For Tuesday– read “Sonny’s Blues”

Hey, everyone– you did a really great job on your presentations today! I hope this gives you some sense of the scene you will be reading about in “Sonny’s Blues.”

Your homework is to print out and read the story HERE. It’s not super short, so make sure you allow yourself enough time to read it the entire way through! Remember our reading strategies– take breaks, eat snacks, put your phone away, etc… There will be a quiz on it next week! MAKE SURE YOU ACTUALLY PRINT IT OUT!

Read and annotate “Sonny’s Blues.” Please also post a response to the reading on OpenLab, of about 250 words in which you respond to the story. I would like you to pick a passage (a few sentences) which moved you in some way and: Describe how this passage moved you. What specific emotions did you feel when reading this passage and why– be as specific as you can. Was there something in your own experience you can relate to the text? Or something about the language or story that struck you? Please be specific! And feel free to mark your shares as “private” if you like. 

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