THE2280ID D002 FALL 2024

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  • Reply to this discussion topic and paste a link to your Google class folder
  • #95196

    Christopher Swift

    Paste a link in your reply to your Google drive folder for this course. Make sure you put your first and last name in the title of the folder (see format for naming below). Within the course folder, create three subfolders: drawings, class notes, and research project. Please make sure that all these folders are shareable and can be viewed by all. I should not have to ask for permission to view the documents or folders.

    MAIN FOLDER: First and Last Name, Theatre History 2280ID, D001
    SUBFOLDER: Drawings
    SUBFOLDER: Class notes
    SUBFOLDER: Research project

    Post only a single link to your main folder by replying below. Nothing more. You will never need to email your drawings, class notes, or research project elements since I will have access to all of these in your Google folder.  I will be going into your folders throughout the semester to check on your progress.

    Thank you for setting up your folders in this manner and posting the link to your main folder only (not to individual documents). Again, in order for me to see your work you need to set up sharing on your folder:


    Right click folder
    Select SHARE
    Under General Access select ANYONE WITH LINK
    On the right hand side of the dialogue box, select role as VIEWER
    Click COPY LINK
    Reply to this post and paste the link in the dialogue box.




    Good classroom notes.

    The only drawing I see is the facade of the Harvey Theatre. Where are the other 5? I hope you’re staying on top of these. It’s crucial that you develop your skills over the period of the entire semester. [Updated: a couple more drawing included, but still many missing. In general, I think your pencil stroke is too gentle. I think if you work with a freer hand you can press just a little harder in order to feature the prominent lines.]

    Act I: Solid report. You captured a very strong sense of the place. Good perspective drawing of the interior. I didn’t understand the second research question. You might try to find out what the building was originally built for (I don’t think it was a theater) and how it was used. MISSING: Ticket stub. Your grade is temporary until you provide this.


    Ignus francois

    Thorough lecture notes for September.

    Where are all your sketches? Please post ASAP. You need to demonstrate continuous improvement across the semester. [Sketches still missing!]

    Act I: currently incomplete. Missing your ticket stub to the show, an interior sketch of the theater, and research questions at the end of the report. I will enter a temporary grade, but in order to get full credit please add these elements and let me know so I can re-grade. By the way, the design style of the interior is not gothic.


    Natalie J Salinas

    Excellent class notes through September.

    Your two sketches are done with care and accuracy, but you are missing 4 others. Please post ASAP.


    Gabriel Aguilar


    Some of the most impressive lecture notes I’ve ever seen! I especially appreciate the study guides.

    Where are your sketches? You only have one posted. The horizontal lines of the amphitheater do not appear to converge on a single vanishing point. [Update: most sketches included now, except the original exercise from week 1. I can see some progress in your technique. At the start, your pencil strokes were short and choppy. Keep working on longer strokes of the pencil. The first week exercise will help you with this!] 

    Act I: Great work, particularly the sense of the theatre residing in a liminal space and the dilapidated feeling of the interior. A couple of notes: I wasn’t sure what made you feel small and insignificant. If the facade, how? Maybe wrong choice of words. Your research questions need a little bit of adjustment in order to be clearer. 1.  Do you mean how does the Harvey theatre’s relationship to the BAM organization affect its programing and audience? And how might this connect to the community? 2. The previous vaudeville house was not really “off-broadway” since it predates this non-profit history.


    Ronnie J. Samuels


    Lecture notes: excellent! The notes evince your true participation in class.

    Drawings: many are missing. Have you not had the chance to upload, or did you never begin these? Do you know where the list of required sketches is on OpenLab? You are still having difficulty with single-point perspective drawing. It would be easier for me to show you in person. Also, do the initial drawing exercise from week one. This well help.

    Act I: Nice work. You need to add your ticket stub to the report (your grade is provisional and will be updated once you provide the image of the stub). I really get a sense of the area — particularly the diversity of activities and kinds of people (tourists, homeless, locals, street performers). Your research questions need a little work since they are very vague and don’t really help you find material that will help us understand the past and present communities. You don’t need to know which theaters have been renovated, necessarily, but I think it would be interesting to perhaps find out which theaters are non-profit and the number of commercial houses. For your particular theater company, maybe find out how many of their patrons are subscribers (as opposed to one-time buyers which would include tourists, etc.). About the second question, we learned a little about the development of Times Square in class. What questions can you ask that will help you understand at a deeper level? For instance, prior to the depression, what were the main forms of performance on Broadway? Can you give us a sense of the variety of forms?



    Class notes: great!

    Drawings: your work shows a great deal of care and attention to detail. I can see, also, your progress with perspective drawing (Serlio’s stage is in perspective, the Greek proskenion is not quite right). Great job shading in the Appia design.

    Act I: Your report is incomplete. I appreciate that you did a bit of research about the building itself, and you can use some of this for Act II. However, Act I is really about your impressions only. I didn’t get a sense of the kinds of buildings in the area (height, materials — how these affected your experience of the area). What you included about the area providing many opportunities for artistic experiences was good and may explain how people moved through the space (traveling to a performance or restaurant is different than traveling to work). You have not really composed a paragraph about the overall character of the area (how it is unique compared to the rest of the city) and there are no research questions. Your grade is provisional until you update this report.



    Only one day of lecture notes posted.

    2 out of 6 of required sketches posted to date. Both are very good (although I note that your perspective vectors from the vanishing point are not straight but seem to bend to fit with the sketch of the amphitheater).

    Act I: Very strong report, in particular your experience of the space and design inside the theater. Be careful about over using the word “culture” — it’s a very broad term and really any place in New York City has “culture”. The point is, what kind of culture (language, food, social habits, dress, etc.). Your research questions are very good!


    Andrew Cerny

    Good lecture notes through Noh theater… missing everything after.

    Only 2 of 6 drawings posted. Noh drawing is very good. The amphitheater needs more detail and the vertical lines are not consistently at a 90 degree angle from the bottom of the page.



    Very few lecture notes

    Only 2 out of 6 required sketches to date. The two are very carefully rendered. [still missing!]

    Act I: the strongest aspect of the report are the drawings. I particularly like the neighborhood grid, with color coding. Your first research question is good, but the second needs work. It is too vague. Overall, I think your written responses to the prompts are underdeveloped. Although accurate, I don’t get a strong feeling of the place. What makes it absolutely unique? More detail would have made the report stronger.




    Thorough lecture notes.

    Missing a number of drawings, so its difficult for me to see improvement over time. Please post all drawings ASAP.

    Nothing has been added to your folders since I last looked. Missing Act I and many drawings. Please make an appointment to see me during office hours.


    Christopher Swift

    For Cassandra Rama:

    Class notes: good

    Drawings: overall, good work. I think your line strokes could be heavier many times. This will come with more confidence. Perhaps allow yourself to be more bold and quick with your drawing. You are missing a number of drawings.

    Act I: very good work. A couple of notes. You say that the infrastructure is well-kept, but in the photograph you took there is construction going on. Isn’t there construction all around Lafayette? You also neglected to discuss the residential side streets, which are very different. Finally, your research question about how the theater adapts to the changes of the neighborhood currently, I think you need to be more specific. Do you mean do they change the kinds of plays offered, or the manner in which they market the plays?


    Yahir Ramirez

    There are no folders on this link. Please create folders and deposit work ASAP.


    Anthony Romero

    -Anthony Romero

    Classroom notes: excellent!

    Drawings: Harvey Theatre is carefully rendered and your tragic stage is excellent. The Appia image has real texture.

    Act I: Parts of your report are excellent, particularly your description of the character of the place (old resisting change). Your street grid drawing is also very good. I thought some of your descriptions needed fleshing out or more specificity. I wouldn’t make a comparison like “not a large as typical NYC” (or the like). There is no typical NYC neighborhood. It’s interesting that you say the residential area feels like the 1980s — of course it could go even further back since those brownstones and single family units were built from the turn of the century through the 1940s. Your research questions need work. 1. Who is “you”? Do you mean the directors of BAM? Why did they choose to renovate that theatre? That’s a very good question that you could pursue. I don’t understand your second question. I don’t think one could expand the theatre — the basic structure would be impossible to move (stage, proscenium, audience areas).



    There is only one drawing deposited here. There’s not much I can comment on. Please deposit the others ASAP.

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