
My Logo:My logo is using 3 type of colors which are grey, lavender and purple. In the middle it has my initials in a bold black. The purple represents power, independence and devotion. The background is grey to balance out the contrast. Overall it symbolize as a positive message.

What is your brand?

This brand will represent power and confidence. Ms. Hiralall wants everyone last impression of her brand to keep them motivated. She wants to create a spirit of empowerment. Her brand will allow people to be unique and creative. Overall this brand will have great qualities that have people feeling good about their self. The important message would be to be comfortable with who you are.


What is your significance?

Ms. Hiralall brand significance will represent her as a person. She wants her personality to be known as the brand. When anyone thinks of Ms. Hiralall they would associate words as powerful, confident, humble and unique. It would be all about  positive motivation. She would want to give people that she had built within her. 


 Personal Mission Statement

Ms. Hiralall personal mission statement is to encourage others and keep them motivated. We live in a world where we need to have each other back and hold each other down. Too many negative things in the world so it is time to keep a positive mindset and empower each other. We need to have a free spirited mind to be able to build our business.


 Professional Mission Statement

Ms. Hiralall professional mission statement is to have a strong foundation of a business. She would like to have brand portfolio under her name. She would want to spread in different industries and represent something different in the industry. It is her goal to invent some changes in the business.