The many flaws in the education system

Saalik Jackson

Education is very necessary. However, the way that it is executed is not. Most students attend school 5 days a week for about 7 hours. During this time students learn things that are forced on them rather than something they chose. Students begin to feel forced in class. School is necessary but it is done excessively.
Forced schooling on young people is unnecessary. When people are forced to do something the experience for them is not enjoyable. The students tend to car less about learning and just concern themselves with getting a decent grade. This is the reason why students often don’t retain information taken in from school. Students will only learn it for the test and then forget all of the material. Students forget because of the fact that they do not care. The reason that they do not care is because they feel forced
Most students have to attend school 5 days a week for about 7 hours. Then in addition to those hours of school the students have to go home and do homework and study the material while balancing whatever they have to do outside of school. Some students struggle to get a sufficient amount of sleep because of this. Students tend to perform unsatisfactory due to lack of sleep. The repetitive cycle of school sometimes takes a toll on students. Some students have a longer commute than others. Because of the fact that some students live farther, they end up getting significantly less sleep than they would if they lived closer. Some students get home late and stay up at night doing homework or studying and then wake up early the next morning.
Students have to learn things that are forced on them rather than something that they chose. Students at times learn things that they feel may not pertain to them. Some of these students begin to feel like these things that they learn have no value outside of a classroom. Student then realize that the material is forced on them and that they have to accept it. The fact that students feel forced makes the experience dreadful to them. Imagine sitting in a class that you despise and are forced to take it because someone else thinks is beneficial to you and your life.
When feeling forced, students do not care about learning. Because they are forced to do the material, they just do it to get it over with. Now there is a room full of students who do not care about learning but just want to pass. That’s the reason why students never retain the information taught because they never cared to actually learn it. Students just do the work so that they can pass and nothing more. They begin to care more about the grade they receive than anything they possibly may have learned. Grades in school are often thought of as a representation of how intelligent a student is. They are often compared in class and at home. Students attempt to get those grades that they desire by any means necessary. If a student has to cheat or plagiarize for that grade, then it is very likely that he or she might do just that.
Students feel forced because they just are not interested all the time.”Boredom is the common condition of school teachers, and anyone who has spent time in a teachers’ lounge can vouch for the low energy, the whining, the dispirited attitudes, to be found there”said John Taylor Gatto in his article titles Against School. How can the students possibly be interested in the class if the teacher isn’t? Sometimes there are teachers who just refuse to make their classes appealing to the students. Some teachers will just teach without ever thinking about how to reach their audiences. Things would be different if most teachers actually did take into consideration what the students are interested in. If teachers did that then students probably would not fall asleep in class. Students would also be more engaged and more likely to retain information that they learned in class.
Attendance in school also can be an inconvenience to some students. At times there can be issues going on at home but students still feel the need to attend their school. The students know that If they do not attend school they may miss something that is important. School takes up a lot of the extra time that some might need for other things. Some students have other responsibilities that they need to take care of. These are things such as taking care of other people in their household. For example, some students may have to take care of children, watch them, and or pick them up from the school they attend. A relatable example of this is that sometimes I as a student am late to class because I can not leave my siblings in the house alone until someone comes to watch them. Students have other things in their lives that they can not control that can effect their education.
It is common knowledge that education is very necessary. There are things that people need to learn. However, the way that students are taught is not always necessary.

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