Publication Media – Fall 2012

For your 3rd project you are to design CD and the booklet that represents the cover. You can select any singer, band, group that you want – real or made up. You have complete creative license as to what copy goes on the inside. You are allowed to use dummy text for the inside content of the booklet, but you must use a name for the CD title and artist name.

The standard CD measures 4.57” in diameter with a .625” hole in the center.
The booklet will be 4 pages – a cover, spread and a back. The measurements are 4.75” x 4.75”. You will need to use at least a .125” bleed. Important text should be at least .125” inside the trim size — this is your margin.

Everyone should be prepared to present their layout for review on Dec 3 or Dec 4, depending on your class. The final must be handed in the following week.

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