My Difficulties.

The Declaration of Independence was a tough one for me to read because of all it’s vocabulary. There’s a lot of difficult words and so when I read it I had to stop to figure out what the words meant and then I would lose track of what I was reading, since the words they use aren’t words would usually use or hear it makes that much harder.. In the draft there was a lot of lines crossed out which are the ones that aren’t in the final draft or the Declaration of Independence and I kept reading them as if they weren’t crossed out and so when I read the final draft I was confused. I found myself reading this about 3 times because every time I read I understood it more. It’s also pretty perplexing to me because it’s not something I would read on a daily basis so I do get confused and it’s a bit hard to figure out what they are trying say and trying to find the main idea is.

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