Group 2 Blog Post

There are obvious reasons as to what needs to be improved on in the education system but in our chapter, we briefly expressed a point we can all agree to.  We all relate to the feeling of care in one way or another. Neil emphasizes on how he practically gave up on the education system until he related with the excerpt we read from Giliyard. “Their love for me made me wake up and realize that I deserve to graduate, just like Gilyard, when and effort was made to improve my life by others, I decided to take it and make my way through the hardship” (86-89). Elayne realized she was on her own and had to take care of herself in order to succeed in the highschool she went to. “Education and school has to be something you want and are willing to work for it will not be handed to you all the time. Sometimes you have to work for it. (78-81). Shania is moving herself to succeed and her mission to move forward by motivation of her son that passed away, may he rest in peace. “…he had a large impact on my life for the little time he’s been here. He gave me a purpose and he is the reason for my change in behavior and the way I view education” (101-105). In my own essay I used college as a comparison from highschool that it’s way more important and I have to actually care for how I succeed. “College feels a lot smoother than high school and I cherish that completely and I have high hopes for college than I have ever had for high school” (71-73). We can all relate with the feeling of caring for ourselves in order to succeed in our education and get somewhere. It’s definitely going to be a hard journey but considering we are all in college currently and facing it head on, we can finalize with what we want.

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