Spoons Across America Club

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  • KASHI .... we raised awareness and 35,000 likes ... surveying how we learned about healthy eating.
  • #13539

    Julia V. Jordan

    Thank you to all Spoons Club members for putting us over the top.

    In less than 2 weeks, Spoons friends from across America took the survey and gave a $1 to Spoons.
    35,000 surveys and you can do the math. That translates to 3,500 opportunities for children to participate in Spoons programs.

    We are so excited that the fall harvest season is upon. Take time to visit your local farmers market.
    Go apple picking and bring back lots to share with family and friends.
    Make a salad develop your own pumpkin spice dressing! Share the recipe.

    Save the week: March 17-21, 2014 ….. National Agriculture Literacy Week … and Spoons will have programs across the five boroughs in NYC … plan to assist …. make room on you calendar for training and participating.

    We want you to VOLUNTEER …. and spread AG LIT to NYC second graders …. Watch for the dates to sign up.

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