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  • Field Trips
  • #12327

    Jody R. Rosen

    To take your class on a field trip, you need to fill out a form to get the school’s permission–I believe the form needs to be filled out two or three weeks before the trip, depending on which school you teach in. You also need to have all students younger than 18 submit a permission slip signed by their parent or guardian. Here is a scanned copy of the permission slip that I used the last time i took my students on a field trip.

    it appears that I can’t upload the file. here’s a link to it online:


    Jonas Reitz

    Thanks, Jody — great resource for those of us breaking into the world of field trips!


    Laina Karthikeyan

    Many thanks Jody, for the vital information and form for procuring the school’s permission!

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