
Speaker– The speaker is an African American male named Ta-Nehisi Coates. He has 6 brothers and sisters. We also know that he is married.

Occasion–Coates is speaking about the use of the N-word, and how saying this word has a lot power behind it. No matter who uses it there’s so much meaning and history behind that word.

Audience: I think he is directing this towards African Americans. He uses the word “we” when speaking about African Americans.

Purpose: The purpose of this article is to show how great words are. Like how he uses examples of those women who called each other bitches but if someone else was to do it there would be a whole issue.

Tone: Coates tone is somewhat serious and intense about the subject. He identifies the negative impact of the word. He’s really just trying to get his point out there.

Thoughts:  I really didn’t mind reading the article because he made it interesting. He did a really good job in making his points visible and valid.

Soapstone (KO)

  1. The writer is Ta-Nehisi Coates, He has six brothers and sisters,  and He is African American.
  2. Coates is speaking about the usage of the N-word, and how saying this word has a lot power behind. No matter who uses it there’s so much meaning and history behind that word.
  3. i think this is targeted for everyone, no matter the race, no matter the ethnicity this article is for everyone. I believe this is targeted for everyone because this is an important conversation to have with people.
  4. I believe Coastes purpose is to start conversation between people whether their white or black and speak about why do we continue to say the N-word if it has so much bad history behind it. Or why black people should take back the word. But also how that word affects today culture, how it affects the youth. whats the true purpose of even saying this word. i think he brings a lot questions like these that he wants people to speak about.
  5. in the article Coates has a pretty mellow tone, doesn’t sound aggressive or super passionate. It almost sounds like hes just trying to get his point across while being informative and making readers question what he says as well.
  6. I really enjoyed reading this article i think Coates was doing a very good job in pointing out his thoughts about the usage of the N-word. in which i do agree with a lot of what hes saying.

soapstone hw

Speaker– The speaker is Ta-Nehisi Coates. He has 6 brothers, and he seems to have an understanding of the fact that people call each other different things, based on their relationship.

Occasion– The reason why Coates is bringing up this topic of using the “n-word” is because we live in a time where racial tension is still prevalent, even though it is rare. A lot of racism is silent, due to the high positions some of these people hold. But, Coates makes the point that even people under the spotlight can be openly racist.

Audience– The audience Coates is trying to reach are those who may be confused, about the context of the word, or to people who think that the word should be banned, who aren’t black.

Purpose– The purpose of this article  is to show that “white racism needs no verification from black people.” Coates wants to get the point across that a word can take on a different meaning, depending on the context it was used in. Coates talks about how people call each other words that normally would be hateful and extremely offensive; but the relationship and tone of words make it obvious that it wasn’t  meant to be taken seriously.

Tone– The tone of this article is very informative, and upfront. This is due to the blatant use of “derogatory” words. But I think he does this intentionally to make the point even clearer that these words take on different meanings based on even the reader, and Coates.

I agree with Coates because he is saying that “white people” have no power to discern what words a black man should or should not be saying. He is saying that the use of the word “nigger” shows the trials black people had to endure, and that a word so strong, reflects back on times that won’t be forgotten.



  1. The Speaker is called Ta-Nehisi Coates, and he is an African American. We also know that in the article it says that he has 6 brothers and sister.
  2. Coates is trying to tell us the word “nigger” used in our society. He is trying to bring this up because there are some white people who say the word, but they are not allowed to. Furthermore a Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver called a black security guard N word.
  3. He is talking to the NFL,NBA, and MLB players and our american society. In the article he says ” Tony Kornheiser called on the commissioners of the National Football League, the National Basketball Association and Major League Baseball to ban their players from publicly using the word.”
  4. Coates is trying to accomplish that the word used takes on meaning from context and relationship. People can’t just say the “n” word whoever they want to, but only black people when they say the word to each other because of the relationship to each other.
  5. The tone of the essay is straightforward. Coates is trying to tell why only black people should use the word, and tells us examples why it would be ridiculous if they want these people to stop saying it.
  6. I Agree with Coates, because just as he said the word only should be used between them because the context and relationship matters when one speaks to each other.

is your education being advertised?

 Is your  Education being Advertised ?


       The society we live in now today is a place were having the newests and latest products is a big thing. Always feeling like you need those thing in order to fit in. Whether it’s the newest clothes,footwear, technology ,etc. We see the advertisement for these thing and think to ourselves that we really do need them. Constantly being pressured with the message that you need the newest things to fit in. Even when having something that’s already new to you there’s always something newer being added to the shelves making us want it. And the same thing happens when it comes to educational things. Is this type of consumerism drilled into our head and culture that it affects you? Is this consumerism  apart of your education making society gullible and mindless?


         The two groups that can answer these questions are teachers and students. This is the truth when it comes to John Taylor Gatto’s article “Against School,” where he rates public schools intentions and there effectiveness of their education. In his article Gatto states, “ School didn’t have to train kids in any direct sense to think they should consume nonstop, because it did something even better: it encouraged them not to think at all.”(4) It’s not like that schools promote consumerism but however they don’t disencourage it. Leaving students defenseless from advertisement. Not teaching students to stop and think but teach them to consume nonstop. To sit there and think what could happen or what should happen instead of just trusting it. Making them consumers as the believe in what they are being told without the information to back it up.


        As a teacher in the New York City school system were he grows to believe that the school system makes children oppose to education and preparing them to be responsible adults. Gatto mentions in the article, “ First, though , we must wake up to what our schools really are: laboratories of experimentation on young minds, drill centers for the habits and attitudes that corporate society demands.”(5) Based on this statement, the public school system is the place were kid go to be brainwashed by the educational system. Drilling habits and attitudes that we would need in society. Schools are like science labs they study students and use students as experiments to see how the young minds will act by being drilled with information, habits and attitudes they think that will be used in society.


          When you turn Eighteen that’s the time when it  marks a point in your life when you are considered legally adults. By being legal they are able to make their own decisions and be held accountable for what they say and their actions. As a person who attended public school the idea of the education system drilling habits and attitudes that we would need in society is true. With these habits and attitudes being drilled into your head affects the decision making process because you think about how it’s going to affect your society and you. You think about all the things that you have learned and how you are going to us it in your life in society. Making you wonder if that what you been tough is going to help or hurt you. Being gullible is believing something without questioning the person or the information. If the goal for school’s is to feed information to students without giving further information. Making students foster the idea of gullible behavior. My experience at school were teachers would tell you something but you always think are they telling me the truth. Am i going to really needs this? Is this going to affect me later?Teachers always telling you don’t bring this don’t do that. That these things will help us when done with school. But the truth is all these thing somehow are apart of everyday life and part of society and how we live.


       In another article by Dr. Robert Leamnson “Learning (Your First Job)” were he describes the components of the learning process and the several methods on how to process. Theses several methods in and out of the classroom. Leamnson writes, “You cannot be ‘given’ learning, nor can you be forced to do it. The most brilliant and inspired teacher cannot ‘cause’ you to learn. ” (Leamnson 1) No teacher can force you to learn. Even best teachers can’t force you to learn.  It’s you as a person that has to force themselves to learn. This is if you really care about your education. No teacher should force you to learn even your favorite teach can’t force you to learn. You have to force yourself to want to learn and succeed.


Works Cited

Gatto, John T. “Against School.” Against School – John Taylor Gatto,

Leamnson, Robert. “Learning (Your First Job).” MA, Dartmouth, Dec. 2002.


  1. The speaker is an African American by the name of Ta- Nehishi Coates. In the first paragraph Coates himself writes, “ My father’s name is William Paul Coates. I, like my six brothers and sisters, have always addressed him as Dad” ,besides stating that he has siblings and a dad he is also married.
  2. The occasion is to bring awareness to the situation in which players were called on to stop using “the worst and most derogatory word” after incidents regarding the Miami Dolphins, the Los Angeles Clippers and the Philadelphia Eagles leading up to a funeral of the word in Detroit .  As Coates explains the meaning of a word deprives from the context and the main problem is that black people are exempted from a basic rule of communication.
  3. The audience Coates is trying to reach out to African Americans because he mentions the word “we”.
  4. The purpose is to emphasize that whether inappropriate words are said it’s the context and relationship it comes from that gives the word meaning like how two of his Jewish friends joked that I’d “make a good Jew”, gay men laughing as they referred to one another “faggots’ and how his wife and her friends referred to each other as “bitch”. But basically to point out that It would have been a different story if the words were being used in a different context being offensive.
  5. The tone is serious while Coates expresses that they are being excluded from a basic rule of communication for example he states, that n*gger ” is different because it is attached to one of the most vibrant cultures in the Western world. And yet the culture is inextricably linked to the violence that birthed us”.
  6. I agree that we depend on context in order to deprive the meaning of a word, it is different when your friend addresses you as “bitch” than when a stranger who’s frustrated addresses you like that. Also when he states that he has never called his father Billy, even if strangers or friends addressed his father as Billy he shouldn’t address his father like that because there are words sometimes said simply as a sign of respect.


The speaker is Ta-Nehisi Coates, he wants everyone to know that words take on a meaning within a context. For example, right names depend on right relationships, a fact so basic to human speech that without it, human language might well collapse. Coates brings up the subject that we should get rid of the worst and derogatory words spoken in our country. Coates brings this subject up now because it’s happening in everyday life even in sports where they use the word “ nigger” and think it’s okay. Coates is trying to reach people all around the world because he brings up different races and sexualities. The purpose of this piece is to inform us of the ways words can affect our language and minds. He’s trying to change hateful words that affect our culture, nationhood, and community. The tone of this essay is informative. He shares his experiences,“Two of my Jewish acquaintances once joked that I’d make a good Jew-yeah because I certainly am good with money”. I like Coates essay that everyone should have equal standard for their language and we should find a way to get rid of all the hateful words to make the  world a better place.


  1. The speaker is Ta-Nehisi Coates and we know he love his family. We know he love his family because he talking about how he like his brother and sisters.
  2. The occasion is the use of the word nigger. The urgent demand is to ban the use of the word nigger and we should let it “die the death it deserves.”
  3. The audience is the people around the world. The clues that led me to believe this is that the the commissioners of the National Football League, the National Basketball Association and Major League Baseball was bought up to live television to talk about it and people worldwide was watching.
  4. The purpose of this piece is to convince people to stop using the n word. Coates is trying to accomplish the stoppage of violent terms that we use on one another.
  5. The tone of this piece is frustration. I can tell the feelings of the writer by looking at the certain word choice he uses for example when Coates stated ““Nigger” is the border, the signpost that reminds us that the old crimes don’t disappear. It tells white people that, for all their guns and all their gold, there will always be places they can never go”.
  6. I no other thoughts about this essay.


Speaker: A married African American male named Ta-Nehisi Coates, who understands his place in regards to respect for his varying relationships with friends and family. This can be seen with his relationship with his father, being that he’s never called him anything other than “Dad” despite others addressing him differently. It can also be noted that Coates has 6 siblings, and friends of different demographics and races.

Occasion: Multiple cases of people of different demographics using the “n” word that have brought up debates upon the issue. The occasion here being him stating his stance and opinions on the issue. This being urgent due to it having been in discussion for such a long time, and the topics background coming from an unforgettable period in history that has been talked about everywhere for centuries.

Audience: The article of course would be intended for reader’s who identify as African American & those who identify as caucasian. We are led to believe this being that he goes so far as to mention the races of the people in his examples. Those races being African American and Caucasian.

Purpose: To inform readers on the reasons why his stance, being that African Americans should be the only people who should be allowed to call eachother the “n” word, should be taken into account. One of them being that it’s much like how women sometimes will call eachother “bitch”, yet that if a male were to partake in this, depending on the relationship between the parties, it would be received with much disdain and scorn.

Tone:  The piece has very very light tones of underlying humor when comparisons are made, yet can also be seen to be taken very seriously anytime discussion about who gets to use the word, or the meaning behind the “n” word comes up. This can be seen through his use of diction and word choice. He uses strong words when talking about the use of the word.



The speaker is  Ta-Neshishi Coates,  senior editor and water. He is an African-American male who as he states in the first paragraph has six siblings and a father named William Paul Coates.

The occasion is that Coates is arguing about the word N*gger saying that even though it’s just a word some people are trying to ban  while others  use it unabashedly. “ in this case it means exempting black people from a basic rule of communication – Words take on meaning from context and relationships”( Coates 4)

With the continual use of the word we, the audience seems to be other African-Americans or like-minded people .

The purpose of this article is the show that we as a people create meaning to words or drag out the meanings. He uses examples ranging from his father being called Billy or Paul by friends but never but him ,  women calling each other bitches and let’s not forget the rappers who also say the word nigger in both  A negative way and what could be assumed as positive.

The  Tone in this article is serious in a bit zealous when it comes to speaking on this topic. He shows that he understands the negative emotions and memories attached to the word.  “  Nager is the border, the sign post that reminds us that the old crimes did not disappear. It tells white people that for all their guns and all their gold there will always be a place they can never go”. (Coates 5)

My thoughts on the article is that it’s very informative and  has an interesting view on the use of the word .  He reminds you that a word can be just a word depending on the meaning behind it or how it’s being used .