
Reading “Against School’ by John Taylor Gatto was confusing at one point and became boring. I was losing my interest in the reading as I moved further along. At first i like how he would talk about kids being bored in class. And i agreed with that because when i was in high school classes were boring to me. When asking kids why class was boring Gatto answers were, “They said they wanted to do something real, not just sitting around. They said teachers didn’t seem to know much about their subjects and clearly weren’t interested in learning more”(1). This is something i agree with i always wanted to do something real in class. Something connected to my life something that i  would use later on. But my teachers seemed not to know how and didn’t even feel interested in the subject that they were teaching.

Something that i was confused about was the history apart that came about in the reading that’s were Gatto lost me and things became boring and losing the interest to read anymore. Gatto starts talking about the history of schooling in the United States and the purpose of school. Gatto states, “We have been taught (that is, schooled) in this country to think of “success” as synonymous with, or at least dependent upon, ” schooling”, but historically that isn’t true in either an intellectual or a financial sense”. (2) After that is went on to talk about H.L Mencken more and everything when down hill there for me. I try to push throw the reading but because my interest was lost i started to do other things.

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