Finding your public voice

Category: Final Draft (Page 2 of 14)

Final Reflection

When I was registering for my fall semester classes, I noticed that the majority of them will be in person. This made me very thrilled and eager about in-person classes. Because of covid, I haven’t been able to attend in-person classes for the last two years, and we have all had to do online classes for the last two years, which I liked at first, but as time went on, these online became a nightmare for me. Because of covid, we have lost our social lives, which makes most people depressed. After a year of online high school classes, I assumed college would include in-person classes. However, because the covid situation in New York City remains dire, CUNY has determined that the majority of fall semester sessions would be offered online. I always believe that students cannot learn as much in online classes as they do in-person classes. And my fall was completely online, and it went ok. CUNY stated soon after my fall semester that the spring semester classes will be 70% in person. After the spring semester began, the majority of my classes were in-person, and I began my first semester of college studies in-person.

This semester has made discoveries about myself as a reader, writer, and researcher. I didn’t enjoy reading long blogs, articles, or essays before this semester. When I read something lengthy, I generally look for a summary of that post or article because I feel that reading the synopsis would help me understand the full thing. But when this semester began, I had a different experience, so when I received my first essay or large assignment to write in English, and I began writing without reading or gathering appropriate materials, I was experiencing writing issues and didn’t know how to finish it. I was at a loss for words when writing it. Then, during the meeting, my instructors emphasize the need of reading the full paper before starting to write on it. Also, by reading the complete article or book, we have a deeper comprehension of the subject at hand and enhance our English. When people claim that reading and writing help me understand what I’m working on better, I believe them. It also helps in writing about it. Because of my English1121 class, I learned a lot of new things about writing, reading, and thinking, and I was able to improve my reading and writing skills. In addition, I was able to acquire foundations, and This semester in English1121, I learned several new and different reading, writing, and scholarly skills that will help me in the future.

In my English lesson, my professor has given us a lot of new information. Open lab and perusing everything have been quite useful to me. We must submit our assignments or homework here, and they will be accessible to all students in the class. So, when we upload our assignments or work in the open lab, other students can help us by pointing out mistakes that we can fix before the professor scores us. In addition, with this new idea open lab, we will be able to see and learn from our classmates’ creative efforts.


Unit two is the topic that I enjoyed working on the most. This was my first time performing this sort of assignment, and I learned a lot of new things while working on it. I must select a topic to work on for this project. When I select a topic, I find three sources and perform significant study. I had to use three different sources and genres because I couldn’t just choose three articles or podcasts. I chose one item, summarized it, and made a commentary on it. To do so, I must read the full article before submitting it as part of my assignment. I’m the sort of person who doesn’t like to read a lot of big articles or papers, therefore I’ve always attempted to find a short way to read the summary of any item, which has impacted my writing.So, to choose the proper article or podcast to include on this assignment, I read a lot of articles and watched a lot of podcasts and documentaries. I choose an article to write about after performing research. It helped my writing since I read the full article before utilizing it. I’m also certain that I’ll be able to write the full thing with an out item. This thing was useful in my writing. Despite the fact that I performed not so well in unit 2, I learned a lot from it. and I had a lot of fun creating this course. It will help me in the future while writing similar tasks. Because of this unit, I’ve learned a lot about world hunger. and through units 2 and 3, I attempted to enlighten my audience on world hunger and what we can do to address it.


And my least favorite assignment was unit 3: new audience because in this unit I had to think and create a different kind of genre, this assignment instruction is I have to create a new genre to give my message to my audience that can grab their attention, this assignment was difficult for me to complete because I had to redo this assignment several times because I wasn’t able to fulfill the requirements of this unit. But, after a long period of working on this task, I was eventually able to finish it.

I want to develop as a student and grow as a thinker, reader, and person by changing some of my bad habits that are hurting my future. One thing I’d like to change is that when I face difficulties or problems that look difficult to me, I tend to give up, which affects my performance as a student and as a pastor. Because failing my academics when they become difficult will be damaging to my future. And I’d like to get out of this habit. I must also set a goal or plan for each semester and work diligently to attain it. Overall, this semester has equipped me with a plethora of new ideas and skills.

Before the semester began, I predicted that it would be a difficult one for me. However, all of the professors made things simple for me, and despite the hurdles, I had a great semester. I can apply what I’ve learnt in my forthcoming semester.


Artist statement and Unit 3


Artist Statement-

My intended audience consists of young individuals or Cuny students. Global hunger is the issue I chose for my audience because it is something that few people discuss, yet it is something that everyone should be aware of. because millions of people die each year just because they do not have enough food to consume Many individuals are unaware of this subject. I picked them as my target audience since it would allow them to read a short and simple text. The facts I supplied will be relevant to people’s lives and the terrible condition that millions of people face on a daily basis. Every night, around 811 million people go to bed hungry.And nothing has been done to address this big crisis, and according to the UN, if we don’t take any efforts to fix this issue now, the number of hungry people will more than double by 2030. The information I obtained is designed to enlighten and make my audience aware of this scenario since my audience is cuny students, most of them are in their youth, and I feel that if youth take a step to solve this global disaster. Then we will be able to resolve this problem.


For unit 3, I plan to create a photo essay that will be published as a short newspaper article because I believe it is the best way to reach the most cuny students and young people to educate them on my topic of global hunger, and it is simple to capture the interest of people of young ages with a picture essay. In a brief piece, I will present a range of images and data about hunger issues and explain them well. Because it competes for space in the newspaper, a newspaper article is generally brief and to the point, depending on the subject. The most significant information comes first, followed by the details.It also generally includes visual references such as graphs or graphics to assist the reader in understanding. It will also take little time to read, which will benefit the reader if they have a lot of work and little leisure time. I feel that most people who are just starting out do not follow the news or read many books because they do not have the time. The news story would be on Canva and would not be removed without cause. They may come across news stories and other resources while researching their career on the internet.Short paragraphs, columns of text, pictures, quotations, and the writer’s interpretation are some of the characteristics of the news piece about world hunger.
This, I feel, this is the most successful method for reaching cuny students.


I contemplated doing a YouTube podcast video or a TikTok at first because most of the cuny students are young and spend the majority of their time on social media. As a result, I was considering doing a YouTube podcast video or a TikTok video. But when I was recording the YouTube podcast, I realized that my narration sounded terrible, and I didn’t like it this way since I tried so many times and each time it got worse, and I’m afraid that if I publish it, no one would be interested in watching the entire video. Then I opted against making a YouTube video.I feel I lack the necessary skills to create videos or podcasts. I attempted to produce a TikTok video, but the problem was that I couldn’t make a film longer than 3 minutes, which I believe is insufficient for my tale. And I doubt I’d be able to generate anything good through YouTube or TikTok videos. As a consequence, I decided to write an essay or a short article for my audience that featured visuals and data regarding the topic I chose. And in that piece, I used more graphics and statistics than words because my audience would not be interested in reading the entire article if I used long improve it and make it more interesting I went through a lot of works that are comparable to my theme; I generally used images from Google, but I also acquired some through social media. I used Canva, an online project creator, to create this post. I found this web site canva to be really useful and easy to use. I didn’t find anything difficult to create or manage, and I feel this is set up everything so conveniently. I utilized the canva temples in my article, as well as certain effects that make my essay more exciting to read.





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