Scamper and Bell Method

Bell’s Method of Analyzing Visual Display









Figure 1. Prada Holiday 2016  (Window, 2016)                         Figure 2. Fendi Holiday 2016. (Gigante, 2016)

Look at competing stores and their visual displays.

Figure one is Prada Holiday window display 2016 in Milan, Italy. Figure two is Fendi Holiday window display 2016 in Milan, Italy.

Compare the merchandise, season, target market and image.

Both luxury brands Prada and Fendi displayed during Christmas season in Italy. Prada has displayed suspended on thin steel plates within the reflections of light, to generate a relaxed spontaneous atmosphere that conveys a feeling of modern luxury (Chan, 2016). Also, it’s using angled mirrors and multiple baubles gives the look of infinity (VM, 2016). Fendi got into the holiday spirit with the new cute robot character known as Fendi Hypnoteyes window installations (Fendi, 2016). Prada and Fendi has similar background display and have the mannequin standing on the right side.


Improve combine the best presentation techniques from competing stores.

Prada window display to used multiple baubles that it overwhelms the product they’re trying to sell and overshadow the bags on the back. Instead of having the bags on the back, thin steel plates should be on the sides and give the bags bit more attention. Also, give the mannequin accessories for example, sunglasses, hat, or bandana scarf. Fendi’s window display seems too small, does not have tons of space. Therefore, giving more space will help the display stand out more give more option to put more items on the display. Besides the Hypnoteyes sitting down, the mannequin can sit down as well on a chair or have an energetic pose.

Their designs reflect on modern and sophisticated women between the age of mid-twenties to late forty. Milan’s current obsession is the past however, designers like Prada and Fendi, used the past both their own, and ones they borrowed for the occasion to create something fresh and different (Fury, 2016). Fendi’s window display is my favorite because of the Hypnoteyes robot. Fendi’s customers are wealthy women in the age of 30’s and 40’s however, with the Hypnoteyes robot, it brings youth and innovate style but can still look elegant.


Scamper Model for Visual Display

Figure 3. Selfridges & Co. Holiday 2016. London, UK (Selfridges & Co., 2016)

Substitute is exchange one expected idea for another. Substituting few disco balls to champagne bottles, one pine tree covered on snow on the side. Also, white Christmas lights on the front onto this display.

Combine means cross merchandise. Combine the green lights with more colors such as red and yellow that will blend in with the neon light and disco ball vibe.

Adapt is take an item intended for one use and adapt its purpose to suit presentation. Instead having one simple color après ski wood lodge, other colors could stand out more and it could be English brown oak.

Magnify is to magnify or minify. Magnify the neon ski person light bit more than it is.

Putting to other uses is to put object in unexpected uses for entertaining, attention getting. Putting champagne or glass drinks on the mannequin’s hands. Add earflap fur ski hat on Santa Claus to indicate ski lodge party

Eliminate means quit while ahead. Eliminate the accessory hair and the fake snow on the back of the roof.

Reversing or Rearranging is presenting merchandise in an unexpected way. Rearrange the mannequin’s outfit. Instead of fringe baby blue dress, it would be on a strapless metallic dress and add few bags hanging on the après ski wood lodge.

BUF Scamper And Bell’s Method VM