1. https://ncadv.org/why-do-victims-stay, Why do Women Stay?, NCADV

“In fact, leaving an abuser is the most dangerous time for a victim of domestic violence.”  People are always so quick to judge a victim. Always making it sound like it’s easy, just leave, but no one stops to consider why they may be staying. There are many possible reasons why a victim chooses to  stay in an abusive relationship but the main reason why victims stay is because of fear. Fear that their abuser will become more violent or even lethal towards the victim, their kids, or their friends and family. People don’t realize that more than 3 woman and 1 man are murdered by their partner in the United States every single day.  I find this quote to be very sad since leaving an abuser is probably one of the bravest things a victim can do and no one recognizes that.


2. https://www.womenslaw.org/about-abuse/forms-abuse/emotional-and-psychological-abuse, Emotional and Psychological Abuse, WomensLaw.org, September 8,2021

” Emotional and psychological abuse are hard forms of abuse to recognize because the abuse is spread throughout your everyday interactions.” When many people think of abuse they probably picture a man beating a woman, or a person trying to hide their bruises, or someone who is in constant fear of their partner. However, this is not always the case, emotional and psychological abuse often times goes undetected. The abuser uses many strategies such as gaslighting, isolation, threatening to self harm, and many others to change the victims way of thinking, to break down their self esteem and self worth, and to be easy to control and have the victim at their disposal. Often times a person is so blinded by love or infatuation that they don’t realize the boundaries their partners are breaking or the damage they are causing.