
The first time I read “Against School” by John Taylor Gatto, I kept getting distracted from the article because it wasn’t grabbing my attention. I understand all of John Gatto main points for writing “Against School”, but he kept losing me with the old history facts. So, I had to change and find a new way to read the article by Gatto. When I chose another path for re-reading I found myself more interested and locked in with the article by doing so, I found a whole new way of reading.

The new and improved path I choose for re-reading the article was putting my phone on silent, made sure I ate a filling meal, and made sure I was full of energy to comprehend. When I first read the article I was feeling boredom but I annotated the facts and made them more appealing with a positive mindset. If you have a positive mindset going into reading you would finish in no time but if you start reading with things you rather do on your mind you would never finish. When we read passages we see the negatives in it like how long it is and what’s it about. Rather than  getting lost in what we are reading and letting it flow on its own. The next time I read a article or passage I would improve my reading skills by avoiding the challenges of boredom. Having a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset would show a major difference in our readings.

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