Quantitative Reasoning

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  • PE2.5
  • #30080

    Ezra Halleck

    5) Identify each of the following statements as a conjunction, disjunction, conditional, or biconditional.
    If Jon fails this test, then he will fail the course.
    The Johnsons will build a pool if and only if they win the lottery.
    Tamika is taking history and economics.
    We will ship our products either via railroad or on a boat which will pass through the Panama Canal.



    “If Jon fails the test, then he will fail the course.” Is considered a conditional statement because it is a two part statement that is connected to each other.
    ” The Johnsons will build a pool if and only if they win the lottery.” Is considered a biconditional statement because one part is based off of the working of the other.
    “Tamika is taking history and economics” Is considered a conjunction statement.
    “We will ship our products either via railroad or on a boat which will pass through the Panama Canal.” Is considered a disjunction statement.

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