Final topic breakdown

The final unit is a bit convoluted in that there is an intertwining of exponential and logarithmic topics. Here’s a table which shows how the various remaining components of the course will be treated:

date session topic webwork final review
Th 5/11 26 Exponential Functions ExponentialFunctions  
T 5/16 27 Exponential Equations ExponentialEquations  
    Logarithmic Functions LogarithmicFunctions  
Th 5/18 28 Properties of Logarithms LogarithmicProperties #13: log464
    Compound Interest CompoundInterest  
T 5/23 29 Exponential Equations ExponentialEquations-Calc #12:  3x=28

All the videos are posted and the webwork will get opened up a bit early in case you want to work on the topics before they are covered in class.

Real Life Parabola

New Jersey Six Flags, Nitro Roller Coaster

This is my real life parabola, this is Nitro located in Six Flags in New Jersey. All roller coasters are based on parabolas. They use parabolas to measure the steepness of the drops, so the coaster can function well.

“Real World Parabola”

Image result for real world parabolas

This is a real world parabola, that I have chosen. This is a stem of water from a fountain. It starts upward, curving at the peak, then straightens out and head back down. Parabola`s are a common shape. You can view this image as a cone.

How math relates

My name is Brian. This is my second semester at city tech and my major is accounting. The way math relates to my major is in every way. Everything that i do in my major requires some sort of math and so that is why i have use math in my major

Real World Parabola

  1. This scientific test tube can be considered the properties of parabola. This test tube is used in my biology lab couse. They are used to heat, hold and mix small quantities of liquid or solid chemical during the experiment. The bottom of the test tube is round U shape and make of borosilicate glass to withstand temperature changes and resistance the reaction of chemical. And the you can look through the glass to see the chemical reaction while doing the experiment.

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Real World Parabola

The satellite dish above can be considered reflective properties of parabolas. The signals that are received are directly sent to the focus, which are then correctly reflected to a receiver (signals are sent out parallel to the axis). These signals are then interpreted and are transmitted as channels on our TV. The same principle applies to radio frequencies too. Parabolic mirrors and heaters also work on the same principle.

How Math Relates To My Career

Hello classmates. My name is Ashley Sahadeo. Math is a formal area of teaching and learning in which everyone uses in their everyday life. I am a transfer student from York College and my current major is nursing  at City Tech College and math is a necessity in pursuing  my goal.  In any medical profession math is a major knowledge that has to be known.  Nurses, especially  use math in many ways but the main one to determine a patients  appropriate medication dosage and dispense.

How Math Relates.

Hello, my name is Jacé and I am studying electrical engineering/ electrical engineering technology. This is my 2nd semester at city tech. Mathematics is an integral part of engineering, everything needs to be exact, or there will be consequences. Going back to the basics is refreshing, plus the best way to get better at something is practice until your good at it.

How math relates

Math relates to my career in many different ways. Since I am studying to become an architect, math is very important. From understanding different scales and unit conversions, the better I am at math the better I will be in architecture.

How Math Relates

Hello. My name is Noumousso Camara. Everyone calls me Nunu. Math relates to my career, because math is a major key and component in my Nursing career I want to fulfill. Math is a everyday concept we deal with in life, everything involves math.