Plagiarism 101

active 8 years, 2 months ago
Plagiarism 101
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School / Office
Arts & Sciences
English, Library, Professional and Technical Writing
Project Description

An insight on plagiarism and how it works


This project was created by: Candice Ford

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  The purpose of this page is to learn about the most basic forms of plagiarism, common […] See MorePlagiarism

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Hello everyone, You can click on visit project site and view our page. Everyone is entitled to change the appearance of the page and add information to the page. I made a link where you can add your references to it. See MoreVisit Project Site

Group #4 Evaluation

Group 4. Participants: Siana, Candice, Donna, Isata Group research topic was design and creation of the prototype of the tool for providing research or completing game. As a group we came up with the topic of plagiarism. We all agreed […] See MoreGroup #4 Evaluation

Recent Docs

The Consequences of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the taking of someone else’s work and claiming it as your own. This seems to be a major source of contention in schools, at all grade levels. The consequences of plagiarizing a person’s work can be very harsh. It can include rec See MoreThe Consequences of Plagiarism

Proposal Part 2: The concept of the game

Plagiarism 101 is a game designed for students that will help them learn how to recognize and avoid plagiarism. As of right now it is just an idea and no plans are made to implement it is considered. You would be able to play Plagiarism 101 on your See MoreProposal Part 2: The concept of the game


What is Plagiarism Many people think of plagiarism as copying another’s work, or borrowing someone else’s original ideas. But terms like “copying” and “borrowing” can disguise the seriousness of the offense: According to the Merriam-Web See MorePlagiarism