1. Nut graph

Since I was 11 years old, I had to hide a part of me from the world at all costs and I’m tired of it. I bleed for a week every month. It’s messy, annoying, and often painful. Women everywhere have to deal with the trials and tribulations of menstruating in silence because we don’t want to be accused of overreacting, being too emotional, and weak. Doctors confirm that period pain can be as painful as a heart attack. Yet, the tampon and pad commercials depict a happy woman going for a run or doing gymnastics. This is not the reality for most people who menstruate. Things like PMS, cramps, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, the list goes on and on, are very common. But it seems that no one wants to talk about it because the reproductive system of a woman is perceived as taboo. When a woman voices an opinion that disagrees with a man, they are undermined with the question “are you on your period?” This however is extremely dangerous because it affects our mindset. Women shouldn’t have to feel disgusted, ashamed, or angry towards a natural and healthy part of us. On top of this, it creates a stigma that leaves many women untreated by doctors.

  1. Response to unit 1 essay comments

I have to review the rules for commas because I use them too much and sometimes incorrectly. One or two of my sentences have a weird structure or wording  that can confuse the reader about what I actually mean. Next time, I can maybe have someone proofread specifically for grammar and stuff like that. I also think reading the paper out loud to myself would help. If I don’t pause as I read, I don’t need a comma and I most likely would have noticed odd sounding sentences and thought of a way to make it sound nicer or clearer. These are easily taken care of when I revise.  Next, the conclusion wasn’t as “lyrical” as the rest. To fix that, I will see if I can add another story using my word or add more explanation to relate it back to my chosen word. Lastly, I need a better title to reflect the  emotion in the rest of my writing. I can do this by picking a line from my writing. Prof. Hall, I didn’t think my writing could make someone emotional. Thank you for sharing that with me in a recording rather than just text. Your comments made me feel more confident in myself as a writer.