Do you think it’s important to have a multimodal component in writing classes? How do you feel about this upcoming assignment? (Excited? Confused? Annoyed?) Explain why you feel this way!
And, most importantly, what are your ideas for a Unit 3 project– due May 5. Who will your audience be? What genre will you write in? How do you think the multimodal component will help you reach your audience?
I feel it’s important to have a multimodal component in writing classes. It breaks up the monotony of the typical writing class. It allows the writer to deliver information in a new dynamic way. Not everyone wants to read to get the information. Some people process information differently and they will seek out the format that best suits their needs. Just in the way a student learns in a class setting, the information processed maybe best in a practical setting, auditory or visually. There are people who can’t read or maybe their native language is not English. This will afford everyone the opportunity to be in the “know”. Plus you may get more information in a shorter time due to how much content you can pack in.
I am a little apprehensive about the upcoming assignment. I hope I can deliver the information written using this multimodal component the way I in-vision it in my mind. There will be some challenges because I won’t know how to achieve the visual and audio impact I am striving for. This setback will be due to the lack of knowledge I have in this area of media, audio, programming and editing.
At the present I would like to do a You-Tube video. I enjoyed the delivery and style of the video essay on, The Benefits of Quitting. That is more or less what I envisioned prior to even seeing the video. My audience will be young to older adults. I am not sure yet if I would have someone aide me to deliver the information. I want it to be dynamic, humorous at times, witty, sensitive, and engaging. I want my audience to say, “yeah, I remember feeling like that once”, or ” I want to try that” or “been there done that”. It should be a reflection and or leave you feeling empowered. It makes me nervous because I hope I am not setting the bar so high and not meet the expectation of my idea. If I realize my idea, I feel I will be able to reach my audience via this You-Tube format because many already use this as a go to resource to get their information.
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