Open Pedagogy on the OpenLab

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Readings on Open Digital Pedagogy
"Open Digital Pedagogy = Critical Pedagogy, Hybrid Pedagogy," Jody R. Rosen and Maura A. Smale, Hybrid Pedagogy, January 7, 2015 Jody Rosen (OpenLab Co-Director and Assistant Professor, English) and Maura Smale (Chief Librarian, Ursula C. Schwerin Library) argue that developing an open digital pedagogy through the use of open online tools in the classroom is to engage in a critical pedagogy that empowers students to become active participants in their education rather than passive recipients of information passed down by their professors.  They discuss what open digital pedagogy means, using examples from the OpenLab. "A Student Collaborators' Bill of Rights," Haley Di Pressi, Stephanie Gorman, Miriam Posner, Raphael Sasayama, and Tori Schmitt, with contributions from Roderic Crooks, Megan Driscoll, Amy Earhart, Spencer Keralis, Tiffany Naiman, and Todd Presner, UCLA Digital Humanities, 2015. Building on the Collaborators’ Bill of Rights (2011), geared towards Digital Humanities scholars, this article develops a set of principles to safeguard student labor in collaborations with faculty.  While it focuses on Digital Humanities projects, it can be helpful in thinking through many different kinds of collaborations among students and faculty or any groups of people occupying unequal positions of power. "3 Reasons Every Grad Student Should Learn WordPress," Justin Dunnavant, Inside Higher Ed,  February 2, 2014 While written for graduate students, this article discusses some great reasons why anyone would benefit from learning WordPress, from undergraduate students, to junior and senior faculty. "Digital Storytelling 106: Open, Participatory, Student-centric, Social…the Future?" Howard Rheingold, DML Central, Sept 9, 2013 This article discusses open online pedagogy and community building within and beyond the classroom through the lens of Digital Storytelling course ds106, first taught by Instructional Technologist Jim Groom at the University of Mary Washington in 2010.  Since its inception it has grown to a much larger experiment in open online education and community.  Also included is a video interview with Jim Groom. "The Public Course Blog: The Required Reading We Write Ourselves for the Course That Never Ends," Trevor Owens, in Debates in the Digital Humanities, Matthew K. Gold ed., University of Minnesota Press: 2012 Trevor Owens discusses his experiences with and argues for the benefits of using a single course blog over time for multiple iterations of a particular course. It was a valuable experience both for students to work on an open platform, as well as add their voices to an ever-growing community of scholars from past versions of the course.  The blog was important not just as a technical skill, but in developing a genre of writing for the a public. "Rethinking Open Online Learning: A Conversation with Jim Groom," Polly Peterson, 2011 This interview with Instructional Technologist Jim Groom on open digital education includes a video of his keynote for the 2011 Open Education Conference in Park City, Utah. "More Wrong Questions to Ask About Digital Pedagogy," Alex Reid, October 13, 2011 This blog post by University of Buffalo professor Alex Reid argues that approaches to digital pedagogy should not begin by asking how we can translate our courses perfectly into an online space.  Rather, we should begin by asking what are the ways in which teaching and learning can best be facilitated by this space through new ways of interaction and engagement with a broader community. "Online Teaching and/of Online Behaviors," by Alex Reid, October 18, 2011 In a follow-up to the post listed above, Reid challenges the idea that the biggest question about digital pedagogy should be how to police online behavior, and makes the point that there is no divide between the online and physical worlds.  That is, the same concerns that may present themselves in the online classroom can also be part of the physical classroom, and vice versa. Learning Through Digital Media: Experiments in Technology and Pedagogy, Trevor Scholz ed., 2011 This collection of resources on digital pedagogy, was compiled as part of the 2011 conference in New York City, MobilityShifts: an International Future of Learning Summit

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January 5, 2016 at 8:50 pm Bree Zuckerman