagree with, since forcing someone to involuntary labour goes against everything the 13th stands for. Crime shouldn’t be punished with more crimes, the struggle to end slavery persists today since it still exist in American prisons. The amendments were created as a safety net to protect the freedom of citizens, allowing their voices to be heard and preventing the government from having absolute power. That freedom should extend to you even if your incarcerated, being behind bars doesn’t change the fact that you’re an American citizen as well as person. The purpose of the 13th amendment was to humanize people and prevent higher powers from taking advantage of a weaker class and exploiting them for labour. This still happens not only within the jail system but in the outside world as well, this can be seen with the use of immigrants coming from different countries being used as cheap forms of labour. These people lack the ability to get established jobs for many reasons, they may not be able to go through official channels due to immigration status. Or they simply just lack the skills, this makes them cheap workers that companies can hire to do labour, and due to their lack of knowledge they are paid less than they should be making.

Stanford University is one of the world’s leading teaching and research institutions, producing household names such as President John F. Kennedy, Reese Witherspoon, and even Sigourney Weaver. It also hosted the research of Micheal James, who endeavored to bring the concept of race to philosophy. In his piece “Race” which he published Wed May 28 2008, he highlights what race is and it’s influential presence in history, all through the lense of philosophy. One of his first examples is The Iberian Peninsula was one of the first regions of europe to promote anti-black sentiment, as well as being one of the first regions to use Africans as slaves. While they’re subsequent enslavement of Africans continued their use of European Christians as slaves became taboo. Micheal James states “Iberian Christians may have come to associate blacks as physically and mentally suitable only for menial labor. In this they were influenced by Arab slave merchants, who assigned the worst tasks to their dark skinned slaves while assigning more complex labor to light or tawny-skinned slaves (Frederickson 2002, 29)”(Michael James 2008). Race was used to differentiate intelligence amongst slaves, darker meant dumber, lighter meant smarter, this idea that the characteristics of another determines their capacity is a reoccuring theme in Michael James’s piece. In this day and age that topic is perverse, but Michael defines race as:
(1) Races reflect some type of biological foundation, be it Aristotelian essences or modern genes; (2) This biological foundation generates discrete racial groupings, such that all and only all members of one race share a set of biological characteristics that are not shared by members of other races; (3) This biological foundation is inherited from generation to generation, allowing observers to identify an individual’s race through her ancestry or genealogy; (4) Genealogical investigation should identify each race’s geographic origin, typically in Africa, Europe, Asia, or North and South America; and (5) This inherited racial biological foundation manifests itself primarily in physical phenotypes, such as skin color, eye shape, hair texture, and bone structure, and perhaps also behavioral phenotypes, such as intelligence or delinquency.(Michael James 2008)
Michael James provides an objective perspective towards the technicalities of what race is defined as, he continues this trend as he describes different schools of thought when it comes to how people define their race.
The most intriguing aspect of “Race” has to be the contemporary philosophical debates, these debates center on varying schools of thought when it comes to race. One example being Racial naturalism which is defined as “Racial naturalism signifies the old, biological conception of race, which depicts races as bearing “biobehavioral essences: underlying natural (and perhaps genetic) properties that (1) are heritable, biological features, (2) are shared by all and only the members of a race, and (3) explain behavioral, characterological, and cultural predispositions of individual persons and racial groups” (Ron Mallon (2004, 2006, 2007) (Michael James). I learned that this is the original school of thought, all other perspectives on race deviate from Racial naturalism. In the article Michael also brings up another interesting school of thought called Racial skepticism. This is exactly what it sounds like, it’s the belief that Race as a whole doesn’t exist. Racial skeptics believe that race as a whole doesn’t exist, Racial skeptics such as Anthony Appiah (1995, 1996) and Naomi Zack (1993, 2002) points out that geographical differences nor physical differences make someone a different race. While they acknowledge the differences between humans, they simply state that geneology doesn’t reinforce the idea of the race. Zack concludes: “Essences, geography, phenotypes, genotypes, and genealogy are the only known candidates for physical scientific basis of race. Each fails. Therefore, there is no physical scientific basis for the social racial taxonomy” (Zack 2002, 88) (Michael James 2008). But where do these principles fail at? As I examined this article an interesting idea was presented the idea that the physical difference of humans is a result of environmental stimuli and physical adaptation. This is distinction is used to drive the argument towards the belief that race doesn’t exist since the only inherent difference is the result of environment, meaning that if the same environmental stimuli was applied to everyone we’d all be the same. This was an interesting point since my research into If Racism Is Inevitable, since this brings up an interesting hypothetical. If racial skepticism is true can it be tangible solution against racism? Is this ideal marketable enough to appease the masses? Sadly no, Racial Skepticism will never take off for the simple fact that many people believe that race makes people different. This sentiment won’t disappear if you introduce them to a new philosophy, also the fact that it’s a philosophy will cause others to question the scientific background of the argument.

The University Of Notre Dame also published their own take on the philosophy of race. Tina Botts of the University Of North Carolina did an in depth review of Albert Atkins attempt to simplify the concept of race so “mainstream” philosophers can understand (Tina Botts). In Atkins original piece he speaks on the validity of race, he investigates the scientific backbone of race, to see if it’s grounded in biology specifically. This piece shows critical analysis of the philosophical work of Albert Atkins providing an easy to read interpretation, that further expands on Atkins own ideas. The writer demonstrates a deep understanding of Albert’s ideas but does demonstrate bias when summarizing the article. She concludes with a brief sentence supporting Atkins point of views. The rest of the review was outstanding as the critical analysis showed a more natural answer to Atkins observations. Atkins philosophical views at times are difficult to process and Tina Botts helps clarify certain ideas, as well as providing a template in which you can follow the order in which Atkins arranged his piece.

In the review Tina Botts brings writes about the foundations of race, and the lack of scientific backing that Albert Atkins brings to light. Albert states blunty that “ Race is not real” but then proceeds to try and determine if race has a social reality (Tina Botts). Albert Akins first talks about how race has no real scientific background making it a psuedo-science at best, he then starts talking about social realities. Tina proceeds to explain a social reality like this “there are differences in how race is identified, thought of and talked about in different societies and social settings” (52). To support this conclusion, he compares the socio-historical practices, behaviors, conventions, and institutions that gave rise to the concept of race at work in the United States with the same socio-historical practices that gave rise to the concept of race at work in Brazil. In the United States, Atkin links the rise of the concept of race to the “massive importation of (African) slave labor into the Americas” (52) (Tina Botts). Social realities are the social implementations of race, how race is used to identify someone, how it changes how others interact with an individual, etc. The division of race is something that happens unconsciously, as people believe that the division of people is natural. Albert talks about how people justify this decision by believing it’s “Scientifically endorsable” (Tina Botts). An example of this would hispanics only hanging out with hispanic, and when asked why they justify it by saying “Oh we all look the same so we SHOULD be together”. I love this idea of race being a natural idea since this idea holds true to so many people. While your intentions may not be malicious, many people separate themselves into groups, and especially amongst their own race. The greatest part in my opinion is this happens unconsciously, we as a species are so conditioned to lean towards our own race. When you learn that there is no scientific implications on race, and it’s a construct not founded in facts or biology it allows you to access your surroundings and see the serious impact this has on daily life. Is this idea perpetuated by our own bias? Atkins talks about that too, he talks about how Racial profiling is not justified. He says this on the topic “the tool used to connect a particular (racial) characteristic with a particular profile often seems to be suspect or inappropriate in some way” (Tina Botts). Tina Botts goes on to summarize Atkins explanation of racial profiling and says “this racial profiling is probably not a good thing, and the reader is left wondering whether this is as unsurprising a result to Atkin as it is to the reader. If so, the reader is left wondering if Atkin regrets having developed his taxonomy of race at all.” (Tina Botts). She brings up an interesting point since racial profiling is always perceived to be bad, but Atkins explaination of it seems anti-climatic. Since he’s simply telling us something most of us already know, but the true point of his spiel about racial profiling may be deeper than we think. Through mediums like racial profiling ideas like racism are perpetuated, not blatantly but through subtle judgements a person makes throughout their lifetime. These thoughts sow seeds of doubt in our minds and further the idea of a difference between us as people and reinforces the idea of the inevitability of racism. If we believe in race as a concept we also believe in racism, since one cannot exist without the other. With thoughts like these racism truly is inevitable, since the perceived differences between us will continue to exist.

Source review.

Dennise Fernandez

Professor Hall


One of the sources that I’ll be using in the curiosity project talks about what harm could happen to the United States if DACA ended and if the Supreme Court doesn’t figure out what will happen on the hearing they’ll be having on November 12,2019 . It also providers information about the states economy and how if ending DACA happens the United States would be losing at lot of money because s lot of the “Dreamers “ as DACA recipients are called are bringing money to them. They would be losing employees, owners of very good companies that bring a lot of money. They’d be losing lots of taxes as well. My question is what is the future of DACA and although this source talks about what would it be like if it were to end it gives me background Info on what it’d be like if there was no future for DACA. Another source I’ll be using talking about what trump has been saying and what he’s willing to do for the program. In the source it’s states how trump proposed that he will give the Dreamers “ 3 extra years of DACA only if money is given so that can invest It in the Wall he is trying to build for the Mexican Border. If the democrats and the republicans can’t agree on that then he will terminate DACA. The source also talks about different deals the Democrats and Republicans are trying to make since the democrats were quick on saying no the idea of ending daca if no money was given for the wall. I think source is really helpful since the person saying this is the President of the United States and he is the one who proposes the deals. There is no better way to know and understand what will happen than hearing from him and what he thinks.

For Tuesday (and schedule until Unit Two is due!)

Hi everyone! A couple of things: if you are wondering what your midterm grade is, you can click “check my grade” at the bottom right of this page. There you will see the grade book, and you will see your midterm grade!

For Tuesday, Nov 5, you need to bring in first drafts of your reviews of your first two sources (300 words each.) Remember that you are writing a report to an imaginary committee. Your review of each source should tell your imaginary committee members: 1. what the source has to contribute to the question you are researching and 2. Whether it is a useful source (why or why not? Analyze the source for us) Look at the rhetorical analysis worksheets for help with this section if you get lost–there’s a copy of it below. BRING IN A PAPER COPY OF YOUR REVIEWS AND ALSO POST TO OPEN LAB BEFORE PROF. C’S CLASS ON TUESDAY. 

Please remember: keep your opinions to opinions about the source in question.


  • Thursday Nov 7: first drafts of reviews of your second two sources
  • Tuesday Nov 12: Rough draft of entire Curiosity Report (including intro, conclusion and bibliography
  • Thursday Nov 14: Final draft of Curiosity Report Due!!!!!

Plan to Reread

My plan for rereading would be to follow steps to help me understand the Declaration better. I would break up long paragraphs and read them slowly and annotate them along the way. By annotating i can go back into what i focused on and notes i wrote to summarize what the paragraph means. I also seemed to skip the crossed out parts, so this time i can go back and read it carefully. I also got bored reading the whole Declaration so this time to avoid that I can read in better lighting or drink water etc to keep me focused.

My plan for rereading

My plan for rereading the Declaration of Independence is to lookup the words  that I find difficult to understand and write them on the side so that when I do read it I can read it straight and I’ll know what the text is saying now that I know what the words mean. I also want to annotate because it’s something I do like to do because if helps but I feel like the first time I read it I was just in a hurry to do so and I didn’t really comprehend what I was reading.

My Difficulties.

The Declaration of Independence was a tough one for me to read because of all it’s vocabulary. There’s a lot of difficult words and so when I read it I had to stop to figure out what the words meant and then I would lose track of what I was reading, since the words they use aren’t words would usually use or hear it makes that much harder.. In the draft there was a lot of lines crossed out which are the ones that aren’t in the final draft or the Declaration of Independence and I kept reading them as if they weren’t crossed out and so when I read the final draft I was confused. I found myself reading this about 3 times because every time I read I understood it more. It’s also pretty perplexing to me because it’s not something I would read on a daily basis so I do get confused and it’s a bit hard to figure out what they are trying say and trying to find the main idea is.

Growing up my parents always told me that having an education was the only way that people would take me seriously and that that’s how I’d never be stepped on. One particular moment In my life that changed my view on education was in second grade and even if it was 12 years ago,I still remember it as if it was yesterday. Second grade is a grade where it’s not hard, there isn’t a lot of challenges, but for me I’d say it was the hardest year and I still say it now, which is crazy because college and high school should be the most difficult, not elementary school. I was 7 years old and I had been in the United States for only 4 years so the language was new to me still and my parents only spoke Spanish in the house so I only learned Spanish my whole life until I started going to school.

When I started the second grade, I was so excited to make new friends and to meet my new teacher mainly because first grade went really well for me I had a good teacher who didn’t care about anything but making us feel comfortable but everything changed so quickly. I spoke a little bit of English but it was ‘’broken’’ and you could still hear my accent. Besides the fact that I was embarrassed about the way I spoke, I was the only Hispanic in my class, so that made me feel even more uncomfortable. Every night I would go home and read book after book after book hoping that the words would stick to my brain and I could say them the right way. My mom and dad were my biggest supporters, they always reminded me that I was really brave for being in a class where everyone spoke English for instance I would read in front of the class at times and I would go up to the board to solve math problems and even if I felt uncomfortable my parents gave me hope. The first few days school were good, the teacher seemed nice but I had Barley spoken to her so I didn’t know how she really was. She was Tall she had glasses and she had black hair and always had her hair up in a ponytail. One day everyone is class was taking turns reading a book and boy was I nervous, when it came to my turn the teacher told me ‘’Denise get up here and read ‘’she had her hair up and she had a black dress she also had red lipstick on which for a reason made me feel more scared I don’t really know why and boy ’was I so nervous that I was shaking and even more because I was the only one-who was told to go up while everyone was allowed to read sitting down from their desks. I began to read and I was clearly struggling so the kids began to laugh and my teacher said ‘’ alright It’s useless you’re making the kids get confused’’ and I felt so disappointed and useless. That night I went home and I told my parents, and they said that maybe she didn’t mean it, maybe she just didn’t want the rest of the kids to get confused by the way I was saying the words so I kind of felt better because I thought my parents were probably right. During the rest of the year the teacher continued to make feel less of a person because I didn’t speak English, she would get in trouble if I didn’t pronounce a word right or if I didn’t answer I a question correctly. She would also tell me ‘’you should’ve stayed in your country, you would’ve done better there’’ It was up to a point where I didn’t want to go to school anymore because I felt useless, and I thought school wasn’t for me. I thought I would never be able to overcome the challenge of not being able to speak English. . The school year eventually came to an end and it was time for report cards, I was so happy becauseI could finally move on to third grade and get another teacher, but that wasn’t the situation. I got left back I remember coming out of school I had a dress on and My mom has brought me a small bouquet of flowers to show her support and when I was in the corner of the school opening my report card I was in shock, my parents were in shock I was crying and they were upset with me which was what hurt me the most. My parents came up to the school and tried to explain to the teacher that I tried really hard and that I didn’t deserve to get left back but the teacher wasn’t having it. We even tried to show her my cousins report card and mine because it was exactly the same, our grades were so similar and she had passed, and so that’s how we knew it wasn’t my grades, it was the teacher. She told my mom that I didn’t deserve to pass, that I wasn’t putting effort into learning and that it was useless if she passed me to third grade. I had lost hope. Some people might think it wasn’t that bad and I should’ve just ignored it but especially when you’re just a child those kinds of hurtful words stuck to you and she said to me has always impacted me.

Something has to be done about problems like this, someone’s race should not have to interfere with someone’s education especially a child. People like politicians have to speak up about it because they are high authority and they can use their platform to portray these issues and maybe people will start to see what’s wrong and they will try to fix it. I do realize that even if someone with power says something it’s within the person to understand and do better and it’s the way these people were raised that makes these problems but hopefully we can get the message across somehow. I want everyone to know, immigrants, non immigrants, people who have gotten verbally abused by teachers because of their race or just anything that these issues do get better they may not change but you do learn how to defend yourself and you do learn to confront these issues. I want you to do better and I want you to not give up even if it may be seem like it’s not getting better. I see myself now and I feel really proud of myself and how far I’ve come and when I think back I just laugh and I feel really bad for the teacher because if I were her I would feel really embarrassed.