AzaelDPerez’s Profile

Active 11 hours, 25 minutes ago
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Major Program of Study
Mechanical Engineering Technology

My Courses

THE2280ID D002 FALL 2024

THE2280ID D002 FALL 2024

A survey of the development of architectural and scenic styles in the physical structure of theatre from its beginnings in ancient Greece to its most current forms. Emphasis placed on the stylistic influences of theoreticians and artistic movements. Interdisciplinary Option: This course is a conversation between theater history and architecture. As such, the work in class focuses on purpose-built and adapted spaces for live performance. Each week we will examine historical theatre spaces and technologies in the context of prevailing cultural and social forces in order to better understand audience/stage relationships. To fulfill the interdisciplinary requirements for this course, specialists from architecture, art history, and performance technology will guest lecture six times over the course of the semester.Students will learn skill-sets from architecture technology: GIS mapping and hand sketching. Avatar image credit: Filippo Brunelleschi, Perspective Drawing for Church of Santo Spirito in Florence, 1428

Science Fiction (Fall 2023)

Science Fiction (Fall 2023)

“Study of science fiction literature and film, with attention to cultural implications of the genre. Explores the questions science and technology raise about past, present, and future societies. Projects, presentations, and exams based on readings.” *Photo Credit: Jill Belli, personal photograph of Dale Chihuly’s “Winter Brilliance” (2015). Chihuly Garden and Glass. August 5, 2021.

Composition 2, ENG 1121-D398, S2020

Composition 2, ENG 1121-D398, S2020

English 1121 continues the work we began in English 1101. We will work on developing critical reading and writing skills as we write about works of literature. We will discuss three literary genres: non-fiction essays, fiction, and poetry. Assignments will require students to write in different styles such as summary, citation, exposition, comparison, analysis, and research. In addition, we will utilize a new digital platform called OpenLab, which will help us to engage with each other’s writing and world outside of the classroom.

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