How To Genre :Political Speech Unit 3

Shania Romain

Professor Hall


November 2019

A political speech is basically in a way aggressively expressing comments on government situations .Case in point,Rodney Reed’s situation where he has been wrongfully convicted and has been on death row for two decades! Thing like this going on in the justice system is not okay and something need to be done about it . To write a political speech you need to start with an outline and in the outline you need to know exactly what your main idea is and keep in the back of your head what audience you are directing this speech to . Know where you stand ! Start with the opening this is the lead of your speech . This would be the attention grabber something of importance to make your audience stop and want to hear more . Consider tone ,your tone is very important . Next you want to go to your body and that can take up four different paragraphs .These are the points you are trying to get across . sSo make sure it ties in with your premise.After the body of the speech is the call of action what are you trying to get them to do .In this part of your speech make sure you persuade them to be on your side in the matter in especially bringing fort change . TLk about a current lesson talk about where you are currently how your location is being affected .Another  good trick is bring up an old fable like the 3 little pigs and the lesson around  that . People love to hear a good lesson because they can relate and it’s ticks with them after the speech . What i learn also is that you should reference a famous speech that ties in with yours it will give you more credibility that you know what you’re taking about . Then head on to you closing ,your closing should be as strong as your opening .All in All political speeches should be stingy and thorough and it should hit a never in your audience







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