Monthly Archives: June 2011


Over the course of the semester, you are required to make 2 posts and to make one “comment” (see syllabus for details) on someone else’s post. Your posts will automatically be placed on this “home” page. You will have to respond to another student’s “comment” by editing your second post. Finally, you will make a comment on your first post at the end of the semester.

The course will require considerable work outside of class. Each day before class, you are required to watch one or more videos and to answer questions about what you view. You will submit your answers at the beginning of class. In addition, you should take notes and bring your own questions to class. There may be very little “lecture” in class. Instead, most of the time will be taken up by presentations of homework solutions by students as well as discussion of some of the underlying concepts. Homework is to be done in the 2 days that follows a session. It is due before the next class and a daily quiz will be given based on the homework from the previous session.